A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Marcus once again stumbles upon a familiar curiosity.

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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Marcus Dymez on July 8th, 2012, 4:19 pm

Marcus may not have been an animal, but he was getting close.

Rushes of adrenaline and testosterone clouded Marcus' mind until only a fraction of his thoughts were actually lucid enough to be called such. The rest of the activity was simply primal urges and devilish pleasures. It was quite nice, on reflection. Her knee nudging tauntingly in his groin was quite the challenge, but if there was one thing both sides of his muddled mind could agree upon, it was how annoying these damned clothes were. He was moments away from ripping it all to shreds, when Lilium began to tug on his own shirt. His scholarly mind knew better than to try it, having seen the results at sea, but his primal mind simply moved onto more pressing matters.

Matters of the flesh.

With slender fingers wet from all kinds of sources, Marcus brutishly set work undoing the few buttons set down his shirt. He hated to take such pleasure from his companion, but this clothing thing was driving him mad. It slowly dripped and dried and stiffened, and annoyed him to no end. It was a pretty laughable display, as the man tried to hold himself up, keep his roaring lips occupied, and undo the most insufferable of buttons. Simultaneously. With a tenth of a mind to work with. Needless to say, the act was laughable at the least, but the job got done eventually, and Lilium found herself under the same scrutiny.

Except he had no idea how the hell he'd get that dress off. Once again, the thought of ripping everything off and leaving a tender maiden underneath was quite a dramatic option, but Marcus' impatient fingers had found a slender seam down the center, with a series of catches. To say Marcus simply open Lilium's dress would be an understatement. It was more akin to nearly breaking each latch, and then pressing open her wet dress splayed out in front of her. Now things could get interesting.

A playful smirk, came across Marcus' face, as if what they were doing was completely normal. But to this young scholar, normal was anything but. For the first time in minutes his lips broke from hers, a gasp of moans and groans now finding their way to the air around them. He made a trail of pecks along her neck, and down her slender shoulder. The target was quite obvious, but her response was still an ecstatic pleasure to hear as Marcus tenderly let his tongue dart around the peak of her supple breast, now bare to the world. But things weren't about to get slack just because some progress had been made. No, a warrior must keep his momentum by his side, and hold it tight as he charged forward. To Marcus' hormone-riddled mind, this was a battle he was determined to come out on top of, so to speak.

Thankfully, Marcus' trousers were easier to undo; a simple knot undone and the wet leather did the rest, sliding off him with the slightest shimmies as if the pants were made of grease. The passionate scholar had long since come to terms with nudity, but he couldn't help feel a moment's hesitation as he rolled over, pulling Lilium atop of his stiff form. His hands found their places at her hips, as his manhood echoed for attention beneath her; a lighthouse flickering at sea. The metaphor worked in more ways than one, and left a grin across Marcus' face as he gazed into Lilium with his emerald orbs. In a stroke of almost unbearable control, he waited, letting her make the final plunge, even though he knew what her answer would be. Still, the man had quite a keen memory, and if this would help placate his conscience in the morning so be it.

After all, neither the past nor the future had any place here.
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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Lilium on July 9th, 2012, 10:06 am

Lilium, breathing heavy between kisses, pulled at the fabric of the scholars now semi unbuttoned shirt, pushing it down over his shoulders with a sort of heightened desperation and off his arms as the man finally released the last toggle. Discarded thoughtlessly, the pale skinned creature allowed her hands to roam his bare torso for a moment, fingertips tracing old scars and worked muscles with the same touch a navigator would use to trace the lines on a map. She could feel eager fingers on the front of her dress, and unable to ignore the rough treatment of the clasps, Lilium lay back and let her hands rest by her head. Finally, the emerald eyed sorcerer had figured the opening out, and with flushed pink cheeks the endless godling found herself exposed, shimmering pale skin catching the moonlight where small scales moved with each breath.

As Marcus moved away from his passionate assault on her lips, Lilium's heated sounds of delight escaped her throat with small gasps and groans. His soft mouth burned where it touched, and as the warmth of his tongue teased the peak of her breast the konti arched to meet him with a delicate breathy moan. Centuries of time faded behind her, all focus on the curious sorcerer that kept the abyss at bay. Her very being clung to him, determined to not loose him again for so long after tonight. But after was an eternity away, she was here. Now.

