[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Thread for: Ayanna Nightshade & Desmus Marridius

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Ayanna on July 2nd, 2012, 3:15 am

Ayanna flicked her eyes over to Naeya, and made a choice to no argue. if she could help it. Tonight. The poor woman would be stuck in the middle of it if she argued with this man. She was shocked, thunderstruck, speechless when the woman put her hand on her arm and gave it a light squeeze after she checked herself in the mirror once again. She had never experienced that kind of kindness from someone who had known her for so short of a time. Ayanna was gaping at the Konti, her thoughts a bit scattered. A squeeze on the arm was a way of telling someone, in most cultures, that everything would be okay. And that they had someone there for them.

Ayanna was shocked by this display of affection. Something other people would take for granted this woman found to be something akin to a myth, a fable, a dream. It said something about the way she was treated by others. She would expect this kind of kindness from her companion, who had been with her for close to a year now. Or from her family, her brother especially. But from a person who barely knew her? Never.

Eventually Ayanna came back to herself and the shock, and thankfulness, slid from her features. Leaving a more confident shield behind them. This had all taken perhaps several moments for her face to remold itself. She had been looking at the Konti while it had happened, her face obscured for Desmus. She was facing her when she took a drink of her ale, and saw the obvious distaste. She let an amused smile out. Her thoughts beginning to take over again.

But she was coherent enough to hear the mans next comment. Again he was being condescending, this time it was coupled with sarcasm. She was tempted to slash that sly smirk off his features.

"Remember who you are talking to Desmus." she warned him, her way of telling him he should show them respect, rightly so. A Konti woman was someone who deserved respect, as did a Symenestra.

Again Naeya did not have a reaction to the man's comment. She wondered how long this woman's patience would hold out. She wondered what it would look like when it finally broke. She smiled at the thought of her yelling and raging. It would be quite a sight.

Ayanna's smile slipped though when the woman's shoulder's drooped. She bit her lip, she knew the trouble with finding a boat was her fault. But she didn't know how to make it better. She looked around for something, something shiny. Naeya liked shiny things right?

But there was nothing shiny around! Oh gods how did she handle this? She wasn't used to having a female friend, was she a friend? Companion? Acquaintance? Well whatever she was the Symenestra wasn't used to it. She didn't know how to make them happy! Give her companion some meat, he'd be happy. Give her a fruit and she'd be happy!

Fruit! Perhaps Naeya liked fruit!

"Grape?" she inquired, handing the woman a few of them, they stood out against her skin like small jewels against snow. Suddenly there was a man there though and Ayanna was startled enough to jump. Her free hand went to her side, where her lash was located. But the man just talked about how it seemed like the setting for a joke. How odd.

Her hand left her side but still Ayanna was noticeably more tense with the man there, unsure of what he would do.

"Traveling companions would be a better word for it." Ayanna replied slowly to his comment, not even quite sure as to what the three of them were at the moment.

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Desmus Marrudius on July 2nd, 2012, 5:56 am

Desmus could sense the hostility and overall annoyance that the girls had for him. It seems that they felt that he was being a first rate jackass, and indeed he was. He did however get his point across that he was to be listened to. Desmus had always been demanding, even in his youth he found himself bossing around his elder brothers. He didn't mean to be so assertive but that's how Drykas were raised, lovefor your family and weariness of outlanders. Naeya gave Ayanna a playfull nudge on the arm, and Desmus took after it like they were mocking him. He especially that this as true when Ayanna snapped back at him with hostile comeback, however he believed that she Kent no disrespect by it. Naeya then expressed her disappointment about their current travel standings, and how she has had no luck in securig passage on a ship out of Riverfall. Desmus took out his pipe allowing small traces of smoke to flow from his mouth. He reached up with his free hand and stroked his facial hair that had grown wild and unkept, with traces of gray running through it. The great Drykas horse lord had become an oldman without even knowing it. "Naeya, I don't deal in hope or luck. The only way that one can accomplish his objectives is to take charge, and make fate turn it self the way he sees fit."Desmus spoke softly and quietly, almost as if he was trying to hide his words, but still speaking promptly. He hoped that they would not think he was again trying to make them seem like little girls, even though they both looked fragile enough to be. He raised his mug and took another drink.

