[Flashback]A Trip To The Jungle Wilds [Kirmir]

Ayanna's adventurous, and stupid, decision to go into the Jungle Wilds may have a bad consequence. But will she be saved by an unlikely hero?

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This is Falyndar at its finest. Danger lurks everywhere - in the ground, in the trees, in the bush. Only the strongest survive...

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A Trip To The Jungle Wilds [Kirmir]

Postby Ayanna on July 3rd, 2012, 9:38 pm

As she relaxed so did he it seemed. The boy let out a breathe of air, a sigh. Him being in his human form did make it considerably easier to read him. Although the only thing that would have fully put her at ease after this battle would to see another Symenestra a human was the next best thing. Although the fact that he could turn into a deadly big cat was a little frightening. He was watching her as closely as she watched him, she supposed they were both a little wary of each other.

Or he had never seen something like her. Something so...ugly. Her mirror was up in her hammock but still her hand reached for where it should be, so she could check her appearance. Check on how she looked. Even out here in the wild she was still concerned with how she looked to others. Suddenly though the boy drew in a gasp of air that had her out of her thoughts with her attention fully on him once again.

With her embarrassed chatter, gibberish in Symenos or that was what she assumed, the boy was looking at her again. She stopped gibbering like a deranged monkey and tried to compose herself. Yes there was a naked boy, yes there was a dead Dhani right next to her. She should probably get the boy some clothes. She had a cloak after all, the boy could use it to cover himself. She looked at her hammock, wondering if she could communicate that she was going to bring him back something.

Then her attention was taken by his sheepish smile and now standing position, she didn't jump because of his slow and careful movements. Almost as if he didn't want to startle her. Then he was speaking, or trying to.

She looked at him with curiosity and amazement as his low voice tried out a word. She nodded when he spoke again and a pleased smile spread across her face, lighting up her eyes. She walked towards him, seeing the tensing body and freezing. Then he relaxed and was moving closer. Soon enough there was only a few feet between them and she could see the smaller scars on his body, although she tried not to look down.

She decided to try with easy thing first, as far as words went. She tried with names.

"I am Ayanna." at her name she pointed to herself. Then said her name again and pointed to herself once more. Her mind whirled, how did one teach a boy words? A language? Perhaps she should start by naming everything around them. Teaching him the names of items. Her eyes shone at this opportunity to educate someone else.
Last edited by Ayanna on January 12th, 2013, 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Flashback]A Trip To The Jungle Wilds [Kirmir]

Postby Kirmir on July 4th, 2012, 6:41 pm

Kir tilted his head slightly, an inquisitive look upon his face, "Speak?" He mimicked her earlier movements again. After a moment he stopped moving towards her, not more than a half dozen steps between them and tore his eyes from hers so that he may get a momentary look upon her.

He smiled widely as she gestured to herself and said a word, beautiful, it seemed to ring in his ears, and somehow he knew it could be nothing, but a description of self. The word seemed to fit the woman's beauty perfectly, a single note in a symphony weaved by her every feature. And yet he knew not how to respond, never before had he needed anything with which to communicate, rarely needing more than the low growls, roars and hisses he had always used.

He tugged at a strand of hair thinking furiously. He had nothing to base his attempts off of, not a word nor a phrase to connect. Finally he merely gestured at her himself and spoke the word again, a reverent tone creeping into his newly found voice," Ayanna..."

After another momentary pause he said the word again, as if testing it on his lips, before holding up a hand and growling respectfully in something he hoped would be taken for a gesture to hold still. In a flash he was away grabbing a low hanging branch of a tree and pulling himself up, eyes, ears, and nose all searching for danger... and a little something else.

He found nothing amiss, the snake/beast seemed to have been alone, hunting in a territory that wasnt his, it made the boys blood boil at the thought. But it doesnt matter, because of it he had a chance to sate some of his curiosity, and maybe even delve into these odd feelings, and thoughts he had done his best up till now to suppress. And he climbed, hand over hand up the tree, searching for it, he used his nose, scenting the air for its particular fragrance, his eyes to search its lovely colors.

At last he found it, and with a gentleness he had rarely used he plucked it from its branch and began his descent back to the canopy floor, cradling it like a mother her newborn babe.
As his feet hit the ground once more he scanned the area for the woman, easily finding her near the strange bed she seemed to have set up for herself. He approached warily, making sure not to frighten her, and held out his prize. A startlingly white flower dotted here and there with a pinkish/purple hue and smiled again,"Ayanna."

