Iradessis Dashow Kalters

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Iradessis Dashow Kalters

Postby Iradessis on July 15th, 2012, 3:29 am

Basic Information
Race: Human
Birthday & Age :18 of summer, 494av
Gender: Male

Physical Description

Iradessis stands a good 5'8 in height and weighs 160lbs. He has long black hair that go down to his shoulders and dark brown eyes. He has two tattoos on his face. His hands are wrapped in some old. dirty, dried looking cloth. he is some what muscular but looks more slim.

Character Concept

Iradessis is a calm minded person. He comes off as a very unsocial person do to the fact he doesn't talk to many people but he listens to them no matter how long they speak. He is polite and well mannered when women are around but if they are not he can be a bit rude to others. He has a strange strong desire to fight and that makes it hard for him to resist one

Character History
Iradessis was born in Syliras. His name came from his grandfather. His mothers name is Kristal and his fathers is Houjin. He didn't have much problems growing up until his ninth birthday when his dad taught him how to fight. The problem for Iradesses is that he enjoyed too much. He enjoyed the blood rush and couldn't resist the pleasure he experienced while in a brawl. His parents worried for him and wanted him to stop him before he ended up hurting him self. As he grew to the age of ten his parents tried to teach him how to hold in the desire to fight by teaching him different things in hopes he would find a more enjoyable feeling for it over than fighting. but with no luck. As he aged to twelve his parents gave up on trying to get him not to fight and focused trying to get him to fight for the sake of others. this had some effect on him, but he still fought pointless fights. When he turned fifteen his fighting habits got out of control when he was arguing with his father. His father ended up slapping him in the argument which made Iradessis hit his dad continually until his fathers face was badly beaten to the point where it was deformed. When Iradessis came to his right of mind he had feared for what he done. After that he has tried hard to learn how to hold in his desires to fight to a great degree to know who he should fight and who he should not, but that fight also made him quiet and distant from people who are there for him. His father still tried to talk with him about that fight saying it was ok but Iradessis didn't like what he had become and wanted to change. As the years passed when he turned seventeen he receved two tattoos on his face. The one on his bottom right of his face is a small flame for his burning desire to fight and on his other side a tattoo shape scar for what he had did to his father. Now that he is eighteen he leaves his home to go out into the world

Training & Skill Points
Skills: unarmed combat, Brawling, cooking

Unarmed combat 30/100 (30 SP)
Brawling 10/100 (10 SP)
Cooking 25/100 (15 SP, 10 RB)

Fluent Language: Symenos
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: Pavi

Lore: Plants that are great seasoning for food
Lore:How to take a hit


a travel package:1 large tent (4 person), large tarp, 100 ft of rope, flint & steel, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle & hooks, a riding horse, a full set of tack, and a large set of saddlebags

Simple cloth shirt and pants, black cloak, and leather shoes(Starting Package)

1 Waterskin
his father's old hand wraps (family Heirloom)

100 gold mizas (Starting coin)

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Last edited by Iradessis on July 15th, 2012, 4:37 pm, edited 4 times in total.
User avatar
Posts: 7
Words: 1627
Joined roleplay: July 15th, 2012, 2:14 am
Race: Human
Character sheet

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