Location [Wind Reach] The Valintar

Housing, Employment, Law Enforcement. The Ultimate Authority.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Phoenix on August 10th, 2012, 3:39 pm



Kaden looked up from the desk, his head inclining upon seeing the man shilloutted in the door way. "I am the Valintar, yes."

A hand extended and motioned to the chair across the desk, Kaden raising from his own seat until the man took the proffered one. Once they were both settled, the Valintar folded his hands and cocked his head politely to the side.

"So. What brings you to me, ...?" The end of the sentence was left hanging, giving Demitri the opportunity to introduce himself.


The young woman was directed towards the door at the back of the big, stained glass-filled room. The light played with the colored glass, casting beautiful and mutli-hued shadows on the floor that lead towards the Valintar.

Upon the door opening, Kaden would look up from his work, his business-polite smile already curling his lips at their corners. A curious tilt of his head when when the woman didn't enter right away, the hesitation resulting in his rising from the desk and pacing to the door and pulling it open.

"Are you alright? Can I help you?"

OOCThank you for being so patient, you guys. I really appreciate it. It's been a terribly busy couple of weeks!
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Demetri Velutina on August 11th, 2012, 4:03 am

    Taking a seat in one of the gestured chairs Demetri looked up at the Valintar. “My name is Demetri Velutina and I was told to see you after arriving into the city. I am here because the unforgiving is worth its namesake, after a while it becomes a harsh fight for survival. I am here seeking refuge in the city.” His long arms rested on a seats arm rests in giving his body an awkward appearance as if he was uncomfortable when, in fact, he was quite relaxed.

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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Ma'adele on August 11th, 2012, 4:40 am

Ma'adele stepped up to the door way, being next in line to introduce herself. She was a bit nervious and knew just the way to calm herself. She helped herself to sitting on the floor and pulled her backpack off his shoulder. She has pulled out a drawing pad, pencils, water colors, paintbrushs, and a bottle of water she would drip her brushes in. She hoped this wouldn't cause too much attention in her direction and that the man in front of her would take his sweet time with the Valintar.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Phoenix on August 11th, 2012, 4:06 pm



"A pleasure, Demetri." Kaden watched carefully as the man folded himself into the chair, a ginger brow raising in silent question. Of course he had seen a Symenestra before but... well, it never stopped being a little bit of a shock.

"Your informant is correct." A shift in his chair brought Kaden sitting upright, though his gaze never completely left Demetri's face. Unlike the rest of his race, it was Kaden's job and prerogative to be civil to outsiders; even those of other races, so looked down upon among the Inarta. The Valintar saw to it that every capable body was put to work no matter the race. They needed help, especially now with winter quickly approaching. So, even though his sharp gaze was a bit wary, Kaden never the less smiled at the strange man.

"We are more than willing to provide for you, Demetri. However, it is a give and take. If I am to provide you with housing and food, what will you give back to the city?"


Val hadn't sent a bird ahead to warn Kaden of a newcomer, so when the pale little woman set herself up in the outer office it came as a surprise. A small young man with a shock of orange hair sat behind a desk just outside the Valintars door.

"Uh.. Can I help you?" His voice squeaked like a mouse and he didn't raise from behind his desk, instead just leaning to the side until the little woman had no choice but to notice him.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Ma'adele on August 11th, 2012, 10:13 pm

Ma'adele stopped what she was drawing by the high squeek she heard coming out of the office. She mistakes it as a sound from a eagle but once the unfamilar voice rang in her ears, she quickly pulls herself together in a more formal manner. "Sorry, was i not supposed to step forward? Excuse me, I will go take my spot back in line then." She said urgently and not giving anyone the chance to say more to her before she gathered her things and rushed back down the hall.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Demetri Velutina on August 16th, 2012, 5:28 pm

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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Syrin on September 1st, 2012, 7:45 am

Walking into the office, Syrin is taken back by the beauty of the stain glass office. He looks out past the desk and sees the natural beauty of Wind Reach through a green hue. He smiles to himself and absorbs the view into his mind than he looks over at the man behind the large desk, and he says with a nervous smile, “Hello Valintar Kadan Avin, my name is Syrin Heron. I was told to come to you to look for a job and housing.” Syrin still standing crosses his arms and waits for his response. He blows a piece of stray hair away from his face and looks at the great man with a smile. Honestly, he has no clue how to act around people of higher status than him, and from what he heard around the city this man is basically the ruler of Wind Reach, so he kind of wondering if he should bow right now. However, he shakes the idea of bowing from his head unless Valintar demands it. He just stands their awkwardly shifting his weight from one foot to another waiting for his response.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Phoenix on September 3rd, 2012, 9:36 pm



Kaden smiled a bit at the lanky man as he spoke. Having never thought of it as "selling oneself" before, the idea quietly amused the Valintar.

