"I've made a deep enough mark on you for provoking that question wouldn't you say?" Cale cocked her head with a self satisfied smirk sitting on her features. "But it's true enough that it isn't deep enough for me to be satisfied. I'll have my rest once my name is carved deep enough into stone that scholars are learning about me."
She deflated a little at the reminder of her arrogance. "I talk big because though the bullies may be stronger, I have the upper hand in intelligence and moral strength. Then again, there's also my speed. If the fight had been anywhere but the tower I would have ensured victory by way of retreat. Sixty ways to run away are better than five to attack."
She eyed Casper's bulk. "Although having the advantage of being able to wrestle enemies into submission would be useful. Any chance you'll tell me the basics and theory of 'this is how you stab'?" She sighed and kicked a smooth pebble out of a crack in the worn road. "Actually, just an overview of where to hit someone to immobilise them would be helpful. Besides the obvious places of course."
She made a face, deeply regretting being unable to kick between her assailants legs when she had a chance. "Not that it would have been helpful in that situation," she grumbled, thumb pointed back at the tower the scene had taken place in, "I had my back turned to him, which was such an stupid move I have half a mind to hang myself." She ran a hand through the loose hair hanging in her eyes. "In any case, I can't do away with myself just yet. Not when things are just getting interesting anyway. Still have to make my way into those dusty archives don't I?"