[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Thread for: Ayanna Nightshade & Desmus Marridius

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Naeya on June 30th, 2012, 6:29 pm

Timestamp: Season of Summer, 37th Day, 512 AV - Evening

I can't believe I'm late. I live here.

Naeya's reproaches to herself continued as she quickly slipped her floor-length jade green dress over her head and arms and tugged it down the length of her body. After hastily smoothing out a fabric wrinkle on her stomach, the blonde Konti whipped her head around her room with the intent of finding her sandals.

Didn't I leave them by the bed? I could have sworn I left them by the bed!

Her forehead crinkled as she tried to think back to the last time she'd had her shoes on. For the last two bells she had been in her small room in the Kulkukan Inn, lying on her single bed and lost in thoughts about her future. At the end of Spring 512, she had made the decision to leave Riverfall for the first time and travel to Mura. She sold her home and the majority of her possessions, leaving only a few simple items for her travels. She was currently staying at the Kulkukan Taven and Inn - a business famous for its travellers and ship owners - in the hopes of meeting someone who would offer her safe passage.

Oh, Ayanna's going to be so mad that I'm keeping her waiting. And with a stranger, no less.

She had made plans to meet the young Symenestra woman at the Tavern to discuss their travel plans. She was still wary of the Symenestra, as the race had a worrisome reputation, but they had met before and Naeya found herself warming up to Ayanna's unusual character.

The silver bracelets on Naeya's wrist jingled as she knelt down beside her bed and grasped around underneath it with her left hand. Her hand soon came in contact with two sets of straps, and she triumphantly pulled her sandals out of hiding. Dropping the sandals on the floor, she stood up and slipped her small feet into her shoes. With a quick pat of her long, loose hair and one last hasty look around the room, Naeya headed towards the door. Slipping into the hallway, she locked her room up and whirled around towards the stairs, still clutching her key in her right hand.

I wonder if I'll like this Mr. Marridius. He's volunteered to get me to Mura safely, and Father seems to think he's an honourable Drykas.

Naeya's father had arranged a meeting between her and Desmus Marridius. Her father seemed to think that a Symenestra was not a trustworthy travel companion, and insisted that she travel with someone who was able to protect her. Naeya and Ayanna had included the Drykas in their plans this evening and were introducing themselves to him for the first time.

The 34-year-old Konti fluidly descended the Inn's stairs, passing a red lantern that illuminated the stairwell in its crimson shade. As she got closer to the main level of the building, the noise level increased steadily with the sounds of voices, clinking glasses, and chairs scraping across the floor. The din reached its peak as she hit the bottom of the stairwell and stepped through the inner entrance to the busy tavern. Stopping just inside the doorway, Naeya narrowed her olive green eyes and searched the tavern floor for her companions.
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Ayanna on June 30th, 2012, 8:40 pm

She was late, then again Naeya was always late. But you'd think that, this being the place she was staying at she would at least be less late than she was now.

Ayanna fiddled with her hood, she kept it up, over her face when she was in public like this. She resisted the urge to check on her appearance once again, she had already checked three times in the last fifteen minutes. But she was certain that this time there was some sort of blemish on her skin, or that her grey veins were even more pronounced. Or perhaps she had acquired a scar in the last few minutes?

Aya pulled herself out of her thoughts and looked at the man sitting across from her. She sighed at Naeya's lateness, she had left her with a stranger! Ayanna liked strangers well enough, but only if she'd had time to study them. To watch them. She hadn't had many chances to talk to a male Dryak though...

She examined the man again, Desmus he told her was his name. He was a giant to her. Standing at six feet he boasted a foot over her small five foot stature. Then again most of the residents of Riverfall boasted a two foot height gain on her. She usually felt like a fragile little ant around these people. She wasn't entirely sure if she liked it.

The man she was looking at currently though wasn't someone who could sit on her by accident, but he might be able to crush her with less effort than Naeya would have to exert. He had a muscular build on top of his height, probably why Naeya's father had encouraged her to take him on with them. To protect the Konti from the small, fragile, yet still somehow scary Symenestra. Sometimes Ayanna wondered at peoples prejudices. Sure a female of a human race would have to worry about a male Symenestra. If they weren't in riverfall where any male Sym was killed on sight. But they were in Riverfall, surrounded by hulking giants, and they could break Aya's arm with a handshake!

