Location [Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Phoenix on August 10th, 2012, 3:29 pm



Val nodded his head slowly, long wrinkled fingers lifting to stroke at his chin, moving as if they were twirling a beard, long since disappeared along with his youth. It was only a moment or two before he nodded, one bright blue eye closing in a quick wink.

"Go on through, friend. Your offer of food is greatly appreciated. Please, join us. And don't forget to stop by the Valintar if you intend to stay long enough to need food and housing."


Val had been in the middle of feeding his birds when the clanging of the gates bells rang suddenly above him; the noise had long since ceased to make him jump, a familiar sound now after all these years.

It took only a few chimes for Val to make it to the gate entrance, a small brown falcon still clutching at the leather glove that covered his forearm. Upon seeing the stranger, Val only smiled and settled down into the chair that always resided beside the gates; these travelers long since stopped surprising him as well. His smile pleasant, his voice a gentle and curious thing when he spoke.

"Well well. What brings you here, young lady?"
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Ash Vanor on August 12th, 2012, 12:35 am

5th day of summer, 512 AV

The Endal approached the gate briskly, his face set to his natural stern line. It was a magnificent sight the gates to Wind Reach, perfect mechanical splendour. Looking up at the sky, Ash saw Varon overhead, silhouetted in the early morning sun light.

Finally home, Ash thought to himself, it was a good hunt, but nothing feels like coming home.

Don’t think you can leave to go be lazy in the Aerie, Varon’s deep voice echoes in Ash’s soul, you need to go straight to the Bent Arrow for practice, I noticed many of your shots going quite awry.

Sighing visibly, Ash accepted his fate of training as Varon departed into the city to drop off their quarry. Turning his focus back downward the Inarta walked closer to the gate to see its old keeper. Nodding at the man, he awaited the opening of the entrance to his home with staring eyes.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Avi on August 22nd, 2012, 10:25 pm

She tilted her head when she heard footsteps, listening, patient. It was still early, after all, and she was pleasantly surprised to see the older fellow appear, especially with a hawk on his arm. "Good morning," Avi greeted him properly, but in Common, her voice quiet, respectful. "And good morning to you, wing-brother," she spoke to the bird in the language of animals, Nari. She returned to the tongue that he could understand. "My name is Aviquilat Frostmane. I have come to Wind Reach for trade - I seek to purchase a saddle, like the kind used with your Wind Eagles, but adjusted to fit me properly."
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Sphinx on August 23rd, 2012, 4:00 am

Ash Vanor
Val smiled broadly as Ash came into view. His Wind Eagle, Imsun, had told him the Endal was approaching but, lo and behold!, Ash elected to walk instead of fly in as most other Endal did.

"Welcome home, Ash," the old Endal said cheerfully. He rang the bell to allow the younger man entrance into the city. "It's not often an Endal walks through these gates. It was nice seeing you again. Did your hunt go well?"

"Adjusted to fit you? In what way?" The man seemed visibly shocked by this. Was this girl another Kelvic with a Wind Eagle form under her skin? They were so rare, so unnatural, but it was still a sight to see one.

She might have been any other breed of Kelvic, but for all Val knew, she could have been hinting at being a Wind Eagle.

"You should first go see the Valintar, get a bit of information about our city and arrange housing for your stay, and come next Market Day, you can approach the letherworkers for an appropriate saddle."
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Avi on August 26th, 2012, 11:03 pm

"I am a Kelvic, a larger bird. I flew from Taldera. I do not seek your flock's territory or resources, just a saddle," Avi explained. This wasn't information she usually freely gave away, but this was important, though, in order for her to progress into the city. She did not blame the gatekeeper for asking - their task was important. They couldn't hardly risk the city by letting in those that should have been left out before they could run rampant and cause trouble.

"I know a bit about leatherworking, but my last attempt at making one myself did not go well. So I thought I would see about getting one here, where you have your large eagles," she added. "The Valintar," she repeated, nodding. She would find that, then. "May I proceed through?"
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Shadow Nane on August 27th, 2012, 9:05 pm

Walking towards the somewhat large Sanikas gate would be a tall figure with short purple hair. His eyes, which moved from side to side, were a reddish brown color that appeared orange in the sunlight. Covering him was a long orange and brown robe that was split at the bottom like two bird wings. He also wore a gray jacket that was open to reveal the little abs he had, brown pants, and a pair of brown "snow boots." This man was Shadow, a kelvic male who was actually a hawk.

After five days of walking and spending a bit of time resting in the wilderness, Shadow had finally arrived at the Sanikas Gates, which he had to get past to get to Wind Reach. He might have been able to fly over the gate to get inside, but that would have only brought him unwanted attention. It was better to tough out being a "human" at least until he could find a nice resident. After days of not being able to fly, Shadow was greatly missing the skies.