Just then a Sverfra man mossied over to their table, plopped down and made hisself at home. He asked if they would buy him a drink, since he was cut off till he payed his tab. Desmus looked at the girls then back to the man. "That depends, I do not drink with strangers. If you tell me your name and who you are I might consider it." Desmus then waited for the man to respond. "and of course if it's all right with my friends here"
"I watched as the lamb opened the fourth of the seven seals and I heard the fourth of the living beasts say in a voice like thunder come and see, and I saw and behold a pale horse and he sat on him was death and behind him, hell followed" - Revelations 6:8
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Naeya on July 2nd, 2012, 2:55 pm

Showing affection to friends and strangers alike was second nature to Naeya, although the latter was a less frequent occurrence. If the Konti had seen the look of shock on Ayanna’s face when she had given the Symenestra’s arm a quick squeeze, she would have been confused and troubled by the reaction. Naeya had grown up in a tight-knit family where adoration and comfort was quick to be given out. To her, the look on the Sym’s face might have meant that Ayanna disliked being touched or that she had somehow done something wrong. As it was, Naeya was too focused on her distaste for ale to see the array of emotions that passed across Ayanna’s face and she didn’t give the arm squeeze a second thought.

Desmus responded to her quietly, as if he was whispering secrets across the table. It was a marked change from his earlier tone. “Naeya, I don't deal in hope or luck. The only way that one can accomplish his objectives is to take charge, and make fate turn itself the way he sees fit."

The man believed that he was in complete control of his fate. A noble but self-defeating sentiment. It was all the Konti could do to keep herself from throwing her hands in the air.

You can’t control fate! That’s the whole point.

She opened her mouth to argue. “Well, actually –“


“What?” Before the Konti could respond to Ayanna’s offer of fruit, the Svefra had slid into the seat next to Desmus. Ayanna gave a small jump in response to man’s presence, which startled Naeya enough to knock one of the grapes out of the Sym’s hands. The Svefra didn’t seem to pay attention to the table’s tenseness and mishaps, and just leaned back casually in his seat. As Ayanna spoke, he raised his thick eyebrows in her direction. “Travellin’ companions? Strangest bunch of travellin’ companions I’ve seen today, darlin’. But the day’s not over yet!” He laughed again. Naeya couldn’t tell if he was just easily impressed by his own wit, or drunk. “Where are ya travellin’ to? Wait, don’t tell me yet. How ‘bout that drink?”

Desmus eyed the Svefra warily, and demanded to know his name. The man smirked in response. “Aye, I’ve got no secrets. M’name’s Brim. Brim Seastone.” He motioned the nearby Nystir over to the group’s table, and ordered a large mug of ale. “It’s on him, mate,” Brim said, jerking his hand in Desmus’s direction.

Naeya couldn’t help grinning at the Svefra’s brashness. “I’m Naeya. This is Ayanna,” she nodded in the Symenestra’s direction, “and this is Mr. Marridius. We’re hoping to travel to Mura in the next few days.”

“Hopin’?” Brim asked in reply, furrowing his brow. “What’s hopin’ gotta do with it? You’re either goin’ or you ain’t. Which is it?”
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Ayanna on July 2nd, 2012, 6:50 pm

Ayanna looked at Desmus with an odd expression. He obviously didn't believe in fate or destiny, something she firmly believed in. She smiled though, the gods would know Desmus' personality and his fate would have to do with it, he may think he was taking charge but he was no more in control than the rest of them.

But she chose to not enlighten him of this, she could already tell he was a man who needed to think he was in charge, he would probably fall apart if he didn't. And they needed a body guard, one who wasn't completely loyal to Ayanna as her Kelvic companion was. She just tapped her claws against the table.

When Naeya was surprised by Ayanna's own jump a grape flew across the table. Without really thinking Ayanna's free hand shot out, the lengthy appendage grabbing the grape. Or well one of her claws speared it. She pulled it back, the whole process took the blink of an eye, such was a Symenestra's agility. She popped it into her mouth and watched as Desmus replied to the man's request for a drink. Gruff to everyone, he was.

They did seem to be quite the odd companions. She thought at the man's statement. She nodded at the man's explanation of his name.

