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Postby Absynia on July 19th, 2012, 5:11 pm

All images are not scale or true representations, only concept art that are designed to help the reader get a better understanding of the senseless writings of the author lol. ~:Absynia


Actress used for images: Alyson Hannigan

Name: Absynia
Age: 18
Race: Inarta
Gender: Female
Birthday: 8th of Winter, 494AV

Gnosis: Tatani
See below for the story of how Eywaat chose her.

Physical Description:
Shoulder length dark red hair, though in bright light it will turn lighter and a bit gold colored, large expressive yellow gold eyes and a lean, lithe athletic figure. She stands about five foot four weighing in at one hundred and thirty five pounds.

Clothing concept art
~:A full written detail of her clothing coming soon.

Patience was a virtue she learned growing up, not having a voice deemed this trait necessary. Often overlooked by more boisterous and loud individuals she had learned that in order for her to make something of herself she had to make noise in other ways. Like many of her race she is outgoing, adventurous and quick to smile, though being mute leaves her without a voice. She's quick to act in any situation, often putting herself in harms way to protect someone who is in bad need of protection. She has a warm heart, especially towards birds, but really she loves all animals much more than she cares for people. She has a strong will, without much fear and a deep stubbornness that can and often will drive people nuts. If she gets something in her head, she sees it through, even if the end result isn’t what was in her mind. Woe to the person who earns her wrath for she will come up with miserable and slow punishments.

She hates people who bully others, hates people who take advantage of those who cannot say no. She has a strong desire to protect others and defend those that otherwise cannot defend themselves. Having been at the very bottom she knows what it is like to be unable to refuse the things that one would happily keep away from.

Reading, writing, music, stargazing and shiny things.

Carrots, she despises the orange vegetable with a passion.

She was born in the usual fashion for any baby, her mother being one of the many Dek living in Wind Reach. The problem with her was easily apparent when she took her first breath, squalling silently in the arms of the one who helped her into the world. She was mute, not a single sound uttered, her place in life was already determined, she would follow her mother into the same servitude at the very bottom. Perhaps in disgust at the deformed child she bore she named her Absynia, the name strange compared to all the rest of the Inarta. Her deformity made her a target for other children, her work always being messed up and she unable to utter a single thing to rise in her defense. This led to constant fights, branding her as wild and unruly by those who could control her fate. She was an intelligent, patient and cunning child, getting even in creative ways, but always being overlooked by those who chose better and more interesting children.

Her lot in life was pretty much set and thats when she decided that if she was going to be stuck as a Dek she’d do the best she could. Her golden eyes while considered a gift hardly earned her any kind treatment from those around her. Being mute meant she couldn’t say anything, plenty of people tried taking advantage of this fact, but being nimble also helped. If she could get away with it she did whatever it was, always following the rules, but managing to keep herself from too much danger. The others of her caste did her no kindness either, no one wanted to try with a person who could not communicate. On her twelfth year she had already been working for two whole years, though only given chores a child could handle. She was often sent to fetch things or sent to give something to someone. She didn’t know how to read so there was no risk of her seeing something she shouldn’t and even if she did who would she tell or how?

It was on this day that she was given a note to give to one of the aerie personnel. It was an area she had never been, but once given a job she had to complete it. An older boy had been poking around a ledge at the time of her errand and when she had appeared on the stairs she had seen the shadow of one of the eagles. She stuffed the note down her shirt and raced up, just in time, as a young eagle had taken offense to this stranger and had fluttered down from an above ledge to try his hand at nabbing the boy as prey. She had shoved the boy out of the way and skittered away from the eagle, letting loose a very shrill whistle. Due to how quiet it was the noise had carried far, upsetting an even larger eagle who’s shadow sent the fledgling into the nearby empty erie as it landed before her. Perhaps it was the look in her eyes as she stared up at the large flying predator, maybe it was how she showed no fear and glared him in the eye as he studied her or maybe he just wasn’t feeling very hungry, he chose her.

That one moment, that one act, set her on a bewildering chain of events that shaped her path for her entire life and sometimes she’s happy for it.

