The Harbor [Post here first]

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Mirage on September 2nd, 2012, 6:21 pm

The little golem's response was slowed as it searched its programing for the appropriate response. Finding it, along with a database with the name "Rayage" written in it as well, the golem replied, "Welcome Rayage, Alchemist. State your business in Sahova."
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Rayage on September 2nd, 2012, 7:03 pm

The nuit looked at the golem not sure what it was 'thinking'. It welcomed him back to the island and for that the nuit was glad, "I've come to continue my research." he told the automated thing, "Ive also come with grim news and ill tidings that I am reluctant to give over to an automation." he informed it, hoping to get the right attention.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Saffra Foxglove on September 4th, 2012, 1:27 am

Fall 5, 512 AV

Saffra walked down the brow onto the exceedingly plain dock. Port Silence. The place certainly looked, and sounded, the part. The only noises were those coming from the ship from which she had just disembarked. Yet even the sailors seemed subdued, less boisterous, in the quiet of this barren island. And though there was no hum of a busy harbor, as there had been in Alvadas and Syliras and Zeltiva, Saffra distinctly felt a…presence. She would have been the last person to have fanciful flights of the imagination, so she took the feeling quite seriously. There was an expectancy in the very air, as if the sensation of life was something to be grabbed at, clung to, consumed whole. Well, this was Sahova, she said to herself, with a mental shrug.

Into the quiet there came a gentle clicking and humming sound, and turning her head, she saw what the captain of the ship had described to her. The communication golem moved towards them on wheels, and stopped when no more than a few feet away, asking for her business here. Without any hesitation, though more than a few reservations (mainly about herself), the young Symenestra spoke up, evenly and clearly.

“My name is Saffra Foxglove. I have come to Sahova to seek both knowledge and experience. In exchange, I offer my services to any researchers who might be in need of them. I ask permission to enter the Citadel.” Finished, she waited to see if this last leg of her season long journey would bring her to the goal that she had set her sights upon.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Wrenmae on September 4th, 2012, 3:54 am

Fall 40, 512

Wrenmae stayed back a few moments, Rayage taking the lead to the island city of the nuits. Gathering the baggage the nuit had relegated him, the human stepped out of the boat and onto the dock. The Professor's instructions remained in his head, the casual way he mentioned the place of humans in Sahova...

Equipment, slave labor, experimentation. To have a heartbeat in this city was to invite death, or at leas the unsavory attention of the unquiet dead who thought themselves superior.

It was advised he keep his haughty attitude well hidden, to keep his head down, to follow instruction.

Wrenmae did none of that well, but it bore some thinking the very least.

He fell in line behind Rayage, nodding a head at the little golem. It wasn't that he was waiting his turn to speak, but the end of Rayage's sentence had nestled in his ear.

What news was being brought to Sahova now? Was it the Sylirans and their voyage shortly behind? Or was there other unheard bits of information the hypnotist had yet to glean?

Either way, he held still to listen, head down and ears open.

Sig by Shausha

This PC has the Blight gnosis. As such, you as a player need to be aware of what that consists of. Wrenmae has an invisible aura that amplifies sickness and disease. Wounds may become infected, small sneezes may become coughing, and a slight fever may become more serious. A nuit's body will also break down faster in the presence of the Blight. These effects may not be immediate, but within the few days following your encounter, the symptoms will manifest. Some sooner than others. I cannot control your character, so creativity will be left up to you. Best wishes and stay healthy!

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Mirage on October 1st, 2012, 10:36 pm


Rayage and Wrenmae:

Three loud beeps echoed from the Communicator golem before it reversed, turning to go around Rayage to speak to the next person in line behind him. From the nearby warehouse another golem appeared, this one humanoid in appearance with shining red lenses for eyes. It walked slowly, its movements neither fluid nor graceful, and when it reached Rayage it spoke in a cold, metallic voice.

"Greetings Rayage, Alchemist. Instructions were left for you to be brought to Lector Qiao upon your arrival." The red eyes of the Overseer turned on Wrename, taking in the baggage he held as it computed the appropriate response, "Your servant may wait in your laboratory along with any luggage you may have. Please follow me." Turning, the Golem began to walk toward the Citadel, not waiting to see if Rayage would indeed accompany him.


The communicator golem would remain silent for a time, seeming to be searching for an answer to the complex statement made to it. Finally it spoke, "Input not found in data banks. Please wait for the next available Overseer." With that three loud beeps echoed over the docks, and the little communicator moved to the next person in line.

Hadrian would wait for close to five chimes for another Overseer to arrive, having come from the Citadel to replace the Overseer that accompanied Rayage and Wrenmae. Stopping before Harian the golem would talk in a cold, metallic voice, "Please state your buisness in Sahova." It seemed that the golems did not relay information to one another as quickly as they could relay summons, so for now Hadrian would need to restate his buisness so that the more intelligent Overseer could guide him from this step on.

