[Quest] Act I- Shadows Rising (Invite Only)

The beginning of something grand.

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

[Quest] Act I- Shadows Rising (Invite Only)

Postby Ifran on July 6th, 2012, 9:22 pm

Thankfully Ifran was not unused to making a mask of his face, giving away nothing save for those best able to read the telltale signals a body could make without the mind's knowledge. But all his training had been for a deeper and more intense self-awareness, the better to invoke the transformative properties of his art.

There were eyes in the darkness, and he did not like that. A man with a sword, an assassin with a vial of poison, the whisper of vitriol behind a fan -- these were enemies he could understand. But shadows...

He drew one of his bronze khopeshes from across his back, to be prepared with something should they attack. Red eyes. Yellow eyes.

Akajia-of-the-darkness, he prayed quietly, forgive me if these be yours, and if they be not, aid me in destroying them.

With that he spun with a dancer's grace, khopesh spinning on a different axis and slicing through the midsection of a vaguely humanoid shadow that had come too close, whose monstrous hands had grown too threatening. He felt no resistance, but the thing fell apart. He blinked, and continued on. There were noises, voices, but he was not sure where he ought to go.

At the Playhouse, at least, he knew there were Illusionists, men and women blessed by the patron deity of the city. He could only hope his sense of direction and ability to navigate the city of illusions was not hampered by this unholy dark.
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