Sylkra wrote: Sylkra whimpered, and then hugged Sariana as she stroked her hair. She smiled, and then felt the Drykas' own hair as well. It was so smooth, so silky, she wanted to fall asleep into it. She sighed, sad for making that huge scene and maybe embarrassing Sariana. It was a shame for her. She would have to learn to never do something like that again. She looked up at the moon, and then down at Sariana's arm, how she stroked her hair ever so softly. Sylkra's bright hair always shimmered under the moonlight like a stream. She smiled again, and then pulled free from Sariana's grip. "You're right," she said, confident in her own words. She was looking at Sariana in her beautiful eyes, and then continued. "I need to stop." Her head dropped for a moment, and her face drooped into a pitiful frown. But then she pulled it back up, giving her a weak grin. "I just don't know what to do with myself when I disagree with you. You are, always have been, and will be the nicest person to me I've ever met, the closest. And if you ever get pinched by sadness or hurt or pain, or any bad thing, I feel like it was my fault, because I am supposed to be protecting you. I am supposed to be your guardian." She could feel her lips drooped uncontrollably again, and her eyes milking up into a soft glaze. She wanted the best for Sariana, she wanted her to always be okay. If that didn't happen, Sylkra was the one to take the blame, she was the protector. And as the protector, she didn't want Sariana to get hurt. "Sariana, we are equals..." She trailed off, and mumbled, "I think," looked down and thinking about it. Were they equals? But her scrambled mind pushed it away and she kept talking. "And that means I deserve as much pain as you do. Which you don't deserve any. You are the kindest, friendliest, smartest, most perfect and amazing person I've ever met." A smile leaped onto her face. "I just thought I deserved punishment. Like a hunter gets no pay when he comes back with no meat or skins." Sylkra had gotten into the habit of describing things with hunting. 
Wow... I just want to say, over the past... what, how long have I been to Mizahar, 3 or 4 months? That's hard to believe. I'm not sure if it seems longer or shorter than that. But, anyway, look at the post, and well... depending on your opinions, how good it is. I mean, in my mind, it looks like, TOTALLY not me, it's so good. I never thought I could be a good writer like that. You might not, but I do, think it's good. Amazing. And then look here at my first post EVER:Sylkra wrote:Sylkra took a deep breath, and looked at all the other Kelvics. They all had masters. They all had a purpose in life. She realized, that maybe she could find one too. In her human form, Sylkra took off through the trees and branches. In town center, she let out a howl, signaling everyone to gather by her. She shouted over the chat of the people, "Sorry for wasting your time, but I need a master. Never in my life have I had one, and so I am looking for anyone, no matter how kind. Please, I'm desperate. Whoever wants to be my master I will protect and serve until the end of time."
Wow. Like, amazing. I think later I will do a redo of that post, except it won't actually count for anything, just for fun to see how I would write that NOW as as opposed to EARLIER, when like writing was not something I did everyday. So because of this brilliant boost in writing, I thank the founders, for making Mizahar, the people, for the threads, and all the staff and mods and admins, for keeping it safe and kept in order. |