[Kitrean Krafts ]The forging of a flesh splitter[Fallacy]

Bones decides to have a new blade crafted... One finer than any he has used...

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

[Kitrean Krafts ]The forging of a flesh splitter[Fallacy]

Postby Ssafirsotibones on May 27th, 2012, 9:45 pm

71 Spring 512

The worth of a warrior is often judged by the weapons they carry... At least at first glance... Along with that how they used there weapons was also important. But when you first saw them, all that mattered was the steel they carried, how intimidating it looked... How well it was made... Then even the weaponmaker came into the picture.

Bones himself was growing to be a formidable warrior. But his main weapon was a old gladius. He had kept it in good repair, but it was no master weapon. It had been his fathers long ago, and had since had its edge re-honed many a time.

If he was going to become a real warrior, as one from the sagas of the ages, he would need a weapon to reflect that. So that was why he had decided to come to Kitrean Krafts on that day...

Well to be honest, he had been thinking of going there. But only thinking for a few days he needed a new and better weapon... It was the city that had led him here, shifted and dropped him almost on the places porch. Perhaps that was the cities way of saying he should have his weapon forged here.

As he walked in the door, the first thing he saw was the racks and aisles of weapons... Clearly this was a place of weapons, of blades, of tools of death.

Bones walked in, just letting the sights sink in. Then he would walk up to the first isur that he saw worked there, and tell him of his request...

"Hello, I am Bonesss... I am wanting to commissssion a gladiusss to be made. A ssspecial one. One of sse finessst make. Ssisss place ssseemsss to almossst call to me, to have it forged... And I believe only a isssur could manage what I am in need of..."
Bones is a Constrictor Dhani. He likes to eat meat. He also has some speech problems.

When he speaks, a double s (ss) means a [th] sound, that he cannot say.

A triple s (sss) means just an [s], but it is extended in his speech.

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[Kitrean Krafts ]The forging of a flesh splitter[Fallacy]

Postby Fallacy on July 16th, 2012, 12:52 am

The shop had been a little slow today, not that the smiths were not busy crafting the newest weapons to replace ones bought frequently, its just today they had little customers. So it was when the man came in the Isur liked the change of pace. Manning the front of the store wasn’t the hardest thing, but the Isur felt that he had earned this spot, and if his children questioned him then he would show them just how great a smith he really way.

The start of the conversation interested Vacielli, and he smiled, ”Only the best quality of weapons are found here. Everything is of Isur craft, mind you.” he said waving his hand in a brisk motion giving each and every rack of weapons in his shop proper recognition. ”Just feel free to look around, and if you see something you’d like, bring it here.” he said invitingly. ”Everything is forged in the back.” he laughed motioning behind him with his thumb before he fell quite again observing the man who had walked into his store. ”Or, if nothing here satisfies, then you can put in a request and it will be filled provided that you have the miza”

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[Kitrean Krafts ]The forging of a flesh splitter[Fallacy]

Postby Ssafirsotibones on July 16th, 2012, 1:17 am

Bones nodded, and attempted a smile, which came off more as a scary grimace.

"I do not doubt ssat your weaponsss are fine. I have heard talesss of how none can sssmith better ssan sse Isssur. Asss I am sssure anyone who hasss ssspent much time in ssisss region hasss."

Bones looked around a bit more, taking in the weapons... They were certainly well made, he had used enough weapons at least to know well crafted pieces, from pieces of garbage. And these were more than worthy to be wielded by many an skilled warrior...

But Bones did not want to just be another warrior of some skill... He wanted to excel... He wanted to surpass all others... He wanted to become something extraordinary... And just another well crafted blade, would not satisfy him...

"A requessst... Yesss, ssat isss what I will do... I would like to place a requessst... I need sssomessing ssspecial... Not jussst a well made gladiusss... But sssomessing beyond ssat, sssomessing extraordinary..."

Bones looked at the isur, his eyes only for him, impressing upon him Bones seriousness in this endeavor.

"I have sssaved up quite a few miza. And I have heard tale ssat sssome of your weaponsss even sssurpassss sse fine creationsss you already make. I could easssily buy a dozen gladiusss wiss what I have sssaved, but would rasser buy one gladiusss better ssan sse dozen in itsss craftsssmanssship and ability."
Bones is a Constrictor Dhani. He likes to eat meat. He also has some speech problems.

When he speaks, a double s (ss) means a [th] sound, that he cannot say.

A triple s (sss) means just an [s], but it is extended in his speech.