Suddenly, with a dizzying twist, the slight creature found herself moved and sat now astride the equally unrobed Marcus. Her icicle gaze roamed from his face to his torso, and further still where the evidence of his excitement stood to attention between them. Looking up at his face again, Lilium was rewarded with a devilish grin, hesitant and waiting. He was giving her control, and it scared her. There was something there, always in the background of her mind, the knowledge that if left unchecked her tenuous hold on reality could easily be broken. But Marcus trusted her, and the konti felt confident with him. Smiling back, slightly damp platinum hair resting across both shoulders, moonlight kissing their naked forms in a decidedly prose-like cliche, Lilium took advantage of the moment.

Leaning down, hands resting in the soft grass either side of the sorcerers head, the pale skinned creature kissed him with a deep tenderness that spoke volumes. She recalled the slip of his tongue..the almost declaration of something more than just a passing whimsy between strangers. With a slow roll of her hips, the ethaefal shifted so their bodies were aligned against each other, and opening her eyes she pulled back slightly so she could catch Marcus' eye again. Sitting up with a smile, Lilium lowered herself with a groan, biting her lip as their bodies met and sliding her hands along his bared chest and abdomen. With a tortuously slow speed, the godling sank all the way down, her blue eyes slipping closed and her brow furrowed with both delight and slight discomfort at the satisfying sensation.

Pausing for a moment, the ageless konti allowed herself time to adjust to the feeling, goosebumps rising across her flushed skin. Each small movement, either from their combined breathing or intentional shifting caused the woman to gasp, her slender fingers pressed gently into the firm muscles of Marcus' stomach. Opening her eyes, Lilium breathed through slightly parted lips, as with a small shudder she began to move above the man with a rolling rhythm of her hips. Deep within there was a crest rising, building with each languid motion.

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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Marcus Dymez on July 9th, 2012, 2:45 pm

And then everything was a blur.

It had been almost unbearable when Lilium had rested atop of Marcus, slowly adjusting to the new body she had joined with. Almost. His breathing was hot as blue flame, his mind equally passionate. He simply waited, the sensation of her tender womanhood sending roaring spikes of ecstasy up to his mind; spears aimed for his last bastion of reason. He had managed to keep some semblance of control over his actions these past few minutes, despite all efforts to the contrary, and he would not give up so easily. But sometimes such matters of resolve and determination mean nothing.

In the span of a moment, Marcus had gone from thoroughly pleasured to driven mad with passion.

As Lilium began to test the waters, Marcus had lost it. Her form molded to his desire as she moved, and inside the wizard a bonfire was starting to blaze in his loins. His hands went up to her hips as she rocked on him, and urged her to go farther. His devilish instruments guided her upwards, further and further as the stabs of pleasure almost became dizzying. The lewd sounds of the act echoed into the crisp night air, accompanied by their own passionate yells. If there had been any semblance of quiet before, it had now been utterly destroyed. Every motion echoed with a moan of lust, or a grunt of effort. Only moments later, and Marcus watched as his hands guided Lilium up and down on his lap, her voluptuous chest shimmering in the moonlight as it followed her motions.

Faster and faster the pounces came, as Marcus' blood began to boil beneath his skin. Once again he shook things up for a bit, his hands reaching around to Lilium's back and holding her like a stone as the world turned once more. When the ground steadied, the divine angel was gently laying on the short grass, with her guardian knight hovering above her. But that innocent scene lasted only for a moment, before the drum-beating rhythm resumed without hesitation. Once again the echoes of pleasure and lust pressed through the silence of the night, but louder and louder it went. Closer and closer he came to his peak, his hands reaching out to firmly squeeze and tease Lilium's tender mounds. It was only a matter of time now.

Put one in the ground, save one in the cradle...