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A Trip To The Jungle Wilds [Kirmir]

Postby Ayanna on July 4th, 2012, 7:26 pm

Again he spoke the word speak. His head tilted in curiosity. After he spoke the word, which for some reason had Aya beaming in pride, he looked over her.

She was slightly surprised at the easy way he smiled when she spoke her name, something she was only familiar with around her family. Surely no one else had smiled at her in such a way. She searched her memory and came up with a blank. She watched him carefully, from living without human contact his emotions were fairly easy to see on his face. But they were emotions Aya wasn't used to seeing around herself. Slight amazement, wonder.

But then he was tugging at a strand of hair, was it a nervous habit? She tilted her head, curious about this boy. But then he pointed to her and repeated the word, slight reverence in his tone. Aya blushed at the tone, never hearing such a tone in referring to her. Not even with her family. She smiled, happiness alighting on her facial features. Then he was repeating it again and Aya felt pride grow in her chest. She was teaching him words, and he was understanding them. Well a word, but still!

Then he held out a hand, a low growl issued from his lips. It wasn't an angry growl so she just waited as he swung into the tree. She had to advert her eyes as he did, so she wouldn't have to see his nakedness, which she still couldn't look out without turning dark pink. Her eyes heard his movements and when he descended she heard the soft, barely audible thump. She looked back over to him, trying her best to keep her eyes on his, which were actually higher than her head. Even at this young age he was taller than her five feet. Something she didn't really notice at the moment. What she did notice was the way his adolescent body was lined with muscles, and how he cradled a flower in his arms as if it was a baby.

He approached her carefully, as if she would startle and flee at anything. Which she wasn't sure she would do any longer. He held out the flower, a beautiful pant with snow white petals dotted with light purple and pinkish dots as if some painter had just taken his brush and closed his eyes, poking here and there on it. It was beautiful. He smiled and spoke her name again. She looked at him startled, her name meant 'beautiful flower' something he couldn't know. So was he saying she looked like a flower ?Something as lovely as this plant? Ayanna felt herself overcome with an emotion, happiness. And sorrow. She looked away, she hadn't been called beautiful for around a year now, and it made her want to cry and smile and hug him and so many other things that made little sense.

She pulled the emotions into her and looked back at him, her eyes shining with happiness and gratitude.
"Thank you." she told him as she took the flower gently from his hands, carefully. Her hands brushed his, which were far more calloused than hers, and bigger. Her hands looked dainty and fragile in comparison, and pale as moonlight. She took the flower and stared at it for a moment before gently working it into her hair.
Last edited by Ayanna on January 12th, 2013, 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Flashback]A Trip To The Jungle Wilds [Kirmir]

Postby Kirmir on July 10th, 2012, 12:12 pm

Kir stared expectantly as she took the flower from his hands, only to have her just.. look at it for a moment. Until, at last, her face broke out in emotion, so many flashing away at once that he could barely discern one from the other. But he was rewarded when her face settled into a heart wrenching smile, beautiful in its mere sweetness.

Even without knowing the words she spoke he was certain he understood the intent. She liked it, even placing it in her hair accentuating her already stunning beauty with his gift, which was far more than hed even bothered to hope for. In a show of tenderness he wasnt sure he understood he reached out, carefully caressing a petal of the flower before smiling slightly, only realizing the extreme closeness of the act until afterwards.

He quickly backed away to a more comfortable distance, blushing darkly as he went, which surprised him, he felt his face tentatively . The heat rushing to it making him feel a little self conscious as he plopped to the ground, legs crossed, and face turned away slightly attempting to hide his embarrassment.

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A Trip To The Jungle Wilds [Kirmir]

Postby Ayanna on July 11th, 2012, 1:05 am

Ayanna noticed the expectant look in his eyes as she looked up at him from the flower, as if he was waiting for her to do something with it. And when her face finally decided on an emotion to settle on, pleasure, he seemed pleased. Which in turn pleased her, a person who liked to know others liked her.

She reached up to touch the flower in her hair, her fingers pointed in an odd angle so the claws wouldn't mar the beauty of the flower. Silken petals met her skin and she sighed and dropped her hand. The boy seemed pleased that she had placed the flower in her hair, by her face. And not long after she had removed her own hand his replaced it, brushing against her own face as it stroked the flower. A slight smile graced his face and Ayanna felt herself lean slightly into the warmth of the touch. She hand't been touched kindly in so long. She pulled away when he did though.