The day Eywaat Marked her as his own :
No work meant a lot of things for the ten year old, it meant that she could rest, it meant she could go and do something, but it also meant that she was free! It wouldn’t last of course, her fate was sealed due to the fact she couldn’t speak so these rare moments when she wasn’t given tasks were cherished. Birds were amazing creatures for her, for all her race, but to her they brought her a longing so deep it was painful. She dreamed of flying, she dreamed of being surrounded by a flock of friends, she dreamed of being surrounded by wind and stars. Some weeks ago she had found a young raven, she had watched it for hours to see if it had parents. She knew that ravens leave the nest to wander about, but in a crowded city it could be dangerous. After two days she had determined that there was no care given to the filthy, lonesome fledgling, something that made her heart hurt, she was without care too. Sure she had food, shelter and people around her, but the life she was set in was unkind.

It had been tricky getting close to the young bird, but patience and probably hunger won its trust in her. Bugs, soft bodied squirmy things it liked best, things she caught and saved were what she fed him. She had learned to whistle, no mean feat when technically at the time she should have been working, but she had overheard a man and a boy talking about it and had paid attention. Practice and practice plus many hours even days of frustration had eventually paid off when at last she had made a small shrill sound. A hobby of hers was to try mimicking bird sounds, though any sound required a voice for she would never be able to do. It gave her some small sense of pride when she’d get the attention of a bird nearby her, at least they didn’t see her as others did. They only saw her as someone trying to make sounds, a strange human, but nothing more than that. Dek were not taught about gods or goddesses, their only job was to serve and be obedient. She loved this small raven and part of her hoped that it had an attachment to her, he was her only friend.

Technically she wasn’t allowed a pet, she was allowed very little of anything. Foiled by the attempts to do things as a kid had put her in this position, but she still thrived. She let out a few short whistles, sounds she had always uttered when she would bring food, raven parents often called their chicks and this was her way of trying to be his mother. She wanted to see him fly, to become like the rest of the birds and reach the skies. However when she rounded the corner in to a place she often found him, all she found was his corpse. Tears welled up in her eyes and she raced over to his small body plucking it from the ground and holding his lifeless shape to her chest. Not a single sound could be heard from her, but if she had had a voice her sorrow would have been heard. All she had wanted was to care for him, to see him someday fly like he should, but she had failed to properly protect him. Was that why she couldn’t have a friend? Was that why she had no voice?

She had no answers, only her small heart broken in to pieces at the sight and feel of the only creature she loved. She sat down in the corner of the alley still holding her dead friend, she didn’t know what to do with him now. Tears fell upon his stained, tattered feathers, she didn’t think they would ever stop. What would she do now? She had nowhere else to spend her time, no one else who would come to her if she whistled. Even if it was just for food the bird, she had never given him a proper name, had wanted to give him a name when he flew. A silly thing really, but she had feared that if she had given him a name before then he would never reach the sky. In her mind though she had saved a name for him, Swen, but now he’d never get it nor would he ever fly. She stood up, tears still running trails in the dirt upon her cheeks, she decided she would find a better place for him to rest. There were gardens in all sorts of places, but the one she wanted was one filled with sunlight, touched by the wind.

It was near sunset when she had found the place, people paying her no mind as she carried the bird. She dug a hole, tore off the cleanest part of her clothes and wrapped him in it. Just as she was going to lay her friend in the ground a sound startled her. She looked back and saw a man standing there watching her, she hugged the bundle close to her afraid he would stop her.

“Child, I will not hurt you…”

She had never seen someone with black hair, nor with such odd hazel eyes, he was an outsider. She would have screamed at him to go away if she could, but all she did was shy back wary.

“Was he your friend?”

This confused her, why would a stranger care that the raven was her friend? Still, he didn’t sound hostile, only curious and sad, she nodded looking down at her wrapped friend. Tears welled up again, but she refused to let some stranger see them fall. When he moved closer she almost tried to run, but all he did was move closer and squat down near her watching her.

“You tried to help him fly, even though you risked getting punished… Few would have deviated from their tasks to be so kind, especially one who’s never had any kindness.”

