[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

The alchemist undergoes a transmutation himself. Evalin gets new duds, and Miro pays dearly. An epic plot riddled with twists and turns, mystery and intrigue, while the group struggles in hopes to overcome their toughest obstacle yet… Looking good.

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Rayage on July 26th, 2012, 9:30 pm

Summer 80 512 AV

His job as a professor never seemed to end, not that the nuit minded, he did, but it was worth it. He had to keep reminding himself that he was shaping the peoples careers into Alchemy, and what better than to be in direct control of the information they receive about the subject? Rayage was in quite the position of power over the ones who knew so little. Yes, he knew where he stood and he loved it, but for some reason he wasn’t satisfied. No, not at all. Was it that he had no time for experiments? No, he could always make time for that kind of work; he didn’t have to sleep after all. Or was it the fact that he had actually started to care about his students futures? Perhaps that was it… After all, not all of them were complete morons.

Nevertheless the professor found himself walking the streets of Zeltiva this fine day. It was a little past noon, and he had decided to take a break from looking over the many papers which he had assigned his students over the Season. For it was in that very pile of parchment where he found a note, from a wizard named Miro, it had instructed him to come along on this very day, at just about this time, to West Street. Apparently it was something pressing and urgent. Though he couldn’t guess what it was, perhaps an alchemy question? One never really knew with that boy.

A girl strode beside the nuit, a nuit herself, but her body was so fresh it wasn’t as obvious as it should have been. Her black hair went past her shoulders and she seemed a bit odd. Her movements were a bit too calculated for a child and the body language was off, but other than that she seemed like a normal child. If anyone would bother to think about it, ever sense recently Ray has had a child follow him everywhere… One might think he has a child of his own.

”You know Evalin” he said while walking, ”how often is it that we take orders from a written note?” he asked her, in his hand grasped the note left by Miro. The alchemist laughed at the thought, ”Why are we even bothering to show up?” he asked, but then he thought that Miro was one of his students, and he couldn’t let one of them down. No, especially not one as promising as him.
Last edited by Rayage on July 27th, 2012, 6:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Evalin on July 26th, 2012, 9:44 pm

What great idiocracy was this? What bored wandering did this man posses to have dragged her from her time of quite contemplation and reflection to traipse about the streets in the light of Syna? The girl sighed to herself, looking out from eyes as cold as stone over the bustling streets of the university.

What great folly is this to be present in the brightness of day when we, this man and myself, would be better suited for the shadows of night? Evalin's hand grasped a much to large staff in her hand, the wrapping sound it made as she walked drawing an eye or two there way, but she paid them no mind, Truly I wonder what has become of him, that man cloaked in knowledge, to think that we should follow the words of some written note left upon his desk.

In response to Rayage's words Evalin laughed, "Be you the only one who shall accept orders from a bit of paper. I myself simply find myself out here on a whim, and nothing more." She nodded once, looking up at the man's face before gazing out over the crowds once more, "But certainly you are correct, what be the point in catering to the wants and needs of some faceless voice? Surely our time is better spent elsewhere."

Her eyes gazed upwards, squinting into the light, "Be this of worthy note, or I shall set aflame he who would disturb my rest. Student or no, never should such a sin be forgiven."

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Miro on July 27th, 2012, 1:54 am

It truly was something, now wasn't it? Though he had spent a fair amount of time in the city, one thing constantly stood out, even if he had the thought daily. A city that does not move around allows one to memorize it, to follow, to have direction and orientation. Miro had left a note to his beloved professor, finally ready to rid him of his shame, to right the wrong, to bring life to the dead.

Many years ago, the assumed man and woman, known to Miro as Rayage and Evalin, started a lovely voyage into unlife. Through this transition, slowly they lost touch with their humanity. Miro assumed that they had left any sense of decency along with their original body. They were interesting subjects, obviously. Ray, the man had gained just as much knowledge as he had forsaken. Eva, well, that one still needed some adjusting. Just the day before, she had signed on as an asset to the city while in a child's body. A child signing away its life, taking on a challenge that scared away many strong men.

Miro did not even need to comment on Rayage, for the horrors of his style haunted Miro's dreams. There was no god powerful enough to restore his ancient clothing to anything resembling fashion. Though today, Miro would remedy their lost sense, to show them how to look decent. He would give them new clothing, force it on them, even if he had to threaten them into compliance.

All of this running through his head would not distract the boy however. It only fueled his interest, reminding him of what he knew, only if he could understand what was to come slightly better. Though his letter told them little, it was all he needed to say. It was a test, a test for his brilliant teacher, to see how he would react to a request. This was an exceptional request however, giving no urgency, nor any form of relevance. It was simple, Rayage would be given a ridiculous request, only to obey it because of the name attached.