And without meaning to, Marcus remembered the one usual piece of advice his father had given him, and understood it. He saw now why his father had never explained the strange phrase, but it was complicated business for a young lad. He didn't care for having to go through that himself, so good advice it was. And just like that, Marcus' mind was his again, and he had a game to rig. Thinking was like looking through a sheet of fog, and having to guess which direction was home. But every dog knew his way back, and Marcus thought the analogy worked quite well at this moment.

The teasing pleasure on Lilium's chest suddenly turned sharp as devilish fingers pressed and squeezed her sensitive peaks. Marcus leaned down as he continued his increasingly vicious motions, before giving the other lovely twin his full attention. His lips were as delicate as his fingers were forceful; fire and ice. Soon his breath came to him every moment, heavy and wrought with deep and visceral moans. Her sweet voice only pressed him further, but all he was focused on was getting as close as possible, before turning tail and running.

A roar rang out into the air, perhaps a bear of some sort.

Marcus lay on hands and knees above his "friendly" companion, body dripping with river-water and sweat, as he struggled to recover himself. A few of her nails had cut nicks across his chest, but such was war. All that mattered was the end result, but Marcus did not even have the energy to see if the mission had been a success or not. The last thing he needed was a child. But that was not talk of the present, and so was quickly disregarded as Marcus rolled onto his back, pulling Lilium over to his side. Her body was a comfort, in more ways than one now, but it still held that shimmering radiance he had caught from the very beginning. A gentle smirk met her as he spoke, the first words of the night coming from his usually eloquent lips.

"So, ya' have fun?"
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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Lilium on July 10th, 2012, 12:46 pm

Guided by firm hands on pale hips, Lilium found her vision dim again as her eyes closed on the world around them, every fibre of her being focused on the sensations flaring within her body with each rhythmic movement. Sounds of pleasure filled the air around them and the ethaefal allowed her fingernails to dig slightly into the taught skin of his torso. Her crest was rising, peaking in a wave that threatened to wash over her, when suddenly Marcus turned the world on her again. Opening her eyes, the pale skinned konti looked up at the sorcerer suspended over her as she lay on the soft grass, platinum hair strewn around her in a stark halo. For a moment, she allowed herself to drink in the sight of the heavily breathing man, saving the image of his emerald eyes with diluted pupils and flushed cheeks, framed by the starlit sky.

Gasping as the man resumed their ministrations with fervor, Lilium drew her nails across his chest as her crystalline eyes squeezed shut with a strangulated cry of pleasure. On the beat went, over and over, her mind lost to the sensations of her body. Within, a deep pressure built and swelled, jolts of intense pleasure shooting through her as Marcus' hands and fingers teased the firm peaks of her breasts. Arching her back, the blonde shifted her hands to rest on his shoulders, crying out as warm lips met the full swell of her peaks where his hands once roamed.

"Marcus..." She breathed his name as the pressure came to a crest, washing over her in a shower of sparks. Nails pulled into his skin and scaled legs tightened against him as her body stiffened, the ageless creature riding the passionate release to its end. Marcus' own sound of release came to her ears, sounding far away in their combined moment of satisfaction.

Breathing heavily, Lilium lay on the grass, eyes closed and heart pounded against her chest. Her whole body felt weighted, as though she was falling through molasses. Skin shimmering in a sheet of moisture, the woman felt a sense of loss as Marcus moved to lay beside her. But it was replaced with a warm feeling of comfort as he drew her closer to him, to rest on her side. The rumble of his voice came to her deep from his chest.

"Hmmm..." She groaned in agreement, to worn out to find words to respond to him. Slowly her breathing calmed down, her heart settling in her chest. Time passed as she lay against the warmth of his body, one hand resting on his sternum. Finally, as the high of passion eased away, Lilium found herself feeling self conscious in her nudity. Awkwardly, she sat up and reached for the discarded gown, pulling it around her shoulders and across her body to cover her breasts and other delicate regions. Doing up the front, the ethaefal glanced across at Marcus with a flush across her cheeks and a shy smile on her lips.

"You really have to ask me that?" She asked softly, running her fingers through damn platinum tresses in an attempt to smooth out the snarls and curls. The tipsiness had long since subsided, and the night was still young. Stopping her brushing, Lilium suddenly laughed.

"That was not what I had planned when I brought you here. But...I'm glad it happened."