She sighed and looked into the mans eyes before she opened her mouth to speak. He had a scar, she noted that with slight surprise. She was tempted to finger her own skin, just to check that she too did no have one. No one balked from him though for his scar, she noted with a bit of envy.

"Hello Mr. Marrudius, my name is Ayanna. Friend of Naeya. I will be one of your travel companions on this trip." she spoke, containing the urge to ask him everything about his culture. She knew some of it, but not much. She wanted to know about their horses, how they chose a rider. How often their cities moved, their wedding customs. How their children were raised. She resisted the urge to start pelting him with questions though. There would be plenty of time later.

Looking around, as she had done every few minutes for the past thirty, she spotted Naeya. Finally. Ayanna raised a hand and motioned the woman over to them.

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Desmus Marrudius on June 30th, 2012, 11:21 pm

Desmus had hated the dense population of most of the cities he visited, but somehow he was able to enjoy his time in Riverfall. In recent days he had been spending more and more time within the city. He had even gave up camping in a tent out in the grass ti one of the taverns warm beds. Desmus had not really intended to be noticed by anyone but he had acquired the reputation of being a great warrior, and a notorious drunk. It seemed someone was impressed by him and his reputation because he relieved a letter detailing a job. Some man wanted Desmus to easier his daughter to Mura, along with her guests.

The girl he was hired to protect went by the name of Naeya. She was a young Konti that was going to Mura to get in touch with her roots, Desmus guessed. Desmus didnt know.who Naeya planned to bring but he did know that she was traveling with a Symstra. They were incredibly dangerous and know for killing the unprepared so Desmus planned o weary.

Desmus walked into the tavern and scanned the room for his female companions. He did not spot Naeya but he did notice the young Symstra woman. He walked over to her and looked at her. She his herself within her clothes, Desmus didnt understand why. The girl spoke to him in a soft and gentle voice which surprised him. "Hello Mr.Marrudius, I am Ayanna. I will be one if your traveling companions on the trip." Desmus smiled with surprise."Just Desmus is fine, and it is a pleasure ti meet you Ayanna" Desmus extended his rough followed hand and lightly grasped hers and shook it. Just then he saw Naeya wave as she decided the stairs.
"I watched as the lamb opened the fourth of the seven seals and I heard the fourth of the living beasts say in a voice like thunder come and see, and I saw and behold a pale horse and he sat on him was death and behind him, hell followed" - Revelations 6:8
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Naeya on July 1st, 2012, 1:20 am

After scanning the busy tavern from front to back two times and not spotting Ayanna, Naeya began to think that the Symenestra had given up on her. Not that she could blame her. Making the poor girl wait for thirty minutes didn’t exactly inspire optimism, especially when this wasn’t the first time she had been late. Grimacing in a brief moment of embarrassment, she decided to give it one more look before returning to her bedroom in defeat.

Akalak… Akalak… Svefra… Konti… Akalak… Drykas… Symenestra? Ayanna!

A hooded figure in a dark purple cloak was beckoning her thin, clawed hand in Naeya’s direction, and the Konti triumphantly returned the wave with a brief one of her own. Ayanna was sitting at four-person table in the corner of the room opposite to where Naeya was standing. Sitting across from her was large, muscular man with brown hair that passed the length of even Naeya’s own locks. As the man turned to look at her, she noticed a long, deep scar running from his right eye down to where his clothes began. She instinctively touched her own right eyelid and a shiver ran through her body as she imagined how that must have felt.

“Mr. Marridius…” she murmured under her breath, and began to walk towards the pair. Ayanna’s face was mostly hidden by her hood, which made it more difficult to tell if she was annoyed with the Konti. Naeya imagined the Symenestra’s black claws scratching her own pale skin, and made up her mind to make nice with her young acquaintance.

As she passed by the bar, she went to smile at the red haired bartender but saw that the normally cheerful woman was involved in an argument with a very unhappy-looking Svefra man. Naeya peeked curiously at the two humans as she passed by and overheard part of their conversation.

“…running up your tab for the past week! If you don’t have mizas then don’t…”

The argument soon passed out of her mind as she reached the table where Ayanna and the Drykas sat, and she offered them an apologetic smile. “I’m so sorry for being late! I completely lost track of time. Forgive me?” She slid into the open seat next to Ayanna, dropped her key on the table, and reached her right hand out to the Drykas. “You must be Mr. Marridius. I’m Naeya. I’m not usually this late, you know!” As the last sentence left her mouth, she glanced mischievously at the Symenestra next to her in anticipation of the protestation to come.