She however held back her name, preferring to let one of the others inform the man of it. And that's exactly what Naeya did, Aya gave a small smile at her name.

"We're going." she confirmed. Her voice was certain.

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Desmus Marrudius on July 2nd, 2012, 10:58 pm

Desmus was caught off guard by Naeya and Ayanna as the grape flew threw the air and Ayanna penetratedthe juicy fruit with one of her many menacing claws, that would take some getting used to. Desmus kept a smile from sneaking across his face when he saw the expression on Naeya's, it seems she was a little surprised as well. He stopped and returned his attention to the man. He and Naeya traded words and he intended himself as Brim, he also found out from Naeya that the band intended to travel ti Mura. Desmus looked at the man, glaring st him slightly before speaking. "So, Brim, you have your drink and you have invited yourself to our table. I have got to tell you" Desmus leaned in a little closer "I could not be happier!" He boomed out at the man, laughing and grabbing the mans shoulder lightly shaking him back and forth. "No offense to our fairer sex table mates, but it is a great and welcome event now that someone is hear that I can really drink with!" yes raised his hand to the girls "No offense to you ladies of course, but I really only enjoy the company of a beautifull woman when they are complimeenting my sheets, am I right Brim!" he nudged the man. He drank another mouthfull of ale before placing his pipe back in his mouth and dragging in another breath of smoke "So tell me Brim, you look like a sailor, do you now of anyone leaving Riverfall?"
"I watched as the lamb opened the fourth of the seven seals and I heard the fourth of the living beasts say in a voice like thunder come and see, and I saw and behold a pale horse and he sat on him was death and behind him, hell followed" - Revelations 6:8
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Naeya on July 6th, 2012, 6:34 am

Does he have... a sense of humour?

The Konti woman tilted her head slightly to the left as she looked at the long-haired man sitting across from her. Desmus's expression, directed at Brim's brazen attitude only seconds earlier, had slid from a dark scowl to buoyant laughter, whereas she'd expected a continuation of his earlier solemn countenance. Naeya, who had been quick to judge the man's character, began to wonder if her earlier assessment (all business, no pleasure) had been a mistake. Granted, his idea of "pleasure" didn't seem to mesh with her own, and she still felt that he was too callous.

But then, I'm no warrior.

Despite having grown up in Riverfall, Naeya felt that she knew far less about Drykas culture than many Rivarians. If anyone asked her about the Akalak, she knew that she could go on for days about their many cultural nuances. The Drykas people, however, had survived in a completely different environment and had a number of complexities that she couldn't hope to understand without more dedicated research and experience. Perhaps Desmus' callous attitude was necessary in the Endrykas encampment. Naeya made a note to herself to ask him about his experiences, with the hope of better understanding him.

As Naeya made private notes to herself and grimaced at his blatant disrespect for women (a trait she found most unendearing), Brim seemed to take it in stride. He reacted rather well when Desmus clapped a hand on the Svefra's shoulder, although he quickly shrugged the hand off and broadened his shoulders as if to protect his personal space.

"Aye! The trick is gettin' her t' stay pretty the morning after," Brim replied with a wink. "But those'r stories for another night. I can't think these lasses would be too happy t'hear 'em!" He followed Desmus' lead in taking a drink of the ale that Nystir had brought to the table.

"I know of plenty of people leavin' Riverfall, and plenty comin'. But if you mean tonight or tomorrow, then I'm the one you want." The Svefra paused, and looked shrewdly at the threesome. "Why, you folks lookin' for passage? That sounds like another joke I know: A Symenestra, a Konti, and a Drykas walk onto a ship..." At this, Naeya couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"I've got room, y'know. But I'm not goin' to Mura, nosir. I'm headin' back to Syliras." Brim gave Desmus a roguish grin, asking, "Y'got any extras that'd be comin' with ya? I know you Drykas are known for yer horses. Never quite understood the interest, meself."

