40th of Summer, 512AV Vondra was only just walking around town, staying close to areas she was familiar with and trying with a certain stubbornness to map out the city mentally. Her mother continuously told her it was not going to happen, that unless she counted each step she might find herself in a canal. Still she did not want to be reliant on someone for her entire life, she wanted to be self-sufficient as much as possible. In so far she had lost count of how many steps she had taken but continuously tried, her brow creased in single minded determination as she tried to make the correct turns, “Mum, that’s a wall, we have to go the other way.” “Aw, petch.” “You shouldn’t curse.” She stuck her tongue out at the boy and gave him a grin but she could feel him shaking his head at her no doubt, “Where are we going today?” She tapped her chin thoughtfully, as if honestly thinking about the destination when she already knew where they would go and so did he most likely. Still it was a way to pass time and maybe she would meet someone interesting to hone her skills on. One of the few thrills of her handicap was she was never sure what her partner would look like, she could imagine anything and when things were a bit sour it made them much easier. Finally she spoke, tilting her head down in the general direction of her companions and whispering, almost conspiratorially, in his ear. “Well, I know a stand in the people’s market that is supposed to be amazing! And of a certain boy who enjoys their hot cakes. I think we can spare a few miza don’t you?” Patting his head and remaining oblivious to the boys flush she heard the mumbled ‘I suppose’ and nudged him forward, “Then onward! Ah, and don’t forget to keep an eye out for me, can’t miss any potentials. Mama would have a fit.” Continuing their stroll Vondra declined any food, not really hungry and not completely sure the vendor was telling her what was really in the meat and she had no way to be sure. Instead she only paid for her guides food, taking care to brush the vendors’ hand unnecessarily and then position herself neatly against the stand. Not quite selling herself out but trying to make it obvious she was alone and would welcome companionship. A snicker to her right told her she probably was not completely succeeding if at all. |