Timestamp: 3rd of Summer, 512 Av Location: Sanctuary Purpose: Teahvan looking for work; more importantly looking for a home Status: Open Teahvan rode up the hill on Spark; the Firemane, Kavala had given into his care nearly two years ago. He still rode her with Kavala's yvas, saddlebags and pad. Now there was also a light barding on Spark, ornamented with Teahvan's personal device; depicting Earthsong (his Kelvic father in wolf form) between two symbols of Elemental Earth, on the bottom half, and Tahnser (his Kelvic twin brother in gyrfalcon form) between two symbols of Elemental Air, all shown in relief on a 4" disk. As the light of early dawn brightened the morning sky, Teahvan slipped down off of Spark. He then gathered her reigns in his right hand and walked with her to the entrance of Sanctuary. {It feels good to be back, even though everything here looks so different. But it still feels like home... even more so than Wind Reach ever did.} Teahvan fed and watered Spark as he waited for someone from Sanctuary to great him. |