She stared up at him amazed, she hadn’t ever gave any clues to her actions, yet he saw! She laid Swen in the ground, but as she went to replace the soil the man reached in too fast for her to stop him lifting the small bundle and cradling it.

“Don’t worry little one, your little friend is in a better place, flying as he should. I’ve taken him under my wings, the reason I am here is because he told me of you. Told me of a small human who tried her best to care for him, he worried your heart would shatter when you found what he left behind. I heard your sorrow… So clear was your pain, it hurts to see how sad you are.”

What could she do? She stood there listening to him awed and afraid of a man who saw in to her heart. When he stood up the bundle in his hands started to glow and then little by little the glow fragmented till the wind took the small pieces and carried it away, like little lights carried by a breeze.

“That is where he belongs, not in the ground…”

He reached down slowly and touched her head stroking her hair, at first she was startled, but when it didn’t turn painful she relaxed and even enjoyed it. She hugged him, starting to cry all over again, her friend was finally flying. She had also had the hope that if he could fly, so too would she someday, but his death dashed that fragile hope.

“Look up at me child.”

Obediently she did, sensing that to not do so would not be good.

“Do you know who I am?”

She shook her head.

“I am the god of birds, lord of the skies, my name…is Eywaat.”

The sound of his name whispered through her thoughts, she would not forget it.

“Your kindness, even at risk of yourself and the true emotion that the parting of Swen brought to you, not to mention of the spirit himself that came to me on your behalf, has impressed me. All your people revere birds of every kind, but you hold them especially high. I cannot change the path before you, I cannot give you a voice to speak out to those around you, but… I can give you the ability to speak to and gain the friendship of those who you care for most. Your path is going to be especially strange, touched as you are in a most interesting fashion, the gift I will give you will give some comfort to your lonely heart.”

One large hand was placed upon her ear, euphoria, warm and strange tingly ichy feeling welled up inside her before slowly fading. She rubbed her left hear feeling a strange prickly protrusions on the top of her ear, like the unfledged feathers of a young bird.

“I brand you as one of mine for I will certainly be keeping an eye on you. Keep reaching for the sky Absynia, someday you will indeed take flight and upon that day I will come to visit you again. It also means I get to stalk you whenever I want, keep me amused little fledgling!”

Suddenly a flock of birds descended, the noise of their wings, the wind from their flapping, stirred everything around her and when she looked up, he was gone. She had never learned of gods, but this one who said he was one proved to her that he was at least something amazing. In a tree nearby she caught sight of a glorious ghostly raven, she knew at once it must be her friend, in her mind she cried out his name and with a loud caw, like the sound of laughter, he flew off and disappeared. She wasn’t sad anymore after that, though when she arrived back at where she was kept she got a sound beating for coming back well past dark. No one got even a hint of what she had been up to, not even the pain of the punishment was enough to dampen her renewed spirit. She would do what Eywaat had said to do, she would keep reaching for the sky no matter what.

The day she Bonded with Ashtar :
“SYN!!!” Her overseer bellowed her name and she came racing to him standing under her glare wondering if she had done something wrong. A scroll was shoved into her hands “Take that to Anya, she’s one of the adepts that tends to the eagles, NOW!”

She raced off towards the direction of the mountain, she didn’t know who this person looked like, but all scrolls had the names of who they were to go to on them so all she had to do was show it. If only she could speak she’d have been able to tell the angry matron what her problem was, but the elder woman had no patience for her tries at communication so she couldn’t ask. Normally she wouldn’t have been given this task, but Ahnsa probably had no one else to send. This particular person was probably a close friend or something, she thought, she wasn’t sure however. Why else would she be sent to give something probably important to a person of such importance? The whole city was alive and bustling like usual, the noise, smells and motion of the people making it a sea of stimulation. She knew of the places that would take younglings to tend to the eagles and wondered if she could get allowed with just to finish her task.

It seemed to take forever to find one such group, when she stood in front of one of the people holding up the scroll the woman glared down at her. She plucked the scroll from her hands, read the name and heaved a sigh “Fine! You’ll just have to find your own way down.”

