Rewards and Treasure! Marcus Dymez :
Experience Points +1 Observation +1 Storytelling
Lores Zeltiva: Kelp Bar Wrenmae Wilmot the Bard
Miscellaneous n/a
Comments This is minor, but the gold coin spinning thing is considered a Sleight of Hand covered under the Busking skill, which you have 0. I'm letting you off with a friendly warning, since it is probably too small a mistake to penalize. Do take note in the future to be careful of playing over your skill level. PlagueMan! :
Experience Points +2 Storytelling +1 Auristics +1 Familiary
Lores Zeltiva: Kelp Bar Marcus Callus the Scholar Rumor of the Spear of Lisnar Marcus the Personal Magic User Marcus' Offer
Miscellaneous Inventory: +Parchment NoteA note passed to Wrenmae by Marcus, it has the date "43rd-512" and the words "Treasures of the Sea" written on it. Ledger: -4sm (+6sm from tips, -1gm from the 2 beer)
Comments A word on tips - I rather you write it vaguely and leave the ST to decide the number. Most jobs pay about 4gm/day, and I doubt it is realistic that anyone would drop 25% of their daily pay for a story. Not unless it is a truly epic story with more than just a competent storyteller's charisma. I feel that it is more likely that they simply just drop a silver coin instead. You are free to contest this, however, and I will refer you Paragon if you wish it. Also, at 4xp in Auristics, your use of it looks like something a more experienced Aurist would do. At such a low level Wren would have to struggle and deeply focus to even hope to get a glimpse of 'magic-vision'. Getting a 'scent' on someone's aura would be ciose to impossible at that level. The 0 is not a typo; that is the penalty. However, if you wish to edit it for points do so, then PM me the changes and I will re-consider accordingly. EDIT: Wrenmae has edited accordingly and the appropriate points have been awarded. The Kelp Bar only serves Kelp Beer, which costs 0.5 nilo, in other words, 5sm. Just thought you should know.
In Conclusion An interesting proposition. I would like to see where it leads from here It seemed that Marcus did not give Wren the gold coin in the end, or maybe I read wrongly. Do PM me and let me know if that's supposed to be the case. |