71 Spring 512 The worth of a warrior is often judged by the weapons they carry... At least at first glance... Along with that how they used there weapons was also important. But when you first saw them, all that mattered was the steel they carried, how intimidating it looked... How well it was made... Then even the weaponmaker came into the picture. Bones himself was growing to be a formidable warrior. But his main weapon was a old gladius. He had kept it in good repair, but it was no master weapon. It had been his fathers long ago, and had since had its edge re-honed many a time. If he was going to become a real warrior, as one from the sagas of the ages, he would need a weapon to reflect that. So that was why he had decided to come to Kitrean Krafts on that day... Well to be honest, he had been thinking of going there. But only thinking for a few days he needed a new and better weapon... It was the city that had led him here, shifted and dropped him almost on the places porch. Perhaps that was the cities way of saying he should have his weapon forged here. As he walked in the door, the first thing he saw was the racks and aisles of weapons... Clearly this was a place of weapons, of blades, of tools of death. Bones walked in, just letting the sights sink in. Then he would walk up to the first isur that he saw worked there, and tell him of his request... "Hello, I am Bonesss... I am wanting to commissssion a gladiusss to be made. A ssspecial one. One of sse finessst make. Ssisss place ssseemsss to almossst call to me, to have it forged... And I believe only a isssur could manage what I am in need of..." |