Timestamp: 27th day, Summer, 512AV, Dusk
Location: The Silver Sliver Tavern
Before going to the Tarsin Boarding house, Malice decides to drown his frustrations with cheap water down ale. When he makes it to the door of the Silver Sliver Tavern, he pushes open the the door and walks inside. Malice looked around tavern, notices that most of the chairs, and tables are taken inside the building main room. He looks over at the bar and all the seats are also taken. He frowns in frustration and takes off his helmet. He sees a barmaid walk by him, grabs her arm, and says, “Excuse me. Is there any tables open?” Startled by the sudden grab, she turns around, wrenches his arm away, and asks in a weary voice since he is wearing armor and weapons, “I.. think there is a table open on the patio by the fence.” Malice looks at the human woman and gives a slight nod and says, “Thank you, and sorry for startling you.” With that last comment, he makes his way through the crowded tavern to the patio doors. He opens the door and is hit by a soft cool breeze coming from the lake.
Once outside Malice looks around the patio for a empty table, it doesn't take him long to find a open table. A fellow patron gives he armed warrior a wide birth as Malice walks to his table. He takes off his shield, bow, helmet, and quiver, and sets them under the table. After, he get situated he leans back in his chair, and waits for a waitress to come by. While waiting with his back to the tavern, Malice watches the gondolas float by carrying passengers to where ever they needed to be. Ravok was a beautiful city surrounded by water on all sides. Malice enjoyed the change in scenery, it was much better than sandy Abnatep. He leans back in his chair and listens to the sounds of the city.
Malice takes off his gauntlets and tosses them under the table. Causing a loud crash as they hit the metal shield under the table. He smirks to himself as the noise scares a human couple, who seem to be lost in each others eyes. Malice never understood the reason for the human need to ridiculously to over-dramatize their mating ritual. Zith are a mating rituals are quick and straight to the point. Males fight over the female. Victor wins the right to mate with said female. Both male and female are satisfied, and go on their merry way. The human male looks over at him with a scowl on his face, but Malice meets his scowl with a grin and tapping loudly his clawed finger nail on the table table top. The human turns his head back to his female and starts whispering to her. Malice bored with them turns his head back to the canal and waits for the waitress.