He then took another swig of ale, and looked scrutinizingly from face to face, as if making up his mind as to whether or not they'd argue with what he was about to say next. "On my ship, it'll be... ahh... fifty gold mizas apiece for passage to Syliras, takin' into account that Sym... uh, yer friend over there." He nodded in Ayanna's direction. "No offense, miss. S'just business."
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Ayanna on July 6th, 2012, 11:33 pm

Desmus' outburst of mirth shocked the Sym, who had him pegged as a grim man.
Her nose scrunched and her eyes filled with distaste at his crude manor. Men, how simple and piggish they were capable of being. A mug of ale, a pipe and a whore were what their minds were usually on. That and a warm supper, give them that and usually they were happy. She thought of her Kir. No not all of them were like that, but many were.

But get in the way of something they wanted and they could become very fierce, she kept that in mind. Then again many warriors needed that kind of thought process, it gave them something to look forward to and being so long on the battlefield made them want for simpler things.

She looked over at Naeya and saw the slightest hint of distaste for his attitude as well and knew she was not alone. Of course the Konti woman would be unused to crude men, having spent her time around a better crowd. She'd have to get used to such people while traveling.

And Brim added to the philandering comments. And Aya just rolled her eyes and examined her nails, easily bored by this brash conversation.

She looked up when he said he knew plenty of people who were leaving Riverfall, which anyone could be capable of. Plenty of people left the city, most for trading reasons.

His comment about him leaving had her attention though and she looked up from her nails. Again with the jokes... She sighed. So he had room he said. Room enough for what cost? She waited for that little morsel of the bargain, the price. The outrageous price.

She smiled tightly at the fact that it 'was just business'. More like thieving. Fifty gold mizas was not worth it by any mean. She looked over to her companions to see if one would speak up.

"Sir that price is quite outrageous. Twenty Mizas seems to be a much better deal." she set the price lower than she knew would be possible, honestly she still thought twenty was too much. He would be getting as much defense form them as passengers. But you always set the price drastically low in negotiations and worked up.

Perhaps a lie about another deal would sweeten it. She did know of some caravans that could get them closer to Mura on foot, it would take longer but it would cost less. They'd still need a boat to the Island but those were minor details.

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Naeya on July 26th, 2012, 12:37 am

At first, a feeling of joy spread across Naeya’s pale face and she smiled widely at Brim. This man was willing and able to give them passage! She had spent so much time looking for a ship that she wasn’t even disappointed he couldn’t take them directly to Mura. Syliras… Isn’t that the city of Knights? The young Konti felt a spark of excitement ignite inside her. When she had planned to set out on this journey, she never expected that she would be seeing other cities along the way. Oh, Behren’s going to be so jealous!

As the Svefra continued, however, Naeya’s smile began to fade. Had she heard him right? Fifty gold mizas?! That’s nothing less than theft! What kind of ship did the man have – one made of gold and gemstones? Did it sail faster than a fish? Nay, did it fly across the Suvan like some sort of Inartan eagle?

Her shock at the man’s outrageous fee demands was quickly followed by concern for Ayanna. She was well aware that the Symenestra were unpopular in Riverfall, and she assumed this was true nearly everywhere else in Mizahar. She was also aware that she didn’t exactly consider herself Ayanna’s friend. The girl had, however, proven to be relatively harmless (excusing the claws and teeth) as far as Naeya could tell, and she felt terrible that Brim blamed his high prices on Ayanna.

Before she could defend her companion (and argue for a lower fee), Ayanna herself spoke up. Surprisingly, the Symenestran girl didn’t dispute Brim’s offensive claim that she was a liability. Instead, she told him exactly what Naeya had been thinking.

"Sir, that price is quite outrageous. Twenty Mizas seems to be a much better deal."

Well, almost exactly. Naeya’s eyebrows shot up at Ayanna’s decision to negotiate down to only twenty gold mizas, and she jumped into the conversation herself. “I think what my companion here means to say,” she began, giving Ayanna a pointed look, “Is that we’d be happy to take you up on your offer for, say, ten gold mizas.” She paused, and as an afterthought added, “And we’ll buy you another beer!”

Naeya’s attempts to negotiate got a loud laugh out of Brim. “Look missy, if yer friend here’s willin’ to pay me twenty mizas, then I don’t see why you’d be thinkin’ of tryin’ to make it ten!” He shook his head, amused at her naivete. Turning to Ayanna, he continued the negotiation. “I’ll do it fer thirty-five mizas each, just ‘cause blondie's got a sense of humour. Whaddya say?”
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Ayanna on July 28th, 2012, 12:05 am

Ayanna looked over at Naeya's eyes shooting up, wasn't twenty a suitable price? She had never negotiated for a boat ride before. And there was her and her companion to think about. Both were a bit dangerous. A bit.