At that moment, a tall, toned Akalak strode up to the table and gave the group a wide grin. “Hello!” He nodded knowingly at the Konti, evidently recognizing her as a guest at the Inn. “My name’s Nystir. What can I get you folks this evening? Ale? Wine? A nice meal?”

Naeya returned Nystir’s smile. “Oh, you don’t know what I’d give for a decent meal. Maybe a small mug of ale, too.” She turned to her companions and winked. “I don’t usually drink much, but this is a special occasion! This journey is really happening, isn’t it?”
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Ayanna on July 1st, 2012, 2:00 am

Ayanna grinned to herself as she saw the man trying to see her face within her shadowed hood. Most people attempted it, but she knew how to hide her face well. It was good for situations where other's being able to discern your emotions could end in a fatality, or simply when she'd rather not have people gawk at her.

Because they always did, and rarely because she was a stunning beauty. Usually out of disgust and fear, sometimes even awe. She fingered her hood again and looked at the man, wondering if perhaps he could see her eyes. She saw his smile, had what she said been amusing in some way? Or perhaps her voice was something for entertainment? Aya personally enjoyed her voice, it was soft as a whisper. As soft and light as a cobweb with a light lilt to it. Her voice was still used to Symenos, so her common words would creep softly off her tongue. Perhaps he had hoped she would have a rough, evil voice? Many did. Children would tell her that they thought a Symenestra should have a scarier voice.

Hm, a pleasure? While it was a customary greeting most people didn't use it. Some did, after knowing Ayanna for a while. But for a stranger to say it? Aya felt herself smiling. She permitted him to take her hand, careful to not nick him with her claws. She was also careful to watch his grip, some people didn't realize how easy it was to break her bones. But his grip was firm, but not too much so. She turned to look at Naeya as she approached.

She was only mildly annoyed at the fact that Naeya was late. She had learned the woman was never on time in the time she had known her. After the first two or three times Ayanna had just begun to expect it and took it as an opportunity to people watch. So many interesting things to figure out and learn if you took the time to look, which waiting for Naeya gave her. She saw Naeya finger her eyelid after looking at the man and Ayanna was slightly relieved it wasn't just her who felt the need to check for a scar.

Ayanna fingered her hood again as she saw Naeya looking at her face, or attempting to. She gently pulled off her hood, revealing her dark violet eyes rimmed with khol and light purple mica. Her soft lip and pale skin. The light grey veins dancing across her skin and the long black and white locks framing her face. Ayanna checked her image once more, to quell the nerves. She knew she should have put on powder to cover the veins but she hadn't wanted to today. But next time she would.

Ayanna smiled at Naeya and waved her hand, dismissing her tardiness. She took care to smile where her sharp canines wouldn't be obvious, a courtesy for her friend and acquaintance.

Ayanna let out a small laugh at the Konti's last statement. Not usually this late eh?
"No you're not usually this late. It's typically at least a bell wait before you show up!" Ayanna made sure her voice was light and joking, so no mistakes could be made about her intent. She gave the Konti the protest she had been expecting, and it was true. The woman did take her time, Ayanna wondered if it was because she got lost or distracted or if her notion of time was distorted.

Ayanna looked over at the Akalak, one more male who could crush her into dust without a second thought. At the mention of food her fangs grew ever so much, she hadn't eaten today. She tended to starve herself to harvest her own venom to put on her needles, the more potent the sooner her prey would drop. She had thankfully already taken her venom so she could eat.

"Any fruit you have would be nice, something with a soft center." Aya requested gently. Hoping that her choice in food would put their companion at ease and perhaps stop some of the rumors of her being a bloodsucker.

Aya smiled at Naeya's obvious mirth, she personally had been traveling for some time so new trip weren't quite as exciting for her. But still it would be fun, for sure. She would have companions to enjoy it with and she'd get to see the Konti island, learn about them.

"Yes, yes it is."

