by Faval on July 12th, 2012, 12:29 am
Faval was not educated in the slightest and his metaphorical cupboard of knowledge was even more barren when it came to female psychology, but it did not take much to notice that Nai’shee was, for lack of better terminology, moderately insane. Faval could only watch with a wide eyed and concerned look on his face as the exercise seemed to cause her blood to boil in a way he had not seen coming. It would probably even be funny if he wasn’t concerned that she might suddenly get violent as she had threatened on the girl who she forgot she actually picked to be a girl who was now magically pretty as well. The random pretty designation would have made Faval think she had self-esteem issues if everything else about her personality didn’t scream the opposite. Her rant had started off innocently enough and she seemed to actually be considering the scenario, but the further she went on her expositional rampage, the less sane she seemed, especially when she was demanding, either of Faval or herself, there is no way to be sure, that no more details were to be spoken of. Which was impressive considering Faval had her pegged as a rather less grounded individual and making him think she was any nuttier was a rather stunning accomplishment. Perhaps she was simply making a joke he didn't get as well. That too was rather possible, Faval was ignorant of a lot of social norms which were usually what jokes were considered funny in. Perhaps what she said was downright hilarious and Faval just flat out didn't get it.
“Nai’shee…I gave you the chance to pick which gender the nemesis was. You went with an apparently pretty lady. Also, in case you were wondering, going crazy and beating her down in the middle of the hallway is the opposite of what I’m here to teach you. Just to…you know…clear that up a little bit. I am curious to know just how attractive a woman your nemesis is though, but would that count as more details?”
Attempting to counter with a joke, and probably failing miserably, the young man turned his attention back to the task at hand. Faval, especially after she demanded that no more details be brought to light, figured he wasn’t going to get anywhere with her by spouting more theory or doing more hypothetical situations, but it was difficult to really practice the art of stealth in a class room. They needed a real world example or a target, but most objectives that required Faval to sneak around either meant he needed to steal something or needed to kill someone without being seen. He wasn’t interested in doing either with Nai’shee at the moment. A soft sigh escaped him as he looked back at the excitable girl. There was only one more thing he could do with her that just might get through to her and coincidentally, it directly involved practicing stealth in a classroom.
“Well, since officially I’ve been teaching you for multiple hours now, I’m offering you a choice. We can meet again later and we can do something a little less…detail…oriented or we can play a game. Your choice.”