Ayanna gave Naeya a slow smirk when she began to speak, negotiating was beginning to seem like a game. A fun game. She lowered the price down to ten gold mizas, which was still a good amount. But a better price. Besides it's not like they'd be eating him out of house and hoe, they would be in the ocean! Just put some lines out, they'd have some fish to eat. Hm sweetening him up with alcohol? Perhaps she should offer him a hot meal.

Brim seemed to find their attempts at negotiating amusing. He brought the price up to thirty five gold mizas, which was still outrageous. But he turned back to her and Aya wondered briefly why, perhaps it was because she seemed more outspoken than Naeya.

"Well sir my friend seems to have a point. Ten gold mizas does sound like a sweeter deal to my ears. But how about fifteen gold mizas and five silver mizas, hm? I have another companion to come with me so you'll have thirty one gold from us together and we won't take up too much room. As well we are both pretty well armed, we will be able to defend you from any pirate attacks or the ilk. Consider us body guards if you wish." she spoke softly and sweetly. It was true her and Kir would be able to defend the boat pretty well if attacked, as would Desmus. Plus her and Kir had been fighting together long enough to make a fairly deadly duo.

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Kulkukan Tavern and Inn] New Faces & Final Plans

Postby Naeya on July 31st, 2012, 5:38 pm

In response to Brim's laughter, a rosy blush fought its way onto Naeya's cheeks despite her earnest attempts to keep it out. He laughs, but I've never once arranged for a voyage like this. She crossed her arms over her chest in the hope of hiding her embarrassment through a tough exterior. Unfortunately, "tough" didn't particularly suit the Konti, and she ended up looking more like a child trying on a disguise than a woman scorned.

"Thirty-five gold mizas..." she muttered under her breath, shaking her head disapprovingly. The man was a con-artist. He had to be. No one received that much money for such a voyage without swindling an innocent passenger. Naeya knew she wasn't a particularly skilled negotiator, but she felt she had a reasonable grasp of right and wrong. Thirty-five... nay, fifty gold mizas? That was wrong, pure and simple.

As Naeya sulked, Ayanna began to work a new angle with the negotiation. She suggested fifteen gold and five silver mizas, a price that the Konti supported, and tried to persuade Brim by offering to protect him and his ship. That made three out of four passengers who were willing and able to defend his ship, should trouble arise. The Svefran drummed his fingers on the table and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. He looked to be seriously considering the Symenestran's offer, though Naeya guessed it was more likely due to his empty coin purse than his eagerness to sail them to Syliras.

"Hm... Y've made a good point, though I wish you'd told me 'bout yer other friend b'fore," he began begrudgingly. "I'll tell ya what, missy. Gimme seventeen gold mizas each, up front. If there be any trouble on the sea, consider yerselves my knights in shinin' armour. 'ave we got a deal?"

Brim swiftly downed the rest of his ale, and slammed the mug down jovially. After wiping the back of his hand over his mouth, the Svefra slid out of his chair and stood facing the three companions. "We leave tomorrow afternoon," he ordered, leaving no room for argument. "Yer t' meet me at the Docks. If yer late, the boat's leavin' without ya and ya don't get yer money back! We clear?"

Naeya's eyebrows shot up at Brim's words, and it was all she could do to keep a panicked expression from her face. "Tomorrow afternoon?!" she squeaked. "But that barely gives me enough time to plan and pack..." And, especially, to say farewell.

The Svefra shrugged at her words, and she begrudgingly admitted to herself that she really didn't have much of a choice. This man was the only one even remotely willing to ferry their group to Syliras. If she didn't agree to his demands, she might never make it to Konti Isle. Quickly, she reached into her coin purse and pulled out Brim's fee.

This was it. It was finally happening.

Now, for the hardest part: her goodbyes.


Ledger :
-17 GM for travel expenses
-5SM for meal, decent
-4CM for ale, mug
Total: -17GM, 5SM, 4CM
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