Location [Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Demetri Velutina on July 21st, 2012, 7:26 pm

Timestamp: 1st Day of summer, 512 AV

    Adorned in his Night Ink-black leather armor, the exoskeleton of armor supported his slender frame. His pale skin hidden under the hood of his black cloak leaving the specter of a Symenestra to glide along the path. His journey though the unforgiving had been one long adventure as he left from the city of Lhavit some time ago. Looking upon The Sanikas Gates with a quirked brow, noting the designs of the mountain. Walking into the shadows of the darkness of the hallway, Demetri’s dark figures almost blended with it as if happy to escape the light of the sun that was high in the sky.

    Holding a clawed hand out he made one simple tug on the glass handle to sound the metallic bells. Looking around he suddenly saw an eldritch man (Val Imsun) make his way over to him. Out of common courtesy Demetri removed the cloaks hood from his head while looking at the man with violet eyes. “Hello, may I be of assistance?” were the first words to exit the elder mans mouth as a smile tugged at the Symenestra lips. “I seek refuge for the summer season in your city, I am weary from my days of wandering the Unforgiving. I first seek a place to lay my head.” While Demetri had been around the unforgiving near Wind Reach before, he never had entered the city itself. This would be a first for the pale man.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Phoenix on July 21st, 2012, 8:36 pm



Val nodded and chuckled at the polite rejection. "I cannot blame you! Welcome, son! Enjoy the city!" and with a wrinkled hand, the old gatekeeper waved the man through into Wind Reach.


Having watched the woman approach, Val was waiting with a smile and a wave as soon as she came into hearing range. "This is a long way to have come exploring! Where are you from, weary traveller?"

Beckoning the woman closer, Val listened to her tale and nodded politely. A gracious sweep of his hand lead the newcomers gaze to the gates that sat behind them in the shadows. "Wind Reach awaits behind us, young lady. Make sure to visit the Valintar on your way though. Lots of stained glass, right on the end of the tunnel. You can't miss it."

And with a smile, Val teetered back to his seat and turned his gaze back to the road.


Val had seen Demetri's kind before, both in his younger days as an Endal and during his time as the keeper of the gates. Those sharp blue eyes regarded this newcomer with a sharp kind of observation, the silence that stretched between them a polite one.

"You'll find this season a hard one, my friend." When Val finally spoke again, his voice was like sun warmed leather that still creaked when it moved. "We don't take well to strangers." The statement was an honest one, with no hint of aggression or disapproval. Val was simply stating the truth.

"Knowing this, do you still wish for entrance?"
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Demetri Velutina on July 21st, 2012, 8:57 pm

    Demetri held a polite gaze, not letting it set on the old mans features any longer the needed before diverting his eyes to look beyond the man over his shoulder. The mans warning was not taken lightheartedly, in fact he contemplating them for a good moment before responding. His tone soft, letting the words link together smoothly as if he wished to speak in his native language of Symenos but the common had stolen his breath.

    “Then I will have to prove myself as a friend during this ~hard season~. In hopes of better days to come I offer my hand in friendship.” Holding out his pale hand his vibrant obsidian black claws were shown in a gesture to shake Vals hand. “I do still wish to enter”
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Phoenix on July 21st, 2012, 9:07 pm


Val nodded with a grim expression, his gaze still tracking over the strangers form as a thoughtful expression crossed his face. "Well then, welcome to the city, sir."

A hand was waved towards the darkened entrance with a small smile. "Stop by the Valintar on your way into the city. You'll have to do something to provide for us during your stay."
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Demetri Velutina on July 21st, 2012, 9:55 pm

    “Thank you for you assistance kind sir. I believe I can find my way from here.” The grim expression was duly noted as Demetri met it with a smirk and a quick wink of his left eye. His hands rose to lift the hood of his cloak back over his head only leaving the bottom half of his mouth showing as he made a polite bow to the elderly man. Turning to walk down the hallway to enter into the city…
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Zarya on July 22nd, 2012, 10:36 pm

Zarya nodded her head graciously. Thank you she exclaimed happily. She lightly tapped Eri with the sole of her leather shoes and trotted through the gates, only to give a quick glance out at the landscape behind her. She smiled softly only to realize that this was only the beginning of her story. Dreams filled her head of the future that could be.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Arxad on July 25th, 2012, 9:25 am

Timestamp: 2nd day of Summer, 512 AV

Arxad carried on along the path to the gates of Wind Reach, clearly exhausted. His feet dragged, his eyes sagged, and his head hung low. Despite his physical fatigue, his mind raced with thought. What will I find here? What is in store? Will I be allowed in? Will I find anything at all here? All of these things flew through his mind too fast to focus on them one at a time. He knew that these thoughts would only stress him further, so he tried his best to push them aside. After all, he had been here before. In fact, only a few weeks ago, he had been here to trade some meat from his catch. He had an abundance that week, and had no need of the extra rations. Hopefully they would treat simple visitors the same as the traders that come and go. Being so consumed within the world of his mind, Arxad nearly walked into one of the enormous pillars that stood at the entrance to Wind Reach. He stopped, at long last taking the time to look around, and take in his surroundings. This was it. This was the place that would make or break Arxad. His fate rested just beyond the gates of this city. With a deep breath, he pulled the glass handle, signaling a new arrival.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Sphinx on July 27th, 2012, 1:45 am

The clanging of the bells were what drew Valtrrik to his gate, and he stood there for a few moments to look at this exhausted new arrival to the city. He had a kindly look in his eyes, surrounded by the face of an older man.

"Hello. It's a nice day for traveling, isn't it?" He gestured for the visitor to come closer, out of direct sunlight and inviting him to lean against the cool, smooth pillar. "Do you have a name and a reason for being here, traveler?" He didn't always remember the faces that passed his gate.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Arxad on July 27th, 2012, 7:14 am

Arxad remained silent for a few seconds, scanning over the man who came to greet him. Yes, this was the same man who was here during his last visit. Val, he had heard a few men call him. Arxad pulled a variety of vegetables, berries, and meats from his pack; About two days worth of food. He knew he did not have much left to eat in his pack, though he thought it was better to at least bring something to trade rather than simply walking in and expected some sort of hospitality. "I am Arxad. I have come to Wind Reach in hoped of trading some of the food I have accumulated in the wilderness, and perhaps stay a night or two." As he spoke, he stepped out of the sun, resting his back against the pillar.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Avi on August 9th, 2012, 8:27 pm

Avi had made the trip in three days from the Spires, flying mostly at night to do her best to avoid the massive eagles that called Wind Reach their home. She knew about them, these big birds that claimed dominion over these skies, and she had no interest in riling things up. It was their territory, and she was a stranger after their prey, their food, their homes, for all that they knew. She had landed near the Sanikas Road, and walked the rest of the way. She was a strange sight - Vantha-looking to onlookers, her hair shining and wild and as untamed as the land around them, a few black feathers woven in, secured with thread and thin scraps of leather. She carried with her an old spear, the frayed, faded remains of a crimson cotton vest and black trousers what she used for clothing, and low-cut leather boots covered her feet. She saw little need of such things, but others were far more particular about it. And because it was the customs of others, Avi went with it.

Her backpack carried her few provisions and her snake, presently napping in a bundle of cloth. Snakes scared people, though Avi could never understand why. Maybe it had something to do with them not knowing about them. They just had bad reputations. She made her way up to the gate before pausing and studying it before reaching and ringing the bright chain of bells, inwardly wincing at the noise, her eyes never staying put in one colour anymore, much less one of them being the same colour as the other.

Such cacophony...
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