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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Marcus Dymez on July 10th, 2012, 3:30 pm

Marcus was always quick on the rebound.

His mind slowly fit back into place only moments after Marcus started relaxing, his breath not impeding his speech for the first time in minutes. His thoughts were all puzzle pieces, jumbled up in the passion of their adulterated embrace, but it was a puzzle he already knew. It took but a moment to regain his usual capacities, but for once in his life, he found he didn't need them. He was more than content to lay side by side with this lovely woman, and her enticing, scaly form. Marcus could stay like this all night, but as he turned his head, a new development caught him a bit by surprise, and he honestly could not stop himself from letting slip a chuckle.

"Your coyness my lady, is quite lovely."

Perhaps it was simply yet another area in which Marcus was a strange one, but he normally felt no real inhibitions with his body, and even less with someone he had just made love with. The sweet roses on Lilium's cheeks and tender smile made the embers of the fire spark up for a moment, but Marcus was finally back in charge, and once was enough for a night. Plus he had enough trouble getting that damned dress off once, like hell he was going to do it again already. No, there were other games to play; just because the romp was over, did not mean the fun was.

"I'm glad it happened too. My chest probably isn't, but other parts of me are quite enthralled with your sudden introduction." Marcus flashed his characteristic smirk over to her as the dull echoes confirmed without sight what he had said. Streaks of red lines were outlined by smooth fingers, dotting the man's chest, one in particular a pair of large ones riding down half his form. Marcus, to which he probably wouldn't admit, had been with a woman only twice before, and neither of them had been half as aggressive as Lilium had been. It was great that Marcus had not shirked his routine at the docks for more book-work, 'cause his body may not have been able to take it otherwise. "Quite the lady you are, my sweet angel," was the best jest Marcus could draw up, but he was quite content with it; "You wound me in the best way possible." In the back of his mind, the primal part of him was grinning at his marks of passion, and unrealistically began to hope for scars.

Still Marcus' thoughts would not be avoided for long.

A sly grin slid over the man as he reached out and gently pulled Lilium by her arm, still working with that damned dress. She fell across him, her head laying on his chest, which sent a few spikes of prickly pain up his spine. Should have thought that one through... Marcus was still owed some answers however, and he always thought himself most persuasive in his least modest appearance; a masculine notion if there ever was one. A soft voice came up casually, as if the couple were once again just sitting at an inn, nothing out of place. His hand mindlessly trailed around Lilium's body with a finger or two; skating around on her thinly veiled flesh. It had a few favorite venues, to be sure, but Marcus still held a face that almost beckoned a normal situation. "Going back to this adventure of yours though. I'd appreciate some details about it if you'd mind, seeing as I may be slaying dragons and stealing their treasure at this point. A date would be nice, even." Marcus spouted the word date with some emphasis, a tender grin appearing for a moment as his hand came up to gently brush against her soft cheek, before everything became as it was a moment ago. His playfulness was matched only by his curiosity, and neither were used to getting shelved. A lovely tumble in the grass was one thing, but a magical adventure filled with the possibility of danger and being a hero? That was something his mind was quite interested in.

Plus, who says one can't have the best of both worlds?
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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Lilium on July 12th, 2012, 10:33 am

Smiling to herself as Marcus spoke to her from his spot in the grass, Lilium continued to work on the dress, glancing up briefly and taking note of the brutal red marks on his torso with flushed cheeks. The godling hadn't even realized what she had done, so wrapped up in the moment. A small pang of fear tugged at her heart. In control, or so she had believed, and still something of her demon had broken through. What if...

Making a surprised sound of protest, the ethaefal laughed as she was pulled down again, head resting against his chest with platinum hair strewn like a silk blanket. Shifting slightly, the ageless creature lay looking at the sky, her head rising and falling ever so slightly as he breathed. Chuckling softly, Lilium nodded at his words.

"A date you say? Well...I've never been one to keep time." She said with a wry smile, before turning her head to look at him.

