by Gossamer on July 11th, 2012, 4:15 pm
I have never in my life had to pay an application fee in order for someone to tell me I can or can't move in. Is that an east coast thing? And if so, that's completely and utterly the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I'd be hopping mad too. Also, small claims costs almost nothing. When this is said and done I'd take them to small claims to get my money back since they violated their side of the contract.
Want me to call them for you? *grin* I love this kind of thing and can positively get you an answer... course it probably won't be the one you want. I'm the type of person (and I realize your 70 miles away so this doesn't help) that will threaten, and follow through, to stand outside a rental company with a sign stating they ripped me off - put one on my car - put out an add in the paper etc... until I get my money back just to be shut up. It's also great fodder (papers love this) for letters to the editor. If someone doesn't follow through on an obligation, you need to make sure everyone knows it.
Also.. just a suggestion. Get someone, anyone, maybe even your hubby to call them posing as someone else and ask about these fees for expedited decisions. Then, make sure they ask 'what happens if you DONT get back to us in the time frame allotted?" Get a name. Get a section of a contract that states this, etc. You do not have to put up with that.
Plus... I wouldn't live there if it was the last apartment on the planet after this delay as well. I can understand if so and so has a death in the family or something and that has her work backed up.. but when you called to ask the lady GOT MAD. What? Don't you have any rights as a client?
Oh yea. They are lucky its not me. I'd give them hell and hell hath no fury like a woman ripped off and something falsely advertised.