Timestamp: 18th of Summer, 512 AV
Location: RF and Reverie Isle
Purpose: Ferrying out Pavilion Supplies
Status: Galys Please
The rebuild of the Port of Riverfall was well under way and the life down at the docks was a bustling as ever. The Konti threaded her way through the throng, headed towards the Harbormaster's office hoping she'd get some advice there on who to hire for a small job she had. It was something the konti had to have hired, because it meant transporting supplies to an island she herself was building off the coast of Sanctuary.
The konti kept her eyes and ears open. She didn't want a large ship. In fact a large one wouldn't be any use to her. She needed a svefra sized vessel.. one of their neat little boats though she didn't know what they were called. In a port city of Akalaks, finding a Svefra wasn't usually hard though telling one apart from a normal human was difficult for the Konti. She'd also take a Charoda or another Konti had they a vessel that would suit.
Kavala stopped a few people as well, on the way to the Harbormaster's office, asking quietly if they had vessels. Some looked Svefra, some didn't, but all had a slight 'seaman' aura to them in their dress and roughness. She didn't have any luck though and kept looking, weaving in and out of the crowd feeling safe despite the roughness of the area.
Riverfall was a woman's paradise. Any Akalak on the dock would defend her right to be there and her safety, bracelet or no, if she looked to need it. Thus the Konti proceeded, her eyes scanning the crowd all the while her eyes running along the vessels moored carefully along the floating docks.
Location: RF and Reverie Isle
Purpose: Ferrying out Pavilion Supplies
Status: Galys Please
The rebuild of the Port of Riverfall was well under way and the life down at the docks was a bustling as ever. The Konti threaded her way through the throng, headed towards the Harbormaster's office hoping she'd get some advice there on who to hire for a small job she had. It was something the konti had to have hired, because it meant transporting supplies to an island she herself was building off the coast of Sanctuary.
The konti kept her eyes and ears open. She didn't want a large ship. In fact a large one wouldn't be any use to her. She needed a svefra sized vessel.. one of their neat little boats though she didn't know what they were called. In a port city of Akalaks, finding a Svefra wasn't usually hard though telling one apart from a normal human was difficult for the Konti. She'd also take a Charoda or another Konti had they a vessel that would suit.
Kavala stopped a few people as well, on the way to the Harbormaster's office, asking quietly if they had vessels. Some looked Svefra, some didn't, but all had a slight 'seaman' aura to them in their dress and roughness. She didn't have any luck though and kept looking, weaving in and out of the crowd feeling safe despite the roughness of the area.
Riverfall was a woman's paradise. Any Akalak on the dock would defend her right to be there and her safety, bracelet or no, if she looked to need it. Thus the Konti proceeded, her eyes scanning the crowd all the while her eyes running along the vessels moored carefully along the floating docks.