Miro was not by any means Rayage's superior. He did not have any business ordering around the man, but he did however respect him, and hoped that he in return was issued respect. From the moment the duo had walked out of the college, Miro had been following, quite closely in fact, listening to all that had been muttered.

The words spoken behind one's back were the most true, of course. He allowed Rayage an opportunity to act on blind faith, and to take a request from somebody quite well below him. And for all that was said, and for how long he had waited, Miro was more than satisfied. Rayage, the dear sweet man, he acted with such haste. Like any man who values his time, no matter how much of it he has to spare, he questioned the request. But despite all idiocracy, he still acted on good faith.

Eva, however, that was a different story. The clumsy poorly dressed child only spoke down to Rayage. She mocked him for obeying. The arrogant nuit made excuses, as children do, as to why she complied. This left Miro with a choice, one that offered two paths. He could take this information, see her complaints and know how to fix them without having to be told. Or he could hold it against her, humiliate her and turn those same words muttered with confidence only moments ago into shame and regret.

Choices were fun, but consequences were not. Miro had already taken one liberty, seeing as he was following them to a meeting place, so it was probably best to choose the high road. He knew that the childlike creature was not as innocent and harmless as it appeared, but if only because her self-preservation instincts were shot. She gave no mind to what others would see her as, her actions and appearance being immediate proof. To threaten to set Miro on fire? Absolutely ridiculous! Hundred year old children did say the silliest things.

Miro walked forward, catching up to the pair of undead, ready to make his presence known. "Did you hear that Ender, set me aflame!" He placed a gentle hand on the small child, rustling her long black hair. "I do not think this to be a waste of your precious time, my dear. I, Miro, shall give a wonderful gift to each of you. I have come to notice that you lack something quite necessary for our lives. This gift will be exactly what both of you need, and all of it at no cost to you."

This was fun for Miro, teasing them with his grand style of avoiding the reason as to why they were even here. He took an arm and put it around rayage, though quickly regretting putting himself in contact with clothing that had survived longer than most of Miro's friends. "We will find the best shop in town. We will burst through the door. Then, when we are inside, drawing as much attention as possible to us, I will then pick out clothing for each of you. Oh, and let's take out that drawing attention part. For people who try and hide their age and dirty secrets, you sure give away A LOT of hints."

Now that he had informed them, he expected the worst. If he had outright told them the purpose of the trip, then they would not have come. Seeing as they were so close, and that Miro offered to pay, he hoped they would still follow. "Ray, Eva, come on. You both need new clothing, and I need to be seen around people who look decent. Do you not see it Rayage? You appear a pitiful man, too destitute and negligent to clothe his daughter properly. And you Evalin...well...you ain't no kid I ever saw. What is one day out of an eternal life?"

Accomplishment washed with false sincerity reign on Miro's face. He was sure he had given the speech necessary for what he wanted. This new city, it would be eating from Miro's hands in only a few seasons. He had too much fun with his new life not to climb to the top. New Miro was kind, charismatic, able to reach out to every person. Though Miro was not quite on par with this new image, he would do his best to try. Slowly his vision would become reality, one victory at a time.
Last edited by Miro on July 28th, 2012, 8:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Rayage on July 27th, 2012, 11:10 am

All Rayage could do was chuckle silently at what Evalin said. She was here on a whim, uh? More like she was following Ray. Ever since they had met up the two had been inseparable. Not that Ray minded, oh no, there was a saying something about keeping enemies closer? Not that she was an enemy just that she needed to be watched as close as one. It has been many years since he had tried his hypnosis on her, and he feared throughout the years its influence wavered and faded, like all magic, in time. It was just a matter of how much time it would take for the magic he weaved to completely wear off. Yes, even back at the ruins, in the site of their first, he felt the tension between them, the venom and malice she leaked from her very soul when Ray was in the weakened state. She needed to be watched.

”Our time is always better spent elsewhere, pursuing our own ambitions.” Ray nodded, ”But,” he paused just long enough for Eva to pick up on that whatever was coming after would be important, ”Sometimes it’s in our better interest to play along.” he grinned. ”To be in the game, dear Evalin, you must play it too.” he said walking on, glancing down at the girl beside him for a moment, ”You understand?” he asked. ”This world, like it or not, is ran by society, by mostly human laws.” he was going to go into lecturing her, ”People… Humans, don’t like it when social courtesies are broken, and all in all, it’s safer to play the game.” he laughed, ”That is until our victory is assured. Then we can feel free to change the rules...” He paused, keeping what else he had to say silent.

