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Postby Surei on July 23rd, 2012, 4:06 am

Karshenasurei Image

Dhani, Viper

Age: 132 (Summer 380 AV)

Height : 5’2 | Weight: 125lbs


Surei’s most striking feature is undoubtedly his auburn hair, which he keeps short and out of sight if possible, given its uncommon nature in the sea of black and brown heads Eyktol usually harbors. Standing at a little more than 5 feet tall in human form, he knows fully well that head-on confrontations are not his best bet. This matter is however resolved when Surei chooses his Dhani form: a ten foot-long predator with a golden tail painted in waving patterns, reminiscent of the wind's breeze on hot sand. The patterns seem to gain in detail when he completes the transformation into viper form. Under direct sunlight, one could swear that the sand shifts on his skin. Surei dresses in a thin layer of white linen marked by use and dirt. Touches of green cloth highlight the otherwise uniform outfit, such as a sash worn at waist level under a leather belt.


Surei has had a hard time adapting to his environment. Dhani are predators first and foremost and he is no exception to this. It took him and his benefactor a great deal of work in order to tame the violent outbursts that marked his early years away from home. Even though aggression remains his primary reflex to this day, coexistence with the tamer eypharians has made him more bearable. No one could’ve afforded his presence otherwise.

Surei is rarely the one to initiate the conversation. He usually cools off small-talkers with a cold attitude. The best way to catch his attention is to present him an interesting piece of information, after what he'll usually be all ears. He would be one to mind his own business, but Noma's inquisitive nature has strongly encouraged his dispositions towards meddling in "other people's" affairs.

As a last thing,he is functional above everything, a fact that sets him apart from the extravagant Eypharians.

Character Concept

Surei thrives on instinct. What to do, what to say…Logic has always been relayed to second place. This, of course, comes with its downside. It is often difficult for him to think ahead. Although he will naturally adapt to situations as they present themselves, some might need more than quick thinking (or no thinking at all!)to be overcome.

Surei views his heritage as a blessing, a necessary end to his survival in an unforgiving environment such as Eyktol. His dedication to Siku comes in the form of his interactions with captured to-be slaves. To varying degree, Surei targets their psychological state, leaving them with scars rooted deeper than most flesh wounds. He believes that the occasional sacrifice in blood makes up for his otherwise fiercely independent take on religion and authority.

Surei is on a quest for freedom, in its purest form. His will could be seen as questionable, contradictory even, considering how steady his life has become. Maybe it is because he doesn’t fully understand it himself. Or maybe, maybe he is not on the right quest. Only time will tell.

Character History

Everyone has to make countless choices over the course of their short existence and while most of them we aren’t conscious of, some can turn a life to better or worse in an instant.

From the moment Surei left the nest behind him, his life has been a series of choices which all had something in common, the impression that there was none in the first place. This hasn’t been as unsettling as it probably should have, but that demonstrates how comfortable Surei has become with the reality of his existence.

Surei was born under no sun or moon. Somewhere north of Ahnatep, five eggs hatched under the vigilant watch of the matriarch herself. He just happened to be the first one as he tore his shell apart with unmatched vigor, fervently making his way into this world. This enthusiasm persisted for the following decades, much to the pleasure of the older members of the nest.

The nest was a community of predators that raised its own as predators. The area didn’t offer much in terms of sustenance, but they had to make with what was at hand. Small animals weren’t the most filling of meals, and that’s why everyone awaited for the Real Feast. The Real Feast was when someone brought in a living prey, a human usually. The evening would prove to be extremely gory to outsiders, but none of it was for outsiders in the first place.

Violent matters were quickly resolved between snakelings, the female opting to lead a hunt instead. Surei was taught the importance of family. Go figure where that got him. The precarious state of the species didn’t allow for any prolonged hate between individuals.

The story is, Surei couldn’t help but hate, although the feeling wasn’t for his fellow snakes, but instead directed at the framework of his daily life. The once tolerable grip that the matriarch had over it became a source of increasing frustration.

As years went by, his solo hunting sessions stretched across increasingly long periods. Some expressed their concerns, but they weren’t going to take away Surei’s new-found freedom.

It had to happen eventually. Surei got caught in an ingenious trap designed by his future associate, Noma , who was only 19 at the time. But even his genie couldn’t stop the fury that killed several men that night before they finally managed to put a collar on him. The head of the caravan at the time, Makhri, an ambitious Eypharian businessman, was elated at the perspective of an unexpected financial gain. Noma saw a potential ally for himself in the Dhani. He could use him to secure the leader’s seat, then aim for timeless grandeur, or whatever his goal at the time was, nobody knew for sure. And he did. Nobody knows how he managed to coerce the Dhani on his side, although the feat proved him right. He could do it.

What happened afterwards was a the beginning of a solid partnership between two individuals unable to trust each other. It held together not because of mutual attachment, but rather by how complementary their skills were. Surei was the raw element, the fear factor, while Noma was his refined, sweet-talking accomplice.

Last edited by Surei on July 29th, 2012, 2:05 am, edited 12 times in total.
Surei speaks: Common | Snake-Tongue | Arumenic
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Surei (WiP)

Postby Surei on July 23rd, 2012, 4:39 am

~ Skills ~

Skill Total Proficiency Progression Additional Notes
Unarmed 20 Novice 20SP
Tracking 10 Novice 10SP
Wilderness Survival 10 Novice 10SP EnvironmentsDesert
Hunting 10 Novice 10SP
Poisons 10 Novice 10RB Poison FamiliesRoots, Serpente, Scorpionida

~ Lores ~

  • Logistics of Slave Trade
  • Wilderness Survival Techniques

~ Languages ~

Common - Fluent
Notes: This is the language Surei usually goes by, and has lived most of his human life using.

