by Chevalier on July 7th, 2012, 5:51 pm
Hey there my peoples! Just wanted to give a quick update. I might be a little slow for the next little bit. As some folks might have heard, my co-supervisor at work retired, so his position was granted to me. The person taking my old position is...also me (company wanted to save money so they're leaving this "extra" position unfilled for an undisclosed amount of time). So I get to do his work and my work. This doesn't mean I'll be slower forever by any means, it just means I'll be a bit slower until I can adapt to the new workload/responsibilities. As I get used to it, I'll become more efficient and get things done at work in a more expedient fashion, and thus will have more time for Mizahar.
Anyway though, I'm certainly still going to be around and doing everything I can!