It seemed that the alchemist had good instinct. Had he known that they were being trailed or not will remain forever in question. For it was in that time which Miro decided to make himself known, advancing towards the couple of nuit and spouting out useless nonsense. Ray just wanted Miro to get to the point, but the boy, like all boys his age, drone on and never get to a point. Do they really think talking in circles will get them anywhere? ”Miro. So good of you to join us.” the nuit said, after the kid announced that he was going to give them both a gift, ”I suppose this is why you wanted us to meet you here?” he asked, double checking the note. This wasn’t where they were to meet. Ray looked back up at the boy, yes… he was following them? That had to be it. There were no coincidences in this world, only Fate, the grand plan. Had Miro planned this from the start? What was his game?

Then the arm was thrown around him. The nuit frowned; he wasn’t amused one bit by this act the kid was putting on. Who did he think he was putting his arm around him? They didn’t have that kind of relationship, there was no friendship, there was no emotion, there was no closeness, only cold hard statements. Ray associated with the mage because he was promising and he felt that he could shape his mind, not that he wanted to be friends. Though the nuit kept this information to himself and accepted the friendly gesture.

Even more offensive than the gesture was what was said afterwards. This kid sure was annoying. ”Very good Miro.” he said, giving him a quick pat on the back and then drawing away from the kid-mage. Miro was still very much a child. He could see that in every way in which the boy presented himself. The child went on trying to persuade them to come with him. Had he thought if they knew the purpose of this trip that they would not come?

”Foolish child.” Rayage started, ”Do you really think we care how we appear with our clothes?” the nuit grabbed onto his cloak, ”This.” he said, waving it a bit, ”Has been with me since the Valterrian.” he said, careful not to announce that too loud. ”Humans.” he almost spat, ”People should be judged on their abilities, not their appearance.” he looked like he was about to go on, but instead he did what was reminiscent of a sigh. ”Nevertheless, we do have to play the game.” he said looking from Miro, to Evalin, and back to Miro silently agreeing with him. ”What say you Evalin?” he asked her opinion of all this.
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Evalin on July 28th, 2012, 4:23 am

With a shrug Evalin returned her attention before her, "It is as you say my dear immortal, and certainly I understand, yet even so I grow weary of playing the part of subjugation to these lessing existences." The man's paused caused her to look up expectantly, but it was words of mockery that graced her ears instead of the smooth words of the man cloaked in eternity.

A hand upon her head set aflame the droves of ill feelings and malicious thoughts, and the girl struck out, swatting away the annoying presence that dared to defile her hard won body, "Be damned you pitiable child! Be you more cautious, for to touch an open flame is to ask to for your flesh to be seared from your bones!"

The girl cursed beneath her breath, pulling her cloak about her once more and gripping her staff with renewed vengeance, What greatest folly, this foolish child, no more than an infant really, what idiocy was that? Be he the simplest of creatures to treat me as if I were but a child? Curse him, and let all ill things fall upon his path in life.

A cold presence, the touch of another touched softly against the fringes of her consciousness,
A child in form is a child at heart it seems... Be you the elder? I would wonder...

Evalin blinked, and frowned, touching the necklace that hung against her chest, Must you speak only to point out the faults of your master?

The chill returned, almost feeling amused when it spoke,
Lessons learned come from words of truth. Observe you well...

Evalin sighed and shrugged to herself, So say you then... be damned the boy anyway...

Her mind returned once more to the task at hand, capturing and noting the words spoken by Rayage. With another shrug the girl looked back to the street, "Why ask the opinion of one when you already know the answer? I care not for the clothing I wear, and what folly it is to spend such copious amounts of time and mizas on purchasing garments to cover flesh. A waste indeed, however..." She nodded to Rayage, "Indeed we do play as we are bid."

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Miro on July 28th, 2012, 6:08 pm

Why was it that the undead were so hard to deal with? If Miro had been alive for even half as long as the younger of the two, he would have taken care to learn the tools to coexist with the world and the power to take what he wanted. Instead, he felt as if he was to take care of them, the senile body snatchers sure didn't take care of themselves. And that Evalin, she needed to be broken, soon. Her constant insolence to her superior was wearing Miro's patience thin. However Ray's apparent kindness allow him to keep composure, and of course, to keep high spirits.

"Ender, what do you think they are hiding? I get the feeling that I am the strongest of them. Rayage, he has a sense of confidence that is quite compelling, how impressive I find it. I do not think him weak though. His body is, and yet he is so confident. I would not dream of turning hand against him, but that insolent girl, acting as if she were my superior. If I were to try and break her, would you think less of me?" It was not Miro's intention to brag, nor to communicate the point made with emphasis, but to ask permission to shut her mouth forcefully.