A blush raged across her cheeks, lighting them up like a flame had been lit in her mouth. The boy, even under his dark skin, had a mirroring blush. Although his was less noticeable than her's she still picked it up, even in the darkness that her eyes saw through with relative ease. She saw him touch his face as if he had never blushed before, which, she thought to herself with some surprise, he probably never had. Why be embarrassed if there was no one else around? No one to judge you? This boy had never had to deal with that kind of thing, with other people. This realization made her all the more intrigued by him. When he dropped to the ground and crossed his legs she was reminded of his nakedness. She blushed and looked away. Touching the flower, her flower she thought with a startling possessiveness, she thought of her cloak once more. And holding out her hand, in the same manner her had earlier. She tried her best to tell him to stay.

"Stay here." she spoke slowly then she darted off to the tree that held her hammock, the speed of her race evident as she quickly scaled up several yard of tree with minimal effort. She climbed in the hammock and grabbed the dark purple cloak and kept one hand around it as she descended, head first, back to the boy. The flower stayed in her hair, braided well into her hair.

She landed on the ground with a small flip that had her feet hit the ground first. Nothing impressive. She walked over to him, slightly timidly. She kneeled next to him, all her movements slow and careful as she wrapped the cloak around him, stopping and pulling away if he made a sound or motion that warned her off. She tied the cloak around his neck loosely and wrapped it around his form, so she could now look at him without blushing red.

"Cloak." She informed him, pointing to the fabric, it would be small on him, seeing as it reached her feet it would come to somewhere on his calves. But it would cover his body. She decided that the first thing she needed to do was get him some clothes. After she finished eating, and slept, and if he was still there. And wanted to stay with her, and after she taught him some more words.
Last edited by Ayanna on January 12th, 2013, 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Flashback]A Trip To The Jungle Wilds [Kirmir]

Postby Kirmir on August 10th, 2012, 1:13 am

He watched intently as she mimicked his earlier gesture, and quickly picked up the intent. She wanted him to stay as she loped off quickly nimbly making her way up a nearby tree. Kir fidgeted slightly at the loss of her presence but stopped himself quickly... how odd hed never felt the need for anothers presence before. The beautiful woman returned before quickly however, interrupting his musing.

She bore a beautiful piece of fabric, glowing an iridescent violet. His eyes were riveted on the beautiful item, following the way it undulated with each little breeze and movement, noting its slightly silken sheen. He nearly purred with his appreciation of its simple beauty.

When he managed to look up he saw her slow movements clearly trying not to startle, the mere fact that she would take such care made a smile curl upon his lips slow and delighted. It warmed his heart that she would go to such trouble for him, and as her arms reached around his neck, tying it lightly, a flutter began in his stomach... how strange.

As she pulled back Kir took a moment to examine the strange item, it was warm and light, the small brushes of it against his skin intriguing, and as he inhaled a deep breath, he found that it was rich with the smell of her. His mind spun from the heady scent pervading his every thought, it seemed like a breath of fresh air, flowers in sunshine. His smile was so wide it felt as if his face would forever be changed, and in a nearly mesmerized tone he uttered a word that was well on its way to becoming a staple of his speech," Ayanna... Cloak" He nuzzled his face into the rich fabric feeling oddly safe for the first time he could remember.

For a moment he wondered why he would trust in someone so completely, but the warmth of the cloak, and Ayanna's comforting presence were a sirens call to sleep. He saw with alarm that she was also seeming tired, he wanted her to sleep, to rest from the ordeal she had faced. To get his point across he mimed a yawning stretch and pointed her back to her odd little bed in the trees. There was no way he was leaving her alone before she was comfortably asleep.

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A Trip To The Jungle Wilds [Kirmir]

Postby Ayanna on August 22nd, 2012, 4:01 pm

She smiled, pleased, at his slight entrancement with the fabric. His eyes followed it as she moved with it and they were as wide as plates. She figured he wasn't used to seeing fabrics of this color, she was used to it. Her people weaved many things out of many types of fabrics and colors. His eyes were back on her soon though and for some reason that elicted a smile of her own. She was so unused to people looking at her with those kinds of looks on their faces. Happy looks.

As her fingers brushed his skin she was surprised at the heat that came off of him and her hands lingered for a few seconds longer than necessary before she drew them back to herself. She hadn't really touched another being in some time. She wrapped her hands together and took a small step back, realizing how lonely her life had been as she traveled.

Her name being spoken in his dark, low timbre. She looked again at him to see him cuddling the fabric. A small smile grew on her face then a full grin. It was very odd to see someone she had seen kill a constrictor Dhani nuzzling into her cloak. Although it was a rat her cat like thing to do.

