Olympics Opening Ceremony
I'm slightly sad I haven't seen anything on here regarding this. The Opening Ceremony has come and gone, and my fears were washed away. I truly thought it would be an embarassment for my country, but it was awesome. It was tacky, true, but so hilariously tacky in such a British way. As well as the humour, there were some epic moments, and I felt a twinkle of patriotism at certain points. I loved the opening as green pastures made way for the Industrial Revolution.
If you haven't seen it, I urge you to go watch it, or at least the highlights. Whether you care about the Olympics, sports in general, or Britain, or not, it's worth a watch. China spent billions, used enforced labour, and yet our Ceremony seemed to have SO much more life, spirit, and passion to it.
My favourite highlights include the Queen and James Bond parachuting into the stadium, and Voldemort vs Mary Poppins!
Proud to be British for a while at least. And seriously, piss off if you're going to respond to this with a downer.