[Flashback] Just another autumn day (Nate Frostfawn)

Nate and Vetiveria meet in the Windward Boardwalk.

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

[Flashback] Just another autumn day (Nate Frostfawn)

Postby Vetiveria on July 12th, 2012, 1:19 am

20 Fall 509 A.V.

Vetiveria hummed a nameless tune to herself as she walked through the arches of the Windward Boardwalk. She carried a leatherbound journal and a book of her father's; he didn't mind her borrowing his books, as long as she didn't write in them. After a few moments of walking and admiring the beauty she passed, Vetiveria settled onto her favorite bench; it was barely within the area reserved for Whitevine Hold, but she often saw members of other Holds pass by as well. Taking in a deep breath of air, she sighed contentedly before opening her father's book; it was a beautiful day.

The book she'd borrowed was on herbalism, as most of his informational books were; this particular one featured plants considered hardy enough to try growing with the aid of stormgems in Taldera. She stared intently at the random page she'd found, eyes turning to gold as she skimmed the words and illustrations there; then she opened to a blank page of her journal, turned it horizontally to allow her more workspace, and took out a well-used pencil.

This page would be dedicated to chives. First, she did her best to copy the illustration from her father's book: she drew a bulb-shape, squiggled some lines for roots, and drew some lines up out of the bulb, then she widened the lines; however, shading was not her strong suit and the lines came out less defined than they should have been. It'll do, though, she smiled to herself. It's just for my reference after all. Next, she wrote Chives in large letters at the top of the page and placed some summarized key facts to the side of the drawing.

    A hardy perennial, they blossom for about sixty days of Summer; this flower is usually cut off as chives are most often grown for their grass. Like most members of the onion family, chives produce an oil high in sulphur; this oil is repulsive to most insects, in contrast to the bee-attracting flowers of the plant. In large amounts, chives can help control high blood pressure, but larger members of the onion member are better-suited for this.

After she'd finished writing, she closed both books and set them to her side; Vetiveria found it best to relax for a few moments after focusing strongly on a task. She very softly hummed the same nameless tune from earlier to herself as she watched the clouds and her eyes settled back to their usual gray.
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[Flashback] Just another autumn day (Nate Frostfawn)

Postby Nate Frostfawn on July 13th, 2012, 10:34 pm


Nate often went for walks around the city. He loved the place, even more so after returning from a trip to Syliras a few years earlier. He had yet to find anything that matched the beauty of Morwen's Palace or even the wide open spaces of the snow covered reaches.

He rarely ventured into the Windward Boardwalk, unless it was for the festivals, but today he found himself walking underneath the beautifully crafted archway into the park. His hands were shoved deep into his pockets, and a small smile played over his mouth. His seafoam-green eyes flickered as his gaze moved from place to place, taking in details he had never noticed before.

He would occasionally spot footprints in the snow, and they weren't always human. Nate would start following some of the tracks on impulse; hunting and tracking were slowly becoming instinctive to the young half-blood. After a short while, he found himself in an area that he didn't recognise. He glanced round, spotting a girl sitting on what appeared to be the only bench in the immediate area.

Nate being Nate wandered over, not being all that bothered to find an empty bench. The girl was watching the sky, and as he drew closer he heard that she was also humming. He plopped down on the far end and sat for a while, staring out at the scene before him. The girl continued to hum her song, and he turned to her, genuine curiosity in his eyes.
"What's that you're humming? It's nice." He offered her a smile after he spoke, not even realising that not everyone liked to be interrupted by seemingly random strangers.
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[Flashback] Just another autumn day (Nate Frostfawn)

Postby Vetiveria on July 14th, 2012, 3:05 am

Vetiveria wasn't approached often when she went to the park. It was a quiet place, and she'd become used to being the only one in this area; she didn't even notice the newcomer had sat down on the bench until he spoke. She jumped very slightly, but he seemed friendly so she quickly composed herself. Since she'd just been relaxing, she didn't mind being approached, even though it had thrown her slightly off guard. Turning to look at the stranger, she immediately noticed his lighter hair and tanned skin; she also guessed he was taller than even her father (who was the tallest man she knew and he was five feet and nine inches), though she couldn't be entirely sure since he was sitting. Her observations were just to try and place if she'd seen him before, but she couldn't recall ever running into him.

"It's just something from my head... I don't think it has a name," she returned the smile. "I don't think we've met; I'm Vetiveria."
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[Flashback] Just another autumn day (Nate Frostfawn)

Postby Nate Frostfawn on July 16th, 2012, 6:03 pm


Nate's smile turned slightly sheepish as he saw the girl jump at his words. It wasn't likely she saw it however, since she appeared to gather her thoughts before she turned to look at him. He kept his usual smile politely in place as she studied him, and he took a moment to do the same.

She was pretty with her large, soft grey eyes and dark hair that contrasted her skin. Nate noticed the green shimmer to it; he was always a little jealous of those who had the unnatural Vantha colour in their hair.

He gave a little nod at her words. "I don't think we have met, no. I'm Nate, it's nice to meet you ." His smile widened slightly. "All the same, it was still nice." He motioned to her books. "Mind if I ask what you were reading?" Nate hated reading, but he was always curious about what other people liked.
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[Flashback] Just another autumn day (Nate Frostfawn)

Postby Vetiveria on July 16th, 2012, 7:55 pm

Vetiveria was relieved her memory hadn't failed her and he was indeed a new face to her. Sometimes, like at the festivals, people came and introduced themselves too quickly and she always had a slight fear of not recalling someone that she had met. She'd been a little less nervous than usual because he had a very memorable appearance, but it was always nice to be sure. "Hello, Nate," she returned the nod with a polite smile. He was kind, she could tell; she liked kind people. "It's nice to meet you too."

The added compliment to the song made her smile widen as she realized the sincerity of it, and emerald green began to blend with the gray in her eyes. "My Mother used to sing when she worked," she explained; the memories were warmer now than they had been back then, interesting how time worked. She thoughtfully twirled the bottom fabric of the scarf, which had belonged to her Mother, she was wearing around her neck before continuing. "I picked up the tunes from her. She told me they were just bits and pieces from her mind when I'd ask what she was singing."

She gave another nod when he asked about what she'd been reading. "I was studying some herbs," she clasped her hands together as she briefly glanced toward her books. "I'd like to be an herbalist, or maybe a healer, someday so I try to learn as much about them as I can." She knew he was probably just talking a walk, but she still felt compelled to ask because seeing someone else in this part of the park was unusual. "What brings you to the park today?"
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