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[Kitrean Krafts ]The forging of a flesh splitter[Fallacy]

Postby Fallacy on July 16th, 2012, 4:55 am

The Isur watched and listened to the strange speaking man as he talked. He nodded at times to show that he was paying extra close attention. The way he wanted the sword sounded perfect. The man hadn’t had a request quite like this in a long time. A smile spread across his face in the light of the challenge which he was presented with. This was going to be fun, not only that, but it sounds like a chance for him to get a little extra money out of the deal as well.

”Well, you should know, I am the only smith capable of making such a weapon in Alvadas.” he said all too proudly, ”And my services are not cheap.” he said shaking his head, ”But if you have the miza you claim Ill forge you your sword. It will be of craftsmanship the likes you have never seen.” Oh yes, if the man wanted a sword he could give him a sword, ”That will only about 1125 Gold Rimmed Miza” he said, attaching the price at the end. His services were not cheap, but one would find that they were well worth the extra miza.

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[Kitrean Krafts ]The forging of a flesh splitter[Fallacy]

Postby Ssafirsotibones on July 16th, 2012, 7:03 am

Bones wondered if that was true... Was he truly the only person capable of making the weapon? He supposed that meant he had little chance of there being anything better than this mans best. At least if he did not want to go trekking to the home of the isur, wherever exactly that was.

"You get what you pay for... I would not expect sssuch excellence to come cheaply... "

Bones nodded, listening to the man... It seemed they had come to a deal...

"If sse weapon isss asss good asss you imply, ssen I would gladly pay sse price... For ssat price, I would expect nossing lessss ssan sse bessst ssough... It sssoundsss like we have a deal..."
Bones is a Constrictor Dhani. He likes to eat meat. He also has some speech problems.

When he speaks, a double s (ss) means a [th] sound, that he cannot say.

A triple s (sss) means just an [s], but it is extended in his speech.

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[Kitrean Krafts ]The forging of a flesh splitter[Fallacy]

Postby Fallacy on July 16th, 2012, 10:28 pm

The Isur nodded confidently, ”You will see. Come back in about ten days and I will have the sword ready for you.” he said with a knowing grin. The smith was not going to let his reputation down on this one. It would be a masterpiece. That was for sure. ”Bring your money with you when you come back. If you like what you see, then you will pay for it, if not, then Ill keep it around the store.” he said knowing that there was no reason for the person to be unsatisfied with the craftsmanship he was going to imbued into the weapon.

Spring 81, 512 AV

When the man would come back to the shop, approximately ten days later, the same Isur would greet him with a friendly smile. Have to be nice to paying customers, you know? ”Hey, welcome back!” he said in a booming voice that filled the room, the weapons seemed to even rattle a little on their racks. ”Been expecting you.” he said, ”Ill be right back,” he said before disappearing into the back room. There was no way he would leave a weapon he forged in the main storefront.

The shopkeeper would disappear for quite some time, leaving Bones to wonder if he actually finished the sword or not, but eventually he would reappear, coming from the back room holding a weapon whose craftsmanship visibly outdone all the other weapons in the room. It seemed to draw the eye, and the Isur seemed proud of it, really proud of it. ”Behold, one of my works of art.” he said, holding the blade gently with two hands, one holding the hilt of the blade, while the other graced the flat part of the blade. ”Very sharp, you will find no better blade in all of Alvadas.” he boasted, setting it gently on the counter before his customer, ”Made of the finest Isurian Steel, and crafted by the grace of Izurdin.” he said hinting to the supernatural grace of the sword.

There should be no reason the man would be unsatisfied with the sword.

XP Award!

XP Award:
  • N/A
  • Requesting a Sword
  • The Sword of Bones Dreams

-1125 GM for the Sword

Gain Sword (feel free to Name it what you want):

This Gladius was forged in the confines of Kitrean Krafts. Made by the head smith Vacielli Haolven. The blade was forged with Isurian Steel and was imbued with the first rank of Izentor. Such a weapon has the potential to shatter lesser weapons.


The item becomes more durable thus resisting even the most devastating sources of potential damage. Blades will almost never break or dull, armor will almost never dent, cloth will almost never tear or fray and structures may withstand the most devastating weather conditions.

Feel free to add details to blade if you so with, but that is the jist of its powers and abilities.

Any questions or concerns about the rewards gained please send a PM :)

12 hour shifts have started, and Im working 6-7 days a week mandatory overtime. My replies will be slow until I can adjust to this new groove.
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