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Desmus Marrudius on July 1st, 2012, 3:52 am

Desmus sat, lost in a train of thought, thinking of how a Drykas warrior is entrusted with the task of escorting a small Konti girl and a brittle Symestra girl to the white isle. He had his fair shar of shenanigans and adventure, but the was by far the most bizare. He snapped out of his lucid trance when Neaya was offering him some food in the presence of the blue hulking waiter. "Ale, the strong stuff" he said looking at the waiter. He looked across from him and watched as Ayanna removed her hood revealing a pale complexion with tiny veins scattered upon it. Her hair was white and black, and her eyes were deep and translucent to Desmus. He had never actually seen one of her kind before, he just knew them from reputation. However she didn't seem crazed or bloodthirsty at the moment. Sitting next to her was Neaya. Small frame an pale skin, although not as pale as Ayanna, and that natural Konti beauty that was sought after by men near and far.

"It is nice to meet you in person Neaya, but all pleasantries aside, I believe we have business to talk about." Desmus said in a light hearty tone, not wanting to sound demanding. "Mura is a long journey, my task is to protect you and your guests on this voyage and I gave my word I would. All that I ask is that if danger does arise you follow my instructions to avoid any injury to your person." He looked at both girls with a stern look of contempt on his face expecting then to undoubtably agree with his words.

The waiter reproached the table with the threes orders. Desmus took his drink and took a big gulp that could be heard by the women. He then took out his pipe and lit it, inhaled a deep breath of smoke and said "Now we need to find passage to you girls desired destination"
"I watched as the lamb opened the fourth of the seven seals and I heard the fourth of the living beasts say in a voice like thunder come and see, and I saw and behold a pale horse and he sat on him was death and behind him, hell followed" - Revelations 6:8
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Naeya on July 1st, 2012, 6:18 pm

Once Desmus ordered his drink, Nystir gave them all a courteous nod and bustled off towards the bar. The Konti’s eyes followed him to the bar and once again stopped on the Svefra she had spotted earlier. His conversation had broken off, but his posture was slumped and he seemed to be dragging his fingers through his shaggy brown hair.

What’s his problem?

After a moment of pondering this question, one which she genuinely wanted to know the answer to, the Svefran man seemed to feel her penetrating gaze on the back of his head and turned around in his barstool to stare in her table’s direction. Naeya’s cheeks immediately tinged pink, and she quickly averted her eyes. In an attempt to pretend she wasn’t just caught staring, she casually put her right elbow on the table and nested her cheek on her curled fist in Ayanna's direction. The Symenestra had taken off her hood, exposing her pale, veined skin and multi-coloured hair. Despite having seen Ayanna several times in the past, Naeya found that she was still not completely used to her unusual appearance – not that she worried about people who looked different. She had had her fair share of “different,” being a pale, scaled Konti in a city full of dark-skinned Akalaks.

“…pleasantries aside, I believe we have business to talk about…”

What was that Drykas saying? Re-focusing, she tuned back into the conversation at her table.

"My task is to protect you and your guests on this voyage, and I gave my word I would. All that I ask is that if danger does arise, you follow my instructions to avoid any injury to your person."

Naeya glanced at Ayanna, not sure how she would take being talked to like a child. He seemed like he was trying to be kind, however, and the Konti certainly didn’t begrudge him for coming on the journey. She knew that he would come in handy. While she didn’t travel much, she certainly knew that the rest of Mizahar wasn’t much like Riverfall.

He sure is all business, no pleasure. No wonder Father likes him.

Desmus paused, and gave the women a stern look. It was a look clouded with scorn, as though he did not believe that Naeya and Ayanna were able to look after themselves. In truth, Naeya’s inexperience with weapons and self-defense and her own naivety when it came to travel meant she probably wasn’t able to look after herself.

I still could have done without the condescension.

Raising her left eyebrow, she bit back the surly response that was on the tip of her tongue and gave him a nod of agreement instead. Conflict at the beginning of their trip together just wasn’t worth it.

A mug of ale was placed before her on the table, along with a simple meal of bread, cheese, and meat. Naeya smiled in thanks to Nystir, and delicately tore off a piece of bread. As she did so, she heard Desmus take a loud gulp of his drink before striking up his pipe and blowing smoke across the table.

“Men…” she muttered to herself, shaking her head slightly and wrinkling her nose.

Desmus spoke again. "Now we need to find passage to you girls’ desired destination."

Naeya winced as she heard his words, fully aware of how hard she’d been working to try to find a ship that would take them to Mura. Even Syliras would be nice! The trouble was that all of the Akalak contacts she’d spoken to were either not travelling in the near future, or were wary of having a Symenestra on board. She’d spent the last few nights haunting the Kulkukan Tavern in hopes that a ship would become available or a captain would be willing to take them.

