A Cause for Celebration (Solo)

On the day that marks their twentieth year of partnership, Surei is dragged along a typical night of Eypharian debauchery by his longtime accomplice, Noma.

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A half-collapsed city of alabaster and gold fiercely governed by Eypharians. Even partially ruined, it is the crown of the desert and a worthy testament to old glories and rising powers.

A Cause for Celebration (Solo)

Postby Surei on July 25th, 2012, 5:49 pm

62nd of Summer, 511 AV

“What a wasste…”

Sitting on a footstool in a garden courtyard, dimmed in the evening sun, Surei contemplated the scene before him, and wondered how Noma convinced him to come, just this once. Maybe the Dhani was a sentimental after all. He obviously couldn’t let an event this special go unnoticed.

Any noble house would’ve considered it unfit of the name, but in Surei’s eyes, this party was excessive in any conceivable way. For the twenty people invited, one for each year of successful enterprises, there was possibly enough to feed twice that number for a whole day. Performers of all kind weren't part of the count and drinks were handed out without concern for price or reason.

“Haha! You don’t tell!” That was Noma, the man of the night. His lower arms held a cup of fine barley beer while the other two were comfortably rested behind his head. “I thought you would’ve realized it by now, that Ahnatep is famed for it’s exquisite kind of waste!” He said that in a conniving tone, as if it were the biggest secret of this age, and smiled. He always smiled, although it never meant the same thing twice.

Noma's gaze followed an exceptionally good pair of dancers around whom a circle had been formed. Their multiple arms moved and intertwined in an hypnotic wave that captured your attention to never let go. “You ssaid you’d invite twenty…” Noma’s response was swift:
“Oh but I didn't invite anyone my friend! A friend of mine is hosting. I simply had to ask.” He paused. “Aren’t they beautiful?”

Surei took a glance at the object of his accomplice’s attention, then turned back to him, accusing. “Thiss, Thiss iss a ssetback to your planss asz much asz it iss to the business.”

“Come on, Surei, my friend. I’ve been doing this for years and now that we are reunited for a night of celebration, you find cause for harm?”

Liar. Noma had no friends. Neither did Surei for that matter. They were too versed in this business to care for friends. There was emotional attachment entitled with it, none with partners. That is, unless they were both. It was all words, spoken by a man whose only truth was the lack thereof, and of course, this…

What a waste…

Last edited by Surei on September 17th, 2012, 1:19 am, edited 6 times in total.
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A Cause for Celebration (Solo)

Postby Surei on July 26th, 2012, 3:43 pm

The aroma of spices distracted his attention for a moment. The main dish was about to be served.

“Now, listen to me.” It was apparent in his tone, Noma was annoyed. “Show a little faith. Trust that the night holds something special for you. You might even find enjoyment by just…letting go. Can’t you do that?” He stared until he knew that he’d won, when Surei finally let out a sigh. “Just thiss once.”

“Just this once.”

Their exchange was interrupted by the arrival of another Eypharian, who presented himself as Serani, their host for the night. Surei didn’t question his statement. The man was dressed in silk, colored white and red, and seemed to have forced on henna when dying his hair, seeing as they were a deep crimson. He and Noma seemed well acquainted, as they immediately engaged in meaningless chatter.

“Serani, here is my friend and longtime partner, Surei. This event is his honor as much as it is mine.” Serani must had caught on the nature of his acquaintance’s partner by now, given the uneasy look he gave the Dhani. All of it, however, disappeared when he spoke: “My pleasure. A friend of my friend is of course, my friend. Food will be served soon. Is there anything I can do for you?”

Flawless common. Either a merchant or a city official. It was difficult to pinpoint his relationship to Noma at this point, although Surei promised himself to keep a close eye on this one. It could prove to lead to some valuable information on his own partner, who surely didn’t consider this man only for his partying virtues.
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A Cause for Celebration (Solo)

Postby Surei on July 27th, 2012, 3:04 pm

“I’m fine.”

“Very well. This house’s pleasures are yours for the night.” Seeing as neither of them had something to add, the red-haired man turned heels and walked off in the same direction he originally came from.

“Alright then, I’ll be back. Don’t run off without me.”

As he rose from his seat to follow Serani, Noma grinned in satisfaction. Surei wasn’t exactly a model of consistency, but he usually meant what he said. The Eypharian wouldn’t try to force another evening party on him anytime soon. He was fully aware of what that one phrase implied. The Dhani had set a boundary, one that shouldn’t be crossed. Surei had just presented him with yet another challenging opportunity to test his limits.

The Dhani’s eyes followed the two men as they made their way across the courtyard. They stopped at the bottom of a marble staircase, against the inner wall, engaging in a discussion out of ear’s reach. Surei resisted the temptation to close the distance between them, enough to eavesdrop. But he didn’t have to resist. He sat up and exchanged a brief sight with Noma before the man disappeared on to the second floor.

Even though they had been working together for so long, Surei knew relatively little about his partner’s life outside of the character he was playing. He’d heard countless party stories, even some family ones, although there was never real substance to his tales. They could all be made up, for all he knew. Surei didn’t usually attend parties, nor did he ever met his so-called family. It didn’t matter, for in the end, the task at hand had much more appeal.

From what he could have seen, the exchange appeared serious, more so than what he’d been served on their initial encounter. What are you scheming, little snake? Surei allowed himself a brief chuckle at his own choice of words. The hunt was on.
Surei speaks: Common | Snake-Tongue | Arumenic
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