She nodded and fell to the back of the group keeping herself from drawing any more attention. It didn’t seem to take long, she was led through a series of twisting caves, then back outside again. She didn’t follow the group after that, she stood looking up in awe and wonder, never again would she probably ever see such sights. Above her all colors and shapes of the eagles were in the air, some bigger than others, but all of them amazing. She didn’t know it, but all eyes were upon her for they were not used to seeing one such as her roaming without guidance. One particular male stared down at her with interest, he thought it rare for a Dek to look so bravely around her, not a single bit of uncertainty. All he saw was a child who’s eyes stared up in the sky to his brothers and sisters with longing and wonder. A strange thing for one who’s duty was to serve others without even a choice.

Absynia moved on remembering her task, she couldn’t gawk when the scroll had to be delivered. When at last she spotted someone she held up the scroll again waiting, this person too looked down at her irritated, but when he saw the name he gave her directions. She dashed away deciding it was best to hurry, after a few sets of stairs she stood catching her breath. It was around this time a boy a bit older than her appeared above her. She watched him wondering what task it was he was set on, but also spotted a young eagle above him looking down at him. She had seen this particular look in the eyes of other hungry birds, the boy didn’t see his death coming. She bolted as fast as she could sometimes even using her hands on the stairs to propel herself faster. The scroll was stuffed down the front of her tunic just before she tackled the boy out of the way of incoming talons.

The boy was sent flying backwards and left her standing within reach of the angry bird. She brought her fingers to her lips letting loose a shrill whistle, it bounced off the stone echoing. The young bird started, scampering back and spreading its wings. Without warning an even larger shadow dwarfed the fledgling, the sound of thunder sent it scampering for shelter into the opening of the empty aerie. Absynia cowered from the wind stirred by massive wings and when it ended she stared up into the eye of a massive, raptorial birds eye. She stood her ground instinctively, this bird before her might make a meal of her, but she would show some type of fight! All she got was a chortling sound and the rustling of wings.

Defiance in such a thing as you...admirable, but foolish, you don’t even equal a light snack.

She would have looked away if it wasn’t for the fact his amusement made her angry. Her fists clenched at her sides, her shoulders shook, but not a single word of fury was uttered.

Not even going to say anything in your defense? I am well within my right to eat you and you won’t even apologize...

She opened her mouth, but only air came out and she looked away ashamed. He was right, while she had a task to finish he was perfectly able to eat her and no one would care.

A mute... That explains a few things, I am sorry little fledgling for shaming you so, I was only curious and did not mean to offend you. Will you forgive me?

She stared up at him in wonder, an amazing being, an extraordinary predator such as he was apologizing to something like her? No one, not a one, had ever asked her for such a thing, they took what they wanted from her and never looked back, but him? It brought tears to her eyes, she shook her head pointed at herself and tried to show him he didn’t have to apologize. Again all she got was a chortling sound, he lowered his wickedly curved beak near her shoulder gazing at her closely.

Not a voice, not even a protector, yet so kind...so brave, you saved that human boy and all the thanks he gave you was running away. More humans are coming you know, you’ll be in trouble for all the ruckus, the fledgling has a very angry mother...

That terrified her, she could be killed, she pulled out the scroll and looked down at it, then at him. She couldn’t tell him that this paper was why she was where she was, truly she hadn’t meant to make a fuss. All she did was try and save someone, if she had let him die she’d have been in worse trouble. It was so unfair, she was doomed to get in trouble either way, she sighed heavily and looked at him. She reached up a hand near his neck pausing and looking at it before looking him in the eye.

You want to pet me...

She nodded, it would probably be the last chance she had, she wanted that to remember for when she faced punishment.

Very well.

His feathers were smooth and strong, a spicy scent coming off them, she breathed in the smell and dropped her hand. Looking up at the sky she saw a few eagles circling above watching, to fly, that was what she wanted so badly. She would never get to do so now. The giant eagle watched her, saw such yearning, like a youngling trapped in the nest waiting for its feathers to grow so it can test its wings. Footsteps pounded on stone and he looked past her his beak clicking, he had a decision to make. Save the child and take her as his bondmate or leave her to her fate. He straightened up as the small group of people came, his wings opening as he screeched a warning to them. His decision was made...