“I’ve been trying to find someone to take us, but…” Naeya trailed off, not interested in explaining to Ayanna her reasons for failure. “Maybe we’ll have better luck tonight.”
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Ayanna on July 1st, 2012, 8:41 pm

Ayanna relaxed as her companions seemed to as well. The Symenestra was looking over them constantly for signs of wariness or hostility, knowing she'd have to be out of there soon if one of them tried to attack her. Not that she was sure Naeya was capable of attacking anyone. But the Dryak, he could kill someone. If he wanted to.

His tone might've been light but the man managed to get down to business fast. Aya found herself slightly intrigued by the lack of fluff and formality. Many farmers, commoners, and warriors showed the same bluntness though. At least she knew he was no noble. Ayanna felt her eyes slit a bit at being talked down to as if she was a first time traveler, not someone who had traveled half the world and faced dangers and battles, slept out in the open and through storms, been close to death. She knew very well how to keep herself from dying, although keeping herself out of trouble was another matter entirely.
"Sir, contrary to what you apparently think I am not a fresh traveler. I have spent three years of my life navigating these lands. I trust you to understand I know how to keep my person safe." Ayanna told him, her voice a soft, deadly whisper. She paused and sighed looking down and away. She shouldn't have said that. She tried again, this time in a nicer tone.

"Forgive me, three years of traveling with only a Kelvic companion has me being...rough sometimes. As long as your orders do not go against common sense or put me, Naeya or my companions in danger I will see no reason to disobey you." She amended with a slight smile to soften the words. She wished for this man to know she was someone who deserved respect, and was not some little child who would break at the first sign of danger. Surviving Taloba alone should earn her some respect. Well the rainforest around it, and she had help. But still!

All this patronization had made Aya temporarily forget her appearance but as more people began to look and gawk at the Symenestra she submitted to the urge to look at her reflection. She fixed a slight smudge of makeup and put the mirror back in place. She had momentarily checked behind her as well, looking for any extremist who might try to attack her. it had happened before.

Ayanna looked over at Naeya, who had never left Riverfall before. Naaeya would need to be directed on this trip. Protected, she had little to no battle history. perhaps she could understand Desmus's point of view if he had only been informed of Naeya and not herself, who knew how to use three different weapons. Well the blowpipe was more for food but it could be used as a weapon. And most people didn't scoff at someone who could use a composite longbow.

Still she was surprised that Naeya hadn't given the man a tongue lashing for his comment. She felt her respect for the Konti woman go up. The food arrived then and Ayanna gave the man a smile and took her fruit, some grapes and a peeled kiwi. She began to pop the grapes into her mouth, devouring them like they were candy and she a small child. She actually preferred fruit over creatures, although she did have to eat meat, or acid decomposed meat, for the proteins and nutrients. Still if she could live off of fruit she would. She waved her hand in front of her face when her nostrils and eyes were attacked by the smoke. Her eyes watered slightly but she could still see well enough to give the man a glare. Couldn't the man wait until he was outside?

She turned to shoot Naeya a smile at her comment, she was right many men were pigs. At least that's what she assumed she meant from the tone. She also saw the slight wince at the mention of passage. So the lovely Konti couldn't yet acquire a ship?

Ayanna looked down at her claws, how many people would be willing to have a Symenestra in close quarters for who knew how long? What if the Sym got a hankering for blood? or people? What if they started thinking of you as their next meal? Thats what people thought, she knew that. She curled her hand up, hiding her claws from sight. People acted like she would steal their children and eat their wives. Or wait. No steal their wives and eat their children. Which was ridiculous because one, Aya preferred fruit, two she loved and adored children of all races, and three she was a woman! She couldn't impregnate another female!

Ayanna pulled herself from her reverie and began to eat her kiwi, which was so soft it fell apart in her mouth. She smiled, briefly pleased by this treat.

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Desmus Marrudius on July 1st, 2012, 9:09 pm

Direct and strait to the point, that was how Desmus conducted himself among strangers for sometime. He has not always been so blunt and engaged, there was a time where he was a very happy and carefree soul, but that was only among other Drykas. Desmus was old now, well old considering the life expectancy of his people, and he had spent most of his youth and all his adulthood traveling The lands. In all his travels, every place he visited he learned one particular thing that stood out among all other. People, no matter race,gender, orcreed are selfish. They will do anything to ensure their own survival and prosperity, even if it means hurting other. The Drykas respect and love all of their kind, so this was fleeing to Desmus and it sickened him, but he adapted. He learned that as long as he kept the advantage things would always fall in their correct place. He had need this philosophy and he intend to use it still.