"A whip, is it?" A peculiar weapon, to be sure, and it left the man feeling a bit skeptical. "I'd like to see that sometime. It's mostly bows and swords around her." Flashing a smile, Kaden took a moment to look over the man, the relaxed way he lounged in his chair as he spoke, perfectly at ease with himself. "You're rather well spoken, Demetri...."

Leaning forward and grabbing his quill, the Valintar made a decision. "I don't know much about your race, but I do know that our hunting and foraging techniques might not be suited for you. Would you be apposed to something more... laid back?" A ginger brow was quirked in the newcomers direction, a friendly smile on his lips now. "I could place you in the Enclave, helping out and perhaps putting those long arms and legs of yours to good use!"


Kaden had been in his usual place at the desk when the young man entered, immediately identifying himself. It was a breath of fresh air from the others who would visit the Valintar, timid and almost trying to hide from his friendly gaze.

"A pleasure, Syrin. Welcome to Wind Reach." A hand was extended, grasping the newcomers in a firm, warm handshake before Kaden gestured him to sit. "So you are going to be staying with us for a while, eh? Well, lets not waste any time and get you settled!"

"What are your skills, then? How can you help us so we can help you?" Pulling out a piece of parchment and picking up his quill, Kaden looked expectantly at the man.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Syrin on September 3rd, 2012, 11:29 pm

Syrin takes the Valintar hand and returns his handshake with a smile. He is kind of relieved at the Valintar's enthusiasm to help him get settled in the Inarta community. Syrin takes a seat and leans back in his chair. He looks up at the Valintar and puts his hands in his lap. He gives the Valintar a nervous smile and says to him, “Sorry for my awkwardness Valintar, but I grew up a sheepherder's son in the hills around the city of Denval, so I am not quite sure how to act around people with high status like yourself.” Syrin continues and says to the Valintar, “Yes, I am looking for a new place to call home. I can't go back to Denval since it was destroyed in the spring. I know the basics of your language, so Wind Reach is my first choice. Sultros and Alvadas both speak common, so it quiet difficult for me to communicate with them, and Avanthal is too far north.”

Wondering if he is starting to ramble, he says to the Valintar, “My father wasn't a originally sheepherder. My family has studied the arcane discipline of spiritualism for four generations. Honestly, I am skilled as a spiritualist, and my father, before he died, thought I was ready to go out on my own soon.” Wondering if he said too much. Vaas decides to continue telling the Valintar about himself, “To be bluntly, I was train as a soldier. When I was eight years old, I was taught a range of skills in combat. I know the basics in unarmed combat, and I was trained in the basics of using a short bow. The weapon I excel at is the talon sword. This weapon was brought into a family by my father's grandmother. He told me she was a Inartan named Sashi, and I have been training with weapon since I been able to lift it up.”

Syrin rubs his chin thinking of a skill that can be useful to the Inartan people. He looks up and says to the Valintar, “When I was out watching my fathers flock, I would have to fend off wolves from stealing sheep, so I taught myself how to hunt with a bow. I killed a few wolves in my youth, but I mostly hunted deer and small game around my fathers farm. I wouldn't call myself a expert hunter, but I definitely won't shoot myself in the foot anytime soon” Happy with how he presented himself to the great man. Syrin sits back in his chair and waits for his response.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Demetri Velutina on September 4th, 2012, 5:12 am

    “A whip is a quality weapon, good when on the move and can keep beasts at bay, capture, or maime a target or slash skin open. For me, it’s practical in the wild.” He made the quick comment about his weapon of choice. “I’ll be in the city for a long while, I am sure we could please a crowed with a demonstration with the whip when I do I‘ll invite you to the show.” His hand moved to rest on the handel of the ship that was wound and holstered on his hip. Listening to the Valintar the prospect of working in a Laid back setting pleased him greatly. “Laid back sounds fine with me. I’ll do that. Working at the enclave ”

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