"What I need is to be able to see my reflection IN her eyes. That's how I get the djed link to another person's mind. I'm only a novice at it, so I'm pretty limited."
Kuvarakh's frustration was genuine. He was starting to really feel sympathy for this rose. In his rational mind, he knew it was absurd that a summer plant would truly be affected by illusory snow during summer, but his emotions were hooked. This plant was shivering, her voice trembling with cold.
He wondered briefly how other plants were reacting to the snowfall. There were no others acting as though they felt anything. In fact, the bees Natalie had mentioned were still out doing their rounds, disappearing into snowpuffs as they did their pollinating routine.
He wondered about plants that were indoors. Were they getting enough sun, as Natalie had been concerned about? he walked across the icy walkway, careful not to slip, and made his way to a window. It was difficult to see in with the frosty coat of ice in the corners. He put his hand against the ice to block the light and cover his reflection as he looked in.
Something nagged at his thoughts, but he dismissed it as he looked in, seeing various plants, some healthy and bushy, some looking somewhat sad and thin. He took his hand away slowly, shaking his head. he didn't know enough about plants to know whether those plants were in normal condition for the season.
He started to turn back when the nagging thought occurred to him. He turned to the window again. He had blocked...his.....reflection...in the ice! He spun back to Nira'lia and Natalie-the-rose. She was not just snowy, she was icy!