First Impressions (Open)

Vetiveria takes a day to explore the streets of her new home.

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

First Impressions (Open)

Postby Vetiveria on July 16th, 2012, 9:35 am

40 Summer 512

Vetiveria stepped outside her shack, which was presently located at the top of a hill on the outskirts of the city, to admire the view before her. She'd read so many stories about this unpredictable city as a child, and she was eager to explore. The first rays of light had just begun to color the sky; she gazed up to admire the soft pinks and blues – and a snowflake landed on her nose. Snow? On a day as warm as this? she blinked, then looked again at the city, now noticing that it was covered in snow. How curious. This city is full of surprises indeed.

She stayed near her door for a few long moments, taking in the bizarre yet beautiful landscape. Hmm, one of the first things I should do here is get a job, she mused. It makes little sense to do that without at least being familiar with what the buildings look like though. A thought of her taking up a job only to be unable to find her place of employment made her chuckle. She'd been given some information about the city from the Sanity Center after she'd bought her house, of course, but Vetiveria was the type to learn by seeing up close. So sightseeing and immersion it would be for the day then.

She smiled and began her careful but brisk descent to the main road. She knew sometime in the near future, she would seek out the Apothecary, but today she just wanted to explore and get a feel for the city. After passing a few houses and nearly tripping on a striped tent, she found herself within the city and slowed her pace to better allow her to look at her surroundings. For the moment, she had no specific destination; she simply wanted to explore and perhaps meet a new face or two.
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Lost Northern Star
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First Impressions (Open)

Postby Corbin on July 17th, 2012, 9:33 am

40, Summer 512
Corbin's feet seemed to be made of lead. He was glad for his cloak right now; it hid his face and kept him safe from the biting cold that suddenly buffeted him. Iuno must be upset he mused. He looked up in time to see a young Vantha girl looking around. She seemed to be looking for something - a pointless exercise, due to the city constantly changing. He decided he'd best tell her that. With his mistress grieving he would have time to show this girl around.
He started making his way towards the girl, ignoring the everchanging scenery around him. He had lived here long enough to see through the illusions to an extent. It made navigating the city a little easier, though it was still nigh impossible to keep ones bearings in Alvadas.
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First Impressions (Open)

Postby Vetiveria on July 17th, 2012, 7:29 pm

The sudden cold had startled her, but she didn't mind it much and she kept the same pace she'd started with; it was still warmer than she'd grown up used to. To her the cold would always signify safety and familiarity. So the temperature changes just like everything else, she noted. Perhaps I should keep my hat and scarf in my bag instead of the chest at home.

After a few moments of glancing into the everchanging shop windows, trying to decide if she'd further explore any, she noticed what seemed to be a man walking towards her; his cloak made it hard to be entirely sure. They were the only two in sight. I'm still new here and don't know anyone... but it shouldn't hurt to be friendly, Vetiveria mused. After waiting until the distance had somewhat closed between them, she greeted him. "Hello." She offered a polite smile.
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First Impressions (Open)

Postby Corbin on July 17th, 2012, 7:54 pm

"Hello" Corbin returned to the girl. He pulled his hood back so she could see his face. He found people trusted you more when they could see your face "You seemed a little lost. The streets are constantly changing shape; almost nothing is constant here. I've been here all my life and I still get lost."
He realised he had burst out in a tangent, and offered his gloved hand to her.
"Sorry, people call me Corbin. What is your name?"
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First Impressions (Open)

Postby Vetiveria on July 17th, 2012, 8:39 pm

She observed the man for a brief moment. His eyes didn't seem quite human, instead they seemed birdlike. A kelvic, she noted to herself. She was used to tales the polar bears of the Icewatch, but she knew kelvics could be almost any animal. Meeting a bird was new and interesting.

"Oh, I know." She laughed softly. "It's just my first day here, but I've heard so much about the changing streets and had to see them for myself."

She took his outstretched hand into a polite, but brief, handshake. "I'm Vetiveria."
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First Impressions (Open)

Postby Corbin on July 17th, 2012, 9:01 pm

"It's nice to meet you, Vetiveria." he tilted his head slightly "Your eyes..." he said softly "You're a Vantha, aren't you? I've read about your people. They say your eyes change depending on your mood. Does your queen really have only Kelvics in her guard?"
He suddenly felt foolish for his tirade of questions. "I'm sorry. I'm just really interested in the Vantha. My father came from Avanthal." he stopped himself
"Sorry, but how good is your common? I know a little bit of Vani, if that makes things easier..." his voice trailed off.
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First Impressions (Open)

Postby Vetiveria on July 18th, 2012, 11:54 pm

"Yes, I am." She moved slightly so that the light hit her face and made her eyes, which now had hints of gold and green with the gray, a bit easier to see. "Our queen has kelvics in her guard, but there are vantha as well, of course. Bondmates, usually. Without them, we wouldn't even have an Avanthal. I can tell you more, if you'd like..." She wanted to say so many things about the Icewatch and Avanthal, but she reminded herself that she was no longer in Avanthal and it wasn't as acceptable for long stories to be brought forth. More gold swirled in her eyes as she glanced up at Corbin. "And you're a kelvic, aren't you?"

Her interest had been piqued when he'd mentioned his father being from Avanthal, but the way he'd cut himself off told her not to ask further. She noticed a slight sheepishness in his features; she was surprised at the apology - every fellow vantha she knew was proud of their heritage and to speak of it. Unless... I wonder if I'm the first vantha he's met, she thought to herself.

"My common is passable, long as I don't need to explain anything too hard," she shrugged, then offered a warm smile. "Vani is preferable, of course, though."
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First Impressions (Open)

Postby Corbin on July 19th, 2012, 8:50 am

He smiled at her. "I am. I met some Kelvics a while back, so I know a bit more about them, but it's another subject that is a little murky and unclear for me" he didn't hide his displeasure at his lack of knowledge. Suddenly he perked up "How about a trade of sorts?" he said "I can tell you about Kelvics and you can tell me about Vantha"
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First Impressions (Open)

Postby Vetiveria on July 19th, 2012, 9:39 am

His offer excited Vetiveria; she loved to talk about Avanthal, and she was curious about other races. She'd only known of the kelvic in the Icewatch; he was the first kelvic she'd properly met. It was apparent he didn't know as much as he'd like to, but perhaps sharing what he did know and learning more about the vantha would help some with that. "I would like that very much." She nodded as her smile grew wider, and her eyes transitioned to emerald green. "Perhaps we should go somewhere other than the streets to talk? You've lived here longer; you should probably lead."
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First Impressions (Open)

Postby Corbin on July 19th, 2012, 12:14 pm

He smiled as he inwardly thought on that. It might take too long to find a restaurant with the streets constantly changing around them. It could take only a few minutes or several hours to find somewhere for them to eat, and by then it might be dark and his new companion wouldn't have anywhere to go. Vetiveria would need a house and a job for as long as she was in this city-if she planned on staying here long, that was.
He honestly hoped she made the choice to stay. He'd like to become friend with her and he loathed the thought of this being a random encounter without any follow up. He decided he'd have to ask her if he could talk to her again sometime.
"We could go to the Sanity Centre" he suggested to her, hoping he hadn't been staring blankly at her for too long "You'll be able to get a job and a house there, and we'll have more than enough time to talk on the way there"
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