Snake Tongue - Racial*, Basic
Notes: Difficult to stomach, but Surei's lack of practice in his native language is showing. Communication may become strained by a lack of specific vocabulary but body language usually complements the point he is trying to make.

Arumenic - Poor
Notes: Surei knows enough Arumenic to assess intent and general topic, although he will lose track of a conversation between two natives sooner than later.
Last edited by Surei on August 16th, 2012, 8:18 pm, edited 14 times in total.
Surei speaks: Common | Snake-Tongue | Arumenic
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Thread List/Timeline

Postby Surei on July 23rd, 2012, 4:40 am

Threadlist / Timeline

491 AV

  • Capture by slavers north of Ahnatep and subsequent murder of their leader.
  • Beginning of partnership with the new leader, Noma.

500 AV

511 AV

512 AV

Last edited by Surei on September 17th, 2012, 12:17 am, edited 10 times in total.
Surei speaks: Common | Snake-Tongue | Arumenic
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Postby Surei on July 23rd, 2012, 4:41 am


Coming soon...

Partners or what you would call "Friends"

Noma, of the Free Winds, as he half-seriously refers to himself, is Surei’s longtime associate and the leader of the caravan they both ride with. His ruthless tactics are only matched by his charming wits and enduring ambitions. His weapon of choice is speech, although his opponents would be advised to hold their weapons tight for he will take them away, using two small sword-catcher blades.

Character Concept

Among his men, he is known to be harsh and unforgiving when his expectations fails to be met. Past failures have made him wary and obsessive of such situations, often to the point of losing grasp on reality. This man has lost everything once and slowly worked his way up again. It is only logical that he fears a repetition in history.

Character History

Noma was born to one of the better faring families of Ahnatep. Devoid of any noble titles, his father managed to secure a strong economy through the sponsorship of artisans and shopkeepers. When it all fell into Noma's hands, at his father's death, he was too young to fight against old associates and new rivals, and lost it all in one, hard fall. Robbed of his heritage, he found employment in a slaver caravan, where he managed the feat of capturing a viper Dhani, Surei. We all know how it went down after that.

*Noma is also a city NPC. Please check my Storyteller Secrets thread for more information.

Noma's Caravan

When one thinks of a caravan, the expectations aren't in the order of a few men and their horses, dressed like nomads and equipped as such. Comprised of a few Eypharians and Surei himself, they have experienced continuous success for over two decades, to varying degrees. The fact that most of the competition doesn't survive nearly as long as they have is enough of proof of their worth to collaborators and clients alike. Noma's reputation at the head of the caravan has earned them a few enemies, but the benefits far offset the potential threat to any of their lives.

Noma and Surei aside, business wouldn't be possible without the presence of these three hardened men, who may or may not be more than common raiders. Chafri, a man taller than the tallest Eypharian, acts as the team's blunt yet nervous lookout, and his crossbow has dissuaded adventuring predators on multiple occasions.

In construction...
Last edited by Surei on September 17th, 2012, 1:10 am, edited 5 times in total.
Surei speaks: Common | Snake-Tongue | Arumenic
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Possessions & Ledger

Postby Surei on July 23rd, 2012, 5:16 pm


Worn Items :
  • Linen cowl (white)
  • Linen shirt (white)
  • Sackcloth trousers (knee, white)
  • Plain undergarments
  • Leather sandals (old)
  • Cotton sash (green)
  • Rucksack (storage belt)
  • Leather belt

    Secured on belt:
  • Waterskin
  • Manacles
  • Dagger Scabbard (leather)
  • Sword-Catcher, cold iron (Heirloom)
  • Whip

Rucksack :
Surei's rucksack is positioned at the back of his belt. It contains:

  • Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
  • A week's worth of food
  • Eating knife
  • Flint & Steel

Note: Replaced Backpack with Rucksack.

Belt Pouches :
These two belt pouches, one against each hip, serve to collect flowers and roots and keep them out of direct sunlight. They are empty for now.


Sword-Catcher: Made of durable cold iron, it was given to Surei some 20 years ago when he accepted Noma’s offer in exchange for his freedom. It is proof of their enduring partnership and an invaluable weapon to fall back on.

Other Possessions

Saddlebags :
The saddlebags mounted on Surei's Desertbred contain mostly food and travel/camp supplies, as well as being attached to a folded tent. Here's what they contain:

  • 100ft of rope
  • Torches (3)
  • Fishing Tackle+Hooks
  • Blanket (used)

Some items don't seem to fit in bags. They've been solidly attached to the saddle instead:

  • Large tent (4 person)
  • Large tarp
  • Bedroll


Event +/- Total
Character Creation +100 GM 100GM
Starter ExpensesGreen cotton sash (2 SM), Leather Belt ( 2 SM), Linen cowl (2 SM), Manacles (15 GM), Scabbard, Dagger (2 GM), 2 Leather Pouches (1 GM/ea), Whip (1 GM) -20 GM, 6 SM 79 GM, 4 SM
Summer Season SE (Poor) -45 GM 34 GM, 4 SM
Surei speaks: Common | Snake-Tongue | Arumenic
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