"On the Isle of Mura, I remember hearing rumors of an artifact far out away from home. Something powerful, old...but it was also only that. A rumor." Looking back at the starry sky, Lilium raised her eyebrows in thought. Each constellation was a familiar face, a landmark in the sky, a map. She could travel the entire world with nothing but the night sky as her guide.

"We could go to the Isle, to where I fell. The people who lived on that beach had secrets they left behind. Or to where..." A flash, a brief moment...their faces..bloody.

No, Lilium thought firmly, forcing the thoughts back into their box with a violent wrench. Swallowing hard, she shrugged.

"I haven't fleshed out the details yet, I wasn't sure you would even say yes." She admitted, before adding in a soft voice.

"I wasn't even entirely sure I would meet you again."

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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Marcus Dymez on July 12th, 2012, 3:12 pm

Chance was quite a fickle thing.

Such chances and mysteries were the very reasons Marcus loved adventures, in the truest sense of the word. How could he ever refuse one, especially under current circumstances. A chuckle escaped the young wizard's lips as he reached out, gently turning Lilium's face by the chin. He gazed into her eyes as he spook, his voice confident and certain as it rode the air between the two. "Well, you need not have those thoughts again. If there are two things in life I will never refuse, it is adventure and the company of an angel. The fact that you can fill both of those positions is quite pleasurable." Once again Marcus smirked, for once his innuendo being purposeful, but that only make the playful grin brighter and wider. A hand gently swept up and done Lilium's shoulder as the couple laid there beneath the stars, and all was well.

But the work was never done; questions always remained.

Marcus pondered her words for a second as he ran through the catalog of thoughts in his mind. Mura was the "capitol" of the Konti Isles, but beyond that the young scholar had not been very, scholarly, about the place. Still, it would be quite a sight indeed, one man to gods know how many women; a harem out of a storybook. What man would say no to that?

But something was not adding up.

Marcus smirked playfully as he spoke once more, adding a gentle jest to the mix. It was a quaint thought, but one that was worth airing nonetheless, and men never knew the motivations of women after all. "The Konti Isle is quite a ways to go for a rumor... Are you sure you're not just trying to get me to visit your home?" Marcus was about to use the word parents instead, but thankfully his mind made the switch at the last moment. He had made such mistakes far too often in the past. But that was then and this was now.

And in the now, the wind was picking up.

A slight shiver slid down Marcus' spine as he pulled Lilium closer to him, her leg sliding between his as she laid at an angle on top of him. It was not cold per se, but simply unexpected, and Marcus was still not exactly aware of his nudity. An accidental nudge later, and Marcus was quite aware of his situation. Marcus let out a soft and controlled exhale as he let Lilium down by his side, and strode to his feet. "Getting a bit chilly..." Marcus found his thick leather trousers a few feet away, and hesitantly put them on. He glanced over to Lilium in her now somewhat opaque dress and felt himself a bit jealous. Damned leather wouldn't dry for a day if his luck held. But a little wet never hurt anyone, oh, on the contrary.


As Marcus flicked away another devilish thought in his head, the night had been interesting enough already, and it was time to simply lay back and watch the stars. Something was nagging at Lilium, but he knew how to help it; he usually did. Curious how the darkness of the night played shroud for the darkness in Lilium's heart.

Such is the nature of darkness, after all.
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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Lilium on July 20th, 2012, 11:21 pm

Lilium made a sound in her throat at his comment about Mura. Something between a scoff and a laugh.

"Dear Marcus, the Isle has not been my home in at least two hundred years. And before that still. True, I was born there...and I remember things. Faces...fragments of my life. But I don't know it as home. I've spent more time in Zeltiva then I have in Mura, I think."

But then, such words planted curious ideas. What if Mura held something for her, clues to her past before she ascended to Syna's realm? It would be buried in sand and foliage and the life and deaths of the people who had passed since herself. Still, the ethaefal shook her head.

"No, the Isle is not where the rumor started...it is where I heard it. The artifact was somewhere far away, somewhere distant. At the time I remember it was...unsafe to leave the island. The waters were still churning, Gods and Goddesses still waging war with each other. And the world was still bearing the wrath of war. We were kept...safe...in our isle. But...I don't...I can't remember..." Crystalline eyes distant and a small crease in her brow, Lilium could almost grasp her past...like a word floating on the tip of your tongue. The harder she tried to remember though, the further it floated. Finally she sighed and let it go.

