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Postby Zarya on July 15th, 2012, 9:51 pm

Of the Diamond Clan


Basic Information

Race:Human, Drykas
Birthday & Age : 6th day of Winter of 493 AV, 18 years old
Gender: Female


Language 1: Pavi
Language 2: Common
Language 3: Nari

Physical Description Zarya is often haunting in her looks. With her curly, blonde hair that seems to float about. Her eyes are a piercing green that tend to come off as intimidating to those that look into them. Her skin is a very fare, ivory that is dotted with light freckles. Her face is quite angular, as though it was designed the rash cuts of a dagger. Her windmarks span across her body and her back, with ornate detail. These marks often look like vines, covering her back and arms.

Character Concept Zarya hopes to become a powerful warrior and gain a Gnosis mark from Zulrav. She hopes to travel more than just where her people migrate. She is hopeful in her ways.

Character History Zarya grew up in a large family of seven, Zarya being the youngest. In the early years of her life, she often tried to keep up with her much older siblings, most of which would often be training for battle. It was when she turned ten that she bonded with Eri and spent most of her days alone, trying to find peace with Zulrav. At 14 she decided to leave home in hopes of finding a better way of connecting with the god and her people.

Spear- 20 points (Starter pack)
Hunting- 10 points (Starter pack)
Riding- 30 points (20 starter pack, 10 racial bonus)
Lore of knowledge of Zulrav
Lore of the Importance of the Strider

Equipment and Possessions 1 large tent (4 person)
Large tarp
100 ft of rope
Flint & steel
2 torches
Fishing tackle & hooks
A chocolate Seme named Eri
Full set of tack
Large set of saddlebags
1 Set of Clothing ( A long, white cloak, a gray tunic, white trousers, and a pair of dark leather shoes).
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
Braided leather bracelet (family heirloom)

100 M

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Last edited by Zarya on July 23rd, 2012, 1:44 am, edited 5 times in total.
User avatar
Posts: 12
Words: 3787
Joined roleplay: July 15th, 2012, 12:35 am
Race: Human, Drykas
Character sheet

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