Looking up at the building before him, Shadow would see a row of marble columns leading into a dark "corridor." Peering inside, Shadow would see a few people entering Wind Reach while others like Shadow waited to get inside. Speaking of which, Shadow saw some people near a row of bells that were apparently supposed to be rung to get in. Even though they were already waiting to get in, Shadow was sure they wouldn't mind if he tried to get in. It probably wouldn't have been too much of a problem to allow more than one at a time. Walking up, Shadow would ring the bells, slightly flinching at the noise, and wait to be questioned.

After a while, Shadow decided to make his way on his own. When he did, he stopped in front of the gate to tell the guards his business there. They didn't seem to mind allowing him in then.
Last edited by Shadow Nane on September 5th, 2012, 10:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Syrin on September 1st, 2012, 5:11 am

Weary from the road, the rider in black slows his horse to a stop as he sees the Sankias Gates come into view. He smiles to himself, leans forward, and says to his mount in a relieved voice, “Finally we made it to Wind Reach, Sapphire. Once we get inside, I will make sure the stable hand gets you some oats.” Still holding the reins he dismounts his horse and starts leading his horse on foot to the gates of the city. He looks up and sees a large eagle flying out of view, and he sees a rider with long red hair sitting on the eagles back. He whispers to Sapphire and jokes to his steed, “You know my friend if you were one of those legendary wind eagles everyone in Sultros was talking about. The trip here would have been much easier for us.” The horse not amused at him looks at him and bumps his lightly in the arm with her large head. The rider laughs to himself and says to his horse, “Don't worry Sapphire. No bird will ever replace you.” The horse gives him a loud snort and starts bobbing its head up and down in agreement.

The rider looks around at the scenery around him, and he sees a pretty ginger haired huntress and a young male hunter walking in his direction. When they see him, the man gives him a glare and says something to the woman in Nari. Syrin catches a few of the words because he wasn't trying to hide what he wanted to say to the woman. What he heard was great another foreigner with their smelly horses. The woman looks up at him and his sword at his side and says something quickly to her companion. He couldn't understand what she said because she was speaking faster than he can comprehend. The man shakes his head, gives the rider a glare, and says again in Nari to his companion, “That talon sword is only for show anyways, I don't think the foreigner even knows how to us it.”

Syrin definitely understanding the last part just gives the angry Inarta a polite smile and says in Nari, “Pardon me and my ignorance of your city, but where might I find a place to sleep? It's getting dark, and my horse and my rear end needs a rest.” The male Inartan eyes widen for a moment when the foreigner speaks to him in Nari. The female Inartan smiles at her clearly shaken male counter part and says in Nari to the rider with a smile, “First, what is your name foreigner? Clearly the road hasn't muddied your manners?” Syrin flashes her a grin and gives her a small nod. He glances at the male Inartan who is still giving him a fearsome scowl. He gives the angry Inartan a polite smile and says to the woman, “My name is Syrin Heron and I was born in the city of Denval.” The woman nods and thinks about what he said and asks politely, “Well Syrin from Denval. What was your profession in Denval?” Syrin can tell she is a woman that holds herself in high regards. He remembers his father telling him to choose his words carefully around the elite. He says proudly to both of them, “I was raised as a sheepherder's son on a farm outside of the city.” The young man snorts and laughs out loud. He says to Syrin with a venomous smile, “Well sheepherder you might as well turn back now and head back to Denval because there is no sheep in Wind Reach.”

Those last words struck him in the stomach, Syrin frowns for a moment at the young man's rudeness, but what really hurt inside him was the fact his city was destroyed by the spring storm. Syrin was about to say something, but the woman whirls around and back hands the young Inartan male across the face, and she yells at him in Nari, “Watch your tongue Neik! I didn't bring you out of the gutter, Dek. Just to let you embarrass me in front of foreigners! You are still a apprentice not a Chiet yet, and if you keep on acting petching idiot, you will never ever be anything other than idiot Dek...” The young man quickly apologizes to her and him, and suddenly he goes mute. Syrin raises his eyebrow at the outburst, and thinks to himself, “Well I guess. I know now who really in charge.” He turns his head to now angry red hair woman. He holds back a smile noticing her face is a red as her hair. He was about to says something to her, but once again she interrupts him, “Sorry, my apprentice is still learning manners, and he will learn even if I have to beat them into him.” Syrin looks at the young man. Who is clearly in pain by the woman harsh words. He says to woman still looking at the young man, “Don't be too hard on him. Nothing he said to me truly hurt my pride.” He turns to the woman and continues to her with a smile, “I can understand what the young man is going through right now. He was trying to impress you with his posturing towards me..” He gives the man a nod of understanding, and he sees the young man blush. He turns to the woman and says to woman, “Well it is nice to meet you both, but I must take my leave. I should probably get to the gate before nightfall. Otherwise, I might be sleeping outside tonight. Come on Sapphire.” He hears the woman bark a command at her apprentice, and they continue towards their destination.