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Thomas Cosa on November 3rd, 2012, 9:13 pm

1st of Fall, 512 AV

"What should we expect for the voyage home, Seer?"

Thomas smiled inwardly, hardly believing his own luck. The raven-haired animator had been promised free passage to Sahova in exchange for his advice -- advice that had just happened to be complete and utter bullshyke. Thomas was just lucky that the captain and crew were so desperate to be assured of a prosperous future, they readily believed anything the novice fortune teller had said.

It had been an amusing journey to say the least.

"I See...I See," Thomas paused dramatically, gently rubbing his forehead -- he had found the more dramatic his reading was, or rather the performance of it, the easier it was for the sailors to believe it. "A cold journey ahead, and unfortunately a slow one at that," he paused, trying to remember where the crew had been headed before they stopped in Mura. "Zeltiva, wasn't it?" he thought to himself, not really seeing the point anymore. They were already ported, and were only waiting for what Thomas could only assume to be a golem, or perhaps one of the lesser Nuits to collect any wanting to enter the Citadel off the ship. "I cannot divine any major issues with your voyage. I do not foresee any problems should you stay on course. Perhaps if you --," a sharp metallic voice interrupted the reading, much to Thomas' relief. He was ready to get off this damned ship.

"Welcome to Sahova," the golem spoke in a sharp voice, "identify yourselves and state the purpose of your visit. If you are carrying cargo, provide a full description and unload a sample for evaluation. Any passengers wishing to be escorted to the Citadel must approach me and apply for permission."

Thomas watched the golem with great interest as the captain went to list all of it's cargo. It wasn't very large, so the young animator assumed it had little function other then that of escorting people to the Citadel -- he assumed there must be other golems designed for cargo loading and for defense. Of course, he couldn't image the Nuits having much trouble in that department. Everyone in Mizahar must have heard the rumors concerning the undead isle.

"I am Thomas Cosa, and I wish to be allowed entrance into the Citadel. Should i be allowed, I would like to build on my studies regarding Animation and pre-valterrian history." He briefly considered mentioning he was marked, by Avalis no less,but decided against it. He doubted the Nuits would so easily fooled as the men on the ship.

"Dearest Lady, grant my foresight in this venture," he silently prayed as the golem reviewed his response. If any Goddess could get him through the dangers of Sahova, it would be Her.

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Mirage on November 15th, 2012, 6:10 pm



The little golem would remain silent for a moment or two, running through its database of answers in search of the appropriate one. Finally it spoke once more, "Thomas Cosa, your passage into Sahova has been approved. Take the carriage to the Vestibule." With that the Golem would quickly turn, traveling down the line to the next person in need of assistance.

The Carriage would be found just past the warehouses, at the start of the path that stretched for several miles to the Citadel itself. It held no driver, nor any horses, yet when Thomas stepped in and closed the door it would begin moving on its own, traveling the winding path to the crouching beast that was Sahova. From time to time Thomas would hear noises in the distance, howls and other strange sounds that came from the random outcroppings of rocks or small patches of foliage. As long as he remained in the carriage, however, he would be safe.

OOCProceed on to the Vestibule and post your next reply there :). I will respond shortly.

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Ignotus Everto on November 18th, 2012, 11:59 am

40th of Fall, 512AV

While Ignotus was thankful that he had a relatively safe passage to the Isle, it didn't make him any less nervous about actually entering it. While his lack of pulse meant that the Sahovans would be less hostile towards him than most, he was still an outsider who only dabbled in a handful of disciplines, and was only competent in two. Of those two, only one he could speak openly about. It wasn't looking good.

That was something he would have to worry about later on. It was time talk. "Ignotus Everto, magical scholar. I come here with Rayage of Sahova and his servant." Whether or not it was one hundred per cent true was mostly irrelevant. The connection between him and the duo was... Murky... At best. That would have to be fixed. Until then, however, he'd just have to watch and wait. And hope.

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Mirage on November 19th, 2012, 12:29 am



The little communicator did not answer for a moment or two, but then 2 loud beeps echoed and it rolled away. From one of the warehouses another golem appeared, an Overseer, and after Ignotus repeated his statement it would speak in a metallic voice, "Rayage only mentioned his servant would be attending him. What relation have you with him?"

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Ignotus Everto on November 19th, 2012, 1:14 am

Ignotus' brow creased. Right. Think of something fast. Violent death was not a good option. "His servant and I have... A history together."

So he and Wrenmae went on a heist together, and shared a rather strange dream...

"The three of us met in Sunberth, and I chose to accompany them."

It was just a golem. It couldn't detect panic, could it? "It seemed appropriate, after all. I cannot say that I am linked closely with his mission. I've come here to ply my trade, expand my knowledge, and, of course, to help Rayage where I can."

The Nuit swallowed and waited for the golem's response. Could they be affected by Hypnotism? He might have to find out soon.

A thousand thanks to Phoenix for the gorgeous blue frame, and a thousand more to Edreina for her beautiful magic-themed one!

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