43rd Spring, 510 A.V. Not long after returning home from his meeting with Koh, he had pulled all books he owned relating to the Dhani. Refreshing his memory with studies of the culture, of the biology, of everything he could find. It was one tidbit in a book on the physical anthropology of non-human races that proved most useful just then. It described the time periods required for Constrictors to digest a meal like, say, a cow. And so, on the third day, he returned to the copse of trees where he had left his Dhani acquaintance to seek him out, hoping his torpor would have passed and that he would be capable of talking. For the past three days he had been dreaming of studying in Zinrah, and living among the snake-people, accepted, trading his work for their lore. Perhaps such thinking was premature, but for the time being, he could seek to develop a friendship with the young Dhani -- young, though he was probably somewhere around one hundred years old. For no particular reason save a sudden sense of secrecy -- Koh might be less able to protect himself while napping with a full belly -- Hadrian looked back over his shoulder to be sure nobody was following or watching him. Satisfied, he walked into the copse and up to the tree Koh had chosen three days previous and looked up into the branches. "Koh?" he called softly, hoping that by identifying himself, he would prevent the Dhani from dropping on him and eating him for breakfast before recognizing him. |