Naeya hesitantly nodded in agreement to his words, and Ayanna politely told him off so everything seemed to be on reason he wasn't here to make friends with these girls or be their keeper, he was their to make sure that Neaya and Again were relieved at their destination alive. It was simple enough to do, except not many sailors were leaving right now and Desmus was sure that even fewer would let a Sym on board. Finding passages would be difficult but not impossible in any manner.

Desmus could tell the tenacious girls were annoyed with him. He had talked down to them as if thunder children, and he intended to. Them doing as he said not it insured their own safety but his as well, and he did not plan on dying anytime soon. He removed his like from his mouth and took another drink from the tankard of ale. He wiped his mouth and starred at the women momentarily. "Tell me ladies" he said with a sly grin from and sarcastic tone " how do you intend to leave Riverfall without transportation" he chuckled slightly the shifted his eyes from Best to Ayanna.
"I watched as the lamb opened the fourth of the seven seals and I heard the fourth of the living beasts say in a voice like thunder come and see, and I saw and behold a pale horse and he sat on him was death and behind him, hell followed" - Revelations 6:8
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Naeya on July 2nd, 2012, 2:44 am

Naeya was sure that she could have cut through the tension at the table with her butter knife. Her two companions were clearly struggling with the task of being cordial to one another. On one side was Desmus, a seasoned Drykas who was set in his ways and seemed to hold firm beliefs about the way life in Mizahar worked. She couldn’t imagine him ever feeling weak or out of control. The other side held Ayanna. The adventurous Symenestra seemed determined to make a reputation for herself, and to be well thought of by others. She gave a solid performance of confidence and self-assurance, but anyone who looked closer would likely be able to see the poor self-esteem and the vanity that came along with it (along with her always near mirror). Naeya felt a surge of compassion for the Sym and reached over to give her arm a quick, light squeeze – being careful, of course, not to linger too long.

Flipping a stray strand of blonde hair out of her eyes, she reached over to her mug of ale to take a small sip. As the liquid ran down her throat, she couldn’t stop herself from giving her head a shake. She never had gotten used to the taste of ale. There was something… distasteful about it. Her friends that drank insisted that it was an “acquired taste” (one particular friend claimed that it would taste “just like water” after a while) but the young Konti couldn’t figure out why someone would want to put themselves through the misery in the first place. Memories of why she didn’t drink flooded back, and she began to regret her spontaneous decision to order ale.

Give me a tea room or a glass of ice water any day of the week.

Maybe someday she’d get the hang of it. Or maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. Shrugging her shoulders in defeat, she set her mug down and turned back to her meal.

"Tell me, ladies… How do you intend to leave Riverfall without transportation?”

Trying not to bristle at Desmus’ mocking tone, Naeya took a second to acknowledge that the man had a point. How were they going to get out of Riverfall?

“I’m sure… something will come along,” she responded naively, trying not to let on to her own worry. If she didn’t make it to Mura, she might never get the chance to be formally trained in Divination and her visions might keep surprising her at the worst moments.

There’s got to be a way to control it!

“I mean, if we wait here long enough then someone’s got to take pity on us, right?” Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, the Konti’s small shoulders slumped and she gave an unhappy sigh.

At that moment, Naeya spotted the Svefra she’d been watching earlier take two steps towards the table. One step back… a pause… and finally a decisive stride in their direction. The Svefra quickly reached the table where Naeya and her companions sat and slid into the spare seat next to Desmus. He leaned back casually in his chair, and half smiled at the group. His blue eyes were unreadable, and his intent unclear.

“G’day folks! You’re an awfully strange bunch. Sounds like a joke I know: a Symenestra, a Konti, and a Drykas walk into a bar…” The man gave a loud guffaw, and slammed a palm down on the table in mirth.

“But seriously, what’re ya actually doing here? You friends or somethin’?” He chuckled again, clearly amused with his sense of humour. “Why dontcha order me a drink and tell me a story? I could use a good one. That petchin’ ginger over there’s gonna make me pay off my tab tonight.” The Svefra motioned nonchalantly towards the red-haired bartender that he’d been speaking to earlier, and shrugged.
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