Syrin walks his Sapphire to the base of the steps, and he turns to his horse and gives her a reassuring pat on the neck. He turns and walks up the stairs to the metal gate. He frowns wondering if the city is closed for the night. Through the twilight barely peeking over the horizon, he sees a three eagles take off into the setting sun. He eventually finds a chain with the glass handle, and he pulls it down. Hoping it will signal a guard or a gatekeeper. He waits until the loud musics of the bells stop, and he says out loud to the metal gate, I know it is getting late, and if I have to I'll wait till morning, I will.” He stands there a moment waiting for a response, and he continues, “My name is Syrin Heron and I seek refuge in your city before the winds get too cold.” Syrin hears nothing, turns around to his horse and shrugs at her. He decides to stand by a pillar and waits for a response.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Elna on September 13th, 2012, 3:35 pm

Elna followed her group of other Yasi, lead by a hunting instructor. She wonder forward form the back of the pack sulking. In a somewhat expected turn of events, she failed to bag anything. She lifted her head glancing up forward as younger kids held up there prized catches proudly above there heads. It wasn't the first time she was shown up by a nine year old. As they approach the gate she takes a deep breath to compose herself. The short conversation he had with the gate keeper felt like it went on forever. She just wanted to alone right now. The doors finally open and the group moves inside, she sits through the instructors closing statements. The same nonsense she had heard time and time again, she decided to the rest of it out until she hears those magical words "class dismissed". She went directly to her room and spent the next several moments just staring up at the ceiling.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Rothyr Windbourne on September 18th, 2012, 6:33 am

Season of Fall, 31st Day, AV 512

The road was dry. Dust leapt with every step on the Sanikas road as he came up to the gates he figured would take him into the city. The changing of seasons was very apparent here. It was still but the first quarter of the Fall season, but being so far north, and so far upon the mountain as they were, the trees had long since lost their leaves to golden hue and gravity. Snow had already began to fall, pockmarking the ground with white snow and muddy slush left from travelers such as he making their trails to and from the gate. The stonework was very plain, carved from the living rock. People had spoken of the great architecture to be seen within the city of Wind Reach, and if it were anything like this Rothyr would be impressed. Being from the plains, houses of stone were impressive enough in his eyes, if he were a man of such tastes. But to carve something from the living rock? It was something unheard of for him. Although, the gateway itself was nothing to compare to the carvings done elsewhere in the city, it was enough for him.

He dismounted, leaving Windlass unattended to sift through the leaves in search of grass as he inspected the Sanikas gates. He looked around him like a child in awe at the rock, touching it and feeling the smooth surface. A soft glow bounced about the room, as if from some small fire, but he did not notice. What he did notice, however, was a chain hanging before him, dangling from the ceiling. He did not see what it was attached to, for it was too dark. So, out of curiosity, he grabbed it, and gave it a tug.

Rothyr nearly jumped out of his skin, when the bells rang. He put his fists up ready to fight as the ringing bounced about the walls. He looked around to see what he had done, taking a few careful steps back. No enemies came, no strange genie or mechanical happenings. Only an old man. He did not hear or see him approach, and he jumped again when the old man spoke.

“Greetings, traveler, what brings you here, Drykasman?” He spoke in Pavi, a language Rothyr did not hear much anymore, and in truth had grown quite rusty with it. In all the places he had gone, the people thus far had spoken mostly common, or enough people knew common he did not have to speak any other tongue. But he looked enough like a Drykas, this man was well traveled to figure him as such, so he responded slowly and politely, seeking out his words best he could. This man must be a door guard.

Rothyr put his hands down, and searched for words, slightly embarrassed for he was sure that the man had seen the whole thing. Letting his breath out, as his heart rate finally began to lower, he said, “I am a wanderer, no bringer of trouble, friend. I seek to see Wind Reach's wonders with my own eyes. My name is Rothyr of the Windbourne pavilion.”

The man sized him up. Clearly, he found it odd a Drykas had trouble speaking his own language.

Rothyr switched to common, “I speak better common, it has been some time since I've spoken Pavi. I've been away from my people for awhile now.”

The old man spoke again, “I see, well, be careful not to fall from any windows, Drykasman, and watch yourself.”

Thus, the old man let Rothyr into the city. Rothyr rode the lift up into the cavernous halls of Wind Reach, to find his next adventure.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Ven on October 7th, 2012, 9:49 pm

Autumn day 44, 512 AV

Ven obiquely moved toward the Sanikas Gate with dreary memories surrounding him, the time he spent living here more bitter than sweet. Yet oddly enough Mount Skyinarta called him back here, for reasons he didn't really know. It was something more of an instinct really, personally he thought it crazy to begin with. Yet as he walked to the gate he brushed aside the disdainful past and took no time into thought.

Without stopping to say hi to Val he opened the gate, storming on through to make his way to the Valintar, hoping that he, or she, was not too busy.
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