He sat up straighter though, his face becoming worried and he began to mime an action. Aya wondered if this was going to become the way they spoke to each other. Well she knew that Kelvic learned very fast so perhaps not. But his motions made it obvious that he wanted her to sleep.

Ayanna looked up at her hammock then at him. She didn't want to leave this strange boy, what if he ran off and never came back? For some reason this thought sent a pang in her chest. She though. But didn't jaguars sleep in trees? She motioned to him than herself than up to the trees. She waited to see if he would agree to come with her.
Last edited by Ayanna on January 12th, 2013, 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Beauty's sister is vanity,
and in this world it is the only place to turn
when I am forever judged on my

Okay guys sorry I've been off for awhile, real life has this way of sneaking up on you. I'm not going to elaborate on what's going on in my life cause that's my business but know that I've got a lot on my plate and I had to take a step back from Mizahar. I'll being posting sporadically and I'm sorry. I'll get on when can.
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[Flashback]A Trip To The Jungle Wilds [Kirmir]

Postby Kirmir on August 25th, 2012, 6:03 pm

Kir's eyes didnt flicker for a moment, always locked upon the girls lovely face, hoping with all his might that he was able to communicate his wish. As she looked from him to her bed in the trees and back he knew that she had understood, and he sighed in relief.... even such a small understanding was enough, it gave hope for a future.

And that thought stopped him in his tracks... when had he decided there would be a future? He had never needed another before in his life, never relied upon another, never trusted.... but for some reason, with her, he wanted it more than anything. He could feel it, already building inside, he would do anything to stay near her, he couldnt stop himself if he tried.....

As his thoughts calmed he focused once more upon her face, just in time to notice a sudden flash of pain, and for some reason his first instinct was to go to her, to comfort. And he followed it, he moved closer and stared into her eyes, he placed himself firmly between her and anything that may harm her, and he growled, low, nonthreatening, just enough to show that he was there.

He watched her gesture at herself, then at him, seeming to direct them both up the tree to her... home. His heart stopped.... not only did he himself want to stay with her more than anything, she wanted him to stay, at least for a while. Suddenly Vir didnt care what happened to him, his life here in this jungle, if he could he would stay with this one, as long as possible...

With a reassuring smile he grabbed her hand in his and made his way to her tree, only letting go so that he may scale it all the way up to where her strange bed lay. Every item, the very air, smelled like her, like flowers in bloom, sweet and beautiful. He stuck his head over the edge of a branch and looked down at her his smile wider than any he had ever given before, and waved her up.

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[Flashback]A Trip To The Jungle Wilds [Kirmir]

Postby Traverse on January 20th, 2013, 3:41 pm

Thread Awards!

Ayanna :
Acrobatics 1
Climbing 2
Hypnotism 1
Longbow 1
Observation 3
Socialization 3
Symenestra Whip 1

Lamenting Your Own Digestive System
Would Life Have Been Different in Falyndar?
Kelvics Don't Care About Nudity
The First Steps in Communication
A Kelvic Guardian?

Additional Notes :
So first off a couple notes: 1. A Kelvic is mature at one year of age, so Kirmir, who is 2 years old, would appear more around his early to mid twenties. 2. A Dhani Constrictor is a fierce and vicious predator. Having a jaguar leap onto its back and try to rip out its throat (especially in its half human, half snake form), is akin to a mid sized house cat leaping on your back and trying to rip out your throat, aka: A bit of an annoyance. While having two individuals distracting it changes the odds slightly, the fact that no one was even injured in the fight, coupled with the fact that the constrictor didn't even attempt to use its tail during this battle, which could have easily displaced Kirmir or helped to grab Ayanna, was a serious problem. There are plenty of dangers lurking in the jungles of Falyndar, and I urge you to be realistic about battles. A 2v1 fight against a full grown constrictor Dhani, is not a fair fight for two starting characters unless one is also a Dhani.

The starstruck moment at the end of this thread was a big plus for me, for both of these characters seem fresh and new to the world, so their encounter of each other was really nicely laid out.

Ayanna, I would love to see some more descriptions from you on your actions, there was a lot of xp you missed out on because you would play out an event in a single sentence or two very brief ones. I gave you a point for Hypnotism because everything was illustrated correctly, but in the future more description is needed there as well. Creatures are certainly easier to manipulate than humans, but that doesn't mean it isn't still an effort on the Hypnotists part especially when they are still a novice.

Questions, Concerns? PM me and we'll be to the bottom of it. Safe Travels!
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