[Garden of no return] I found me an apple [Vetiveria]

Enter the garden of no return here we have apples for all

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

[Garden of no return] I found me an apple [Vetiveria]

Postby Nas on July 19th, 2012, 3:16 pm

Nas followed Vetiveria as the maze shifted one day he would return here...maybe if it was a bit safer as he followed her ,he wondered if she was tired since he dint get tired anymore at least not in the traditional sense it was interesting.

Following her they seemed to arrive at their destination as the girl stoped infront of a strange area with some weird colored trampled grass, he looked a bit closer at it "hrm i aint a tracker so i cant say i recognize these tracks but i dint see this part before might have been the girl or something else? a wolf of some kind?" he took a step to enter a bit deeper to look around when, he saw some bones most were broken the skull could be seen whole despite this.

They dint seem fresh but then again he dint know how long it could have been "uh oh it might be a bit dangerous round here" was Nas comment before hearing a howling this time it seemed to be very close, he raised his crossbow as he watched the shadows could be anything out there.
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[Garden of no return] I found me an apple [Vetiveria]

Postby Vetiveria on July 20th, 2012, 4:31 pm

I'm never returning here again, Vetiveria thought to herself as Nas moved closer to inspect the grass. She'd only heard about the changing properties of the maze; the fact that monsters lurked in the garden changed everything. She was not a fighter. Still, she doubted she would regret this errand, assuming she lived through it. Perhaps I should think more about learning a weapon, just enough to defend myself well, she mused. Her way of life was a peaceful one, but couldn't rely on chancing upon another every time she had need of a weapon; that would be foolish. She'd hoped Then she shook her head. This was an internal debate for later, in the safety of her home.

She moved a bit closer to the area Nas was looking at, though she still stayed a bit behind; she didn't trust him entirely. "I don't know tracks either, but I'd guess an animal," she replied. To her, the tracks looked too large to be a young girl's; the shape also looked different, but all she had for reference was what the impressions her own feet were leaving looked like. She pushed aside a brief longing for those she'd known in Frostfawn Hold and moved a few steps closer. The sight of bones unnerved her slightly, but she refused to show her unease. There was some dirt on the bones, so they'd probably been there a while; she couldn't tell if they were human or merely human-like. Vetiveria hoped her and Nas would not meet a similar fate.

Any response she might have had about it being dangerous immediately left her mind as a large, growling wolf entered the area. Her grip tightened on the short sword as it lingered in the pathway, baring its teeth. The idea of trying to lose it in the changing maze also left her thoughts as another howl could be heard from far off. "There's at least two wolves. Careful," she whispered as she readied herself to try and move if the wolf charged her.
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[Garden of no return] I found me an apple [Vetiveria]

Postby Nas on July 20th, 2012, 9:36 pm

Nas became very alerted when he heard the wolf so close to them especially as it guarded their exist from here.
Hmm how should i kill he had his crossbow but it was still far away he would try some magic first to scare it.

Nas started producing some res as the wolf seemed to be waiting getting a bit closer yet staying away as if waiting for something he moved a bit in front of Vetiveria and spoke as quickly as he could without breaking his concetration "il try something dont get in front".

Nas was pushing some of his djed on his palm where he started transforming it to res as he gathered into an silverish looking gass orb until it became as big as a big fist the wolf was still for a moment as if it sensed something wrong and another growling could be heard now or never
Nas ignited the front and throwed it to the wolf igniting the behind to push the projectile it partially hit the wolf close to his eye but it was more than enought the wolf cried out in pain because of it.

oochope i dint push to far
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[Garden of no return] I found me an apple [Vetiveria]

Postby Vetiveria on July 22nd, 2012, 2:06 am

Vetiveria obediently stayed back as she watched Nas, not entirely understanding what he was doing. She could tell it was a form of magic, but that was all she could deduce. It looks demanding, whatever it is, she thought as she watched the orb fly towards the wolf. It howled in pain, then lunged towards Nas and her. Instinct told Vetiveria to try and stop it from carrying out its attack, so she ran forward, keeping to the right of Nas. She tried to stab at its leg, but she only managed to graze the wolf before it swiped at her with its paw. The impact sent her rolling to the side, and she lost her grip on the sword slightly before her body came to a stop.

She winced as she stood up. The throbbing pain in her left shoulder confirmed that the wolf's claws had managed to cut her, though she didn't have time to check how deeply. She suspected some bruises would form on her side later, but for now fear dulled the pain. Vetiveria cautiously eyed the wolf, waiting to see what it would do before moving forward to retrieve her sword.
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[Garden of no return] I found me an apple [Vetiveria]

Postby Nas on July 22nd, 2012, 7:49 am

Nas was kinda drained after the shot he did see and hear the wolf howling and then coming at him, but before he got a chance to fire his crossbow Vetiveria had gotten in front of him darnit .

He watched amazed a bit, as its paw kicked her away, he also saw the sword glitter.
But Nas dint wait he raised his crossbow and took aim again the wolf was close enought this time, he took aim with his cross bow as the wolf tried to move towards her he aimed for the neck.
The crossbow fired its bolt hitting the wolf at it tried to move at the hind the wolf once more howled in pain but this time it lost balance and seemed like it coulnt move well its right hindleg.
Hope he wont get her, he quickly opened his rucksack to load his crossbow again but would he make it in time before the wolf got closer or one of the others came?

oocHit close to its knee cap this was one fast pain fueled angry wolf i was unsure if i should let him hit or not tho :p
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[Garden of no return] I found me an apple [Vetiveria]

Postby Vetiveria on July 22nd, 2012, 10:42 am

Vetiveria watched as the wolf howled in pain. She felt sympathy for the creature as it tried to lunge forward, but it lost its balance and fell backwards, trying to pull the arrow out with its teeth. Another howl could be heard growing closer, probably in answer to the wounded wolf's cries of pain. She stepped forward to retrieve the short sword and grasped it tightly, but she didn't take advantage of the wolf's vulnerability. Instead, her first thought was a wish to pull the arrow from the wolf's kneecap, but she knew that was too dangerous, and she hoped the arrow had hit bone, so that it might cleanly be removed by the wolf's attempts. Her only motivation for attacking before had been self-defense, and the wolf's injured knee assured he would not be running at them any time soon so she walked back and stood behind Nas. "Let's get out of here. He's too injured to follow, and the other wolf sounds like it will be here soon."
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[Garden of no return] I found me an apple [Vetiveria]

Postby Nas on July 22nd, 2012, 3:40 pm

Nas had to say he was impressed by the beast it had took his bolt well still it wasnt time for that he was loading another bolt just in case the wolf atacked again, but before he could take aim he saw Vetiveria she dint seem to be bleeding and was holding his sword.

Nas noded to her words "hrm i would prefer to ensure he woulnt follow us but you are right we should be going" he started taking a pace to exit he wasnt the fastest person still they had to get going.
Bold letters i speak Italics i think Pavi.
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