You will not touch my bondmate!!

This startled all but him, the others staring down at her both upset and curious. He moved over her spreading one wing slightly to cover her, she was his now. He would make the rare exception and be the voice she did not have, to make up for the things she lacked, to protect her and be the friend her heart craved for.

My name little fledgling, is Ashta, from now on you are sheltered under my wings.

She clung to his side, soaking in the warmth of his body, soaking in his scent, she didn’t know what was going on, but it felt amazing.


~:Absynia's Themes:~
Heart of Courage
Friendship to Last
Enigmatic Soul
Never Forget
Fire Nation
Infinite Legends
Last edited by Absynia on September 6th, 2012, 10:53 pm, edited 46 times in total.
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Postby Absynia on July 19th, 2012, 10:49 pm



Name: Ashta
Age: 9
Gender: Male
Species: Long Crested Eagle
Personality: Curious, bold, honest, picky, vain

Ink black feathers are the things that he is most notable for, like the shadow of death. He is a very picky individual, often his gold eyes look upon something with disinterest. It is the unusual things that catch his attention, things out of place and that stand out that don't intend to that catch his eye. Acts of defiance in the face of inescapable doom amuse him and draw him. His biggest flaw is that he's vain, he loves being adored and not by just anyone, he wants attention only from those he finds worthy. Its not that he demands constant attention, its the praise he adores, from comments on his long crest to the sharpness of his talons, he likes to know what people think beautiful about him. He's honest, sometimes even painfully so, but looked upon with fondness most of the time.

He likes to keep a watchful eye on events that pertain to his bondmate, if he can’t go someplace he will keep her near him just so that others have to come to them. Mostly due to the fact that without him Absynia has no voice, he refuses to allow anyone to deny him. Any offense to her often gets his ire and a bird his size you really want to keep happy. He’s larger than the typical Eagle, a fact he’s very aware of and proud of, especially when it can intimidate those who try to snub his pairling. For all his flaws he’s a devoted partner only interested in protecting the one who shares a part of his heart.


~:Ashtar's Themes:~
Birth of a Hero
Spirit of Champions
Undying Love
Lux Aeterna
Sky Titans
Fill my heart
Northern Pastures
Last edited by Absynia on July 24th, 2012, 3:15 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Postby Absynia on July 19th, 2012, 10:50 pm

~:The Aerie:~

~:Aerie Map:~

~:Aerie description:~
~:Ashta’s Aerie:~

It is said that when this modest, out of the way, set of rooms was made that the man they were made for had wanted anyone coming to see him to first pass his companion and friend. For this reason the start of Absynia’s aerie went first in to Ashta’s nest. The nest its self was sunk in to the ground, something the long crested eagle had wanted, so it was made for him. This gave him the easiest access and comfort when anyone might drift by him, all he had to do was open an eye, not tilt his head to look down. Carvings of eagles, tinted glass on one wall and the ever present sound of tinkling chimes were the most notable within his space. Rough, bumpy and colored tiles lines the floor to both add more color, but to also allow him purchase when landing and moving to his nest. In the front of the cave is a long ledge that has a gap in the railing for easy takeoff and landing.

Concept art for the pathway with railing to the entrance of the opening of the aerie cave and the open end of the ledge for ease of flight.

~:The Common Room:~

Past the eagle’s watchful eye and past his nest set a solid carved wood door, upon the door were carvings of forest. When opened it opened in to a large circular room, with large windows that allowed in much light. These windows were also window seats, to allow anyone looking out them a comfortable place to look out at the surrounding area. The center of the room held a firepit, this provided warmth to the giant room and light for when it was dark. Furs covered the floor, the walls lined with shelves carved in to the very stone. Plants were all over, some hanging from the ceiling, some growing from the shelves and some were even left to grow up walls, though the vines were tended to not grow rampant. Shelves that did not house plants, held tomes, scrolls; and other personal effects. Near to the fire was a couch, chair and table, this was where Absynia might entertain company, if she ever decided she wanted any. Directly across from the door on the other side of the firepit was a spare room. This held a bed, shelf, privy and washbasin for the reclusive Endal’s only servant.