"The past is a curious thing. You know so much about mine, yet yours. I know nothing about your past. Except that your a scholar, and a sorcerer, and you are most certainly not built like a man who has spent his whole life inside with his nose in books."

Watching Marcus as he moved away from her to pull on uncomfortably wet leather trousers, the konti smiled from her vantage point in the grass. She enjoyed watching him, comfortable in his presence and still delightfully sated by their recent experiences. Above them the sky glittered with thousands of stars and the moon shone brightly. Lilium enjoyed the night, and this would be one night out of thousands she would remember forever.

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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Marcus Dymez on August 5th, 2012, 6:47 pm

The past was such a dull topic.

Marcus did his best to leave his mundane nature back in his memories, where he believed it belonged. It was not worth revisiting, and definitely not worth sharing, but this young scholar was not in a position to refuse her request. Despite his desire to focus on the future, he hesitantly began speaking, summing up his past as quickly as possible; two decades in less than a minute.

"There isn't too much to say, really," Marcus started with a slight shrug, casually walking back to take a seat beside his moon-lit angel. "I was born to inn-keepers, and worked at the docks with my older brother, who is a fisherman. Nothing out of the ordinary ever happened, and everything was as boring as possible. That's partially why I study the most obscure and unusual of arts, I suppose." Marcus let out a small chuckle as he ran a hand through Lilium's hair, his characteristic smirk gleaming in the night as he spoke. "I'm sure you've noticed by now, but I'm anything but normal, and that's just the way I like it." Marcus always did his best to speak the truth, and in this regard all he had to do was talk and the words followed. But this did not quell the wave of annoyance and irritation that came along with the memories; his home and life before the University blending together in a mass of ordinary. No, he much rather preferred the future, and in this case, the present.

After all, the future was yet to be decided, and the present held such a tangible quality to it.

Hoping to uplift the mood surrounding the couple, Marcus decided to change the subject, with as much tact as he could muster. "Enough of the past though, I'm much more interested in the future; namely, our future." Now the field had turned once more to his side, and he spoke almost subconsciously, a partition of his mind wandering off to dwell on idle thoughts stirred up by the reminiscence of the past and the promise of the future. "I do believe I could get used to nights such as these. And you?" Marcus let dexterous fingers slide along her side, gently pressing through the thin dress as he accentuated his point. This was a much more light-hearted topic, after all, and more interesting by orders of magnitude. But still his thoughts lingered, and once again he found himself emboldened in his need to distinguish himself from the ordinary. Never again, he swore in his mind, as his words jested without a hint of worry. "Perhaps a change of venue though; unless you're into the public scenery, of course."

Regardless of the scenery though, Marcus knew this night was unique; a birth of something extraordinary.

But some things were meant to repeat, and a few scholars even believe history itself runs in cycles. Marcus had never really put much thought into it. He studied history in order to enrich his own future, not to understand what implications it carried for people three-hundred years down the road. It was this nagging idea that tore at Marcus, and in the back of his mind, observing all that had happened this night, there was one thought that reassured him.

This was anything but normal.
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A Future Beyond The Past (Lilium)

Postby Cascade on August 17th, 2012, 5:34 pm

Adventurer's Loot

Marcus Dymez's Loot :
Skill XP Reward
Seduction +3
Philosophy +1

Song: Who Wants To Live Forever?
The Irony of Songs
Public Displays of Affection
Dragons and Treasure
A Man in Lilium's Past
Love By The River
Rumors About An Artifact
An Interest In The Future
Lilium's Loot :
Skill XP Reward
Singing +1
Seduction +3
Rhetoric +1

The Irony of Songs
Public Displays of Affection
Dragons and Treasure
Speaking of the Past
Love By The River
Rumors About An Artifact
Oh my. What a heated thread. It's evident how much passion you guys put into your threads, and that's always a nice thing to read. If lovemaking were a skill, I'd give you both XP for it. Though if it WERE a skill, your PCs are definitely not playing to their novice level. :) If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me!
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