~:The Bedroom:~

To the left of the common room was another carved solid wood door, the door had images of clouds carved in to its surface. This room was Absynia’s sleeping space, it held a fireplace, a single set of large widow doors that opened to allow her to walk out upon her balcony. In an alcove cut in to the wall, covered by a curtain, held her bed, the stuffed leather was soft, thick pillows lined the walls and where her head would sleep and the curtains held in the warmth while keeping out extra light. It was big enough for three people to fit comfortably. More plants were around the room, varying shades of furs covered the ground and candles hung from lanterns from the ceiling to give lots of light at night. Thin gossamer like cloth hung over the balcony doors to keep out insects, but not hinder the daylight. More shelves within this room held some books, but crystals, a few odd shaped bones, a couple of animal skulls and rolls of parchment. On a wall held a place for her weapons and her bow, quiver and small shelves for arrows. The walls on either side of the door to her bathroom were shelves for clothing and bath supplies.

~:The Balcony:~

The balcony was where she spent a good portion of her time, playing her flute and enjoying the breeze. It had a comfortable wooden chair and a table, more plants were kept in boxes along the railing trailing down and growing freely.

~:The Bathroom:~

Sunk in to the floor was a deep pool, at the farthest end was the deepest part, the water just covering her shoulders when she swam to it. In one end, the shallow part holding an underwater bench that when she sat down upon it the water went to her chest. When she stood the water went to her hips, this pool at its shallow end had fresh, hot, water running in, a hole in the deepest part drained the water. The door to this room was stone, to keep the steam inside, a hole in the ceiling let the steam drift out. Nothing else was within this room, it was the most quiet, the most warm and Absynia bathed frequently to stay clean and because she loved to swim.
Last edited by Absynia on July 24th, 2012, 8:04 pm, edited 28 times in total.
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Postby Absynia on July 19th, 2012, 10:51 pm

Skills, Lores, Magics, Languages

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Hunting 5SP 10RB 15 Novice
Falconry 10SP 10 Novice
Birdkeeping 10SP 10 Novice
Camouflage 10SP 10 Novice
Trapping 5SP 2XP 7 Novice
Tracking 5SP 5 Novice
Hunting 2XP 2 Novice
Camouflage 3XP 3 Novice
Play Musical Instrument 5SP 5 Novice
Socialization 7XP 7 Novice
Observation 6XP 6 Novice
Rhetoric 5XP 5 Novice
Seduction 2XP 2 Novice
Persuasion 1XP 1 Novice
Writing 2XP 2 Novice
Planning 1XP 1 Novice

Fluent Language: Nari
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language:

Lore of Traps
Lore of Hunting

Invisible in the night
Using Ashta as a Voice
Witnessing a meteor shower
Ashta embraces Ivak’s reappearance
Being probably the only soul Tiaue’a trusts
Disturbed While Admiring the Stars
Demetri Velutina: "A Bizarre Man Who Likes Playing Games"
Meeting a Symenestra
Feelings for Demetri Velutina?
Proving One's Rank
The Kindness of Birds
Hunting With a Purpose
Blending With The Forest
Aid From a Raven
Last edited by Absynia on April 23rd, 2013, 8:55 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Postby Absynia on July 20th, 2012, 8:52 pm

~:Personal Property and ledger:~

1 Set of Clothing
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel

Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100p 100p
Income for Summer 512 +500p 600p
Last edited by Absynia on May 24th, 2013, 3:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Absynia on July 22nd, 2012, 8:02 pm

~:Thread List:~

~:Main Roleplay threads:~
The stranger in black | 1st of Summer, 512 AV (Complete)
Look, the bottom of the bottle! | 7th of Summer, 512 AV
|11th of summer spent hunting|
Starfall and company | 45th of Summer, 512 AV (Complete)
In silence we meet | 70th of Summer, 512 AV

~:Occupation Roleplay Threads:~
Summer season's hunting | 11th of Summer, 512 AV (Complete)

~:Combat Roleplay Threads:~

~:Training Roleplay Threads:~
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