"They are hiding secrets, is my guess. Though your strength is impressive in your head, there are far stronger things than yourself. I hardly care what you do, but I will not have you put my life at risk. I am rather content to sit and observe, but only in the case that it is a peaceful observation. However I must say, she does appear your superior, in terms of arrogance, that is. Now, you have bothered me much too much. I answered your questions for the day, if not longer. Let me be."

Miro grimaced at the response. It was not what he wanted to hear, no approval, but he did give him leeway. Miro would not risk their lives, for the flames she boasted of so proudly were but a pittance of Miro's power. He could deal away with them in just a thought, turn them against their master and devour their flesh. It was quite some time that Miro had been without speaking, or even reacting, but that did not mean he missed a single word said. All too soon they would have a reply, and this one would be a bit less of a kind gesture, but a compliment to it nonetheless.

"Oh, Rayage, how ever much do I love to hear your silver tongue twist about in your decrepit mouth. Not quite the scent of it, but the sound, yes. Playing along would be best, I agree. With me around, there is so much that can be achieved. If it is not my live body, my attachment to the world, or even my great influence on the hearts of those around me, it is my skill. I am inclined to help you, my DEAR friends. But if it is YOUR will to TURN against me, Evalin, then arrangements can be made. I come here, dealing in favors, and yet my return? Well of course it is that of threats." The boy flustered with arrogance let out a deep sigh, only unsure if words were useless in this case.

Miro was not attempting to dissatisfy his friends, or to even trick them into coming. He did not want to force their hands, but rather to show them a valid argument. "Evalin, my sweet sister, look at yourself. You do nothing to hide your nature, and yet it poses a great risk to both Rayage and myself. You speak, walk and talk like that of a scholar, yet you stand waist high, in the body of a child. I am only looking to aid you by giving you a fitting appearance. A set of clothing that would allow you to walk without stumbling and also to look presentable. All of this at a cost to me. Can we not agree this to be the best? Or perhaps, it is something else I can do for you."

Another thought passed through the twisted mind. A body snatcher surely wouldn't take a lesser body unless they were attempting to hide their true nature and take one by surprise. Surely this was not the situation, as there was no surprise after hearing the nuit speak even once. "I could allow you to go shopping for a new host instead, if that is your will. Lift you atop my shoulder and allow you to scan the streets, to find one you like." This slight suggestion was not as sincere as Miro would lead her to believe, but rather a way to snatch her attention to him.

The stage was set, and Miro was ready for his next performance. He took a fist and held parallel his heart, raising two fingers. His other hand lifted the height of his neck above it next. He focuses on how he would task each hand to consume a slight amount of djed and transmute it into his favorite magic. The rush of energy in his hands made him excited, finally a chance to use his magic. From his top hand he emitted a ball of res to hover below, and from his fingers he spouted a flame upwards, swirling around the liquid mass of his soul. He removed his hands, controlling the floating mass with only his mind, and moving it in front of the girl, keeping it low and out of sight of passersby.

The magic was not in range of harming her, but still remained close enough that one would want to keep an eye on it. The res that held it also fueled it, allowing it to continue to flicker and dance in the wind. Now would come the hard part, to actually try to cast. Miro focused his mind on the goal he wanted to achieve, tasking his mind and spirit to make it an absolute reality. His gaze shifted from the girl, to the fire, and then back again. In his mind he played the emotion of awe, to feel powerless, unable to react, only to watch. Then, using his djed to fuel his will, he pushed the feeling into her mind. When the task had been accomplished, his mind wiped clean, causing the flames to die out.

Using djed in the form of hypnotism was quite the task on his mind and soul. To cast in such an unusual way, it drained him, leaving him feeling haggard. "Sorry Ender. I Have to do this, I hope you aren't feeling as drained as I." Miro fought hard to gain control of his mind once again. Their destination had come into sight, meaning his time was nearly spent. Once again he prepped his mind to influence the girl, but this time he would use a much simpler catalyst for the spell, a mere touch. He laid a hand gently on the girls shoulder, flowing his djed into her. With this passage into her mind he smiled and said aloud, "Resources are meant to be used. Can't you just use me for a bit, I'll make it worth your time."

With that simple message relayed, Miro went on ahead, opening the door and waiting. He did not want the girl to snap at him again for touching her, but would be sure not to abuse her patience again. She was not one to toy with, as the same also applied to Miro himself. Truly, with friends like these, respect would be key. If he did not wish to end up charred, he had better start treating his new family differently, treating them like respected elders. Miro was still panting from the use of hypnotism, feeling uneasy. This sudden change of heart, how strange was it. It was a great realization, one that would work to his favor. Evalin, and Rayage especially, absolutely MUST be protected.
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[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Rayage on August 1st, 2012, 10:56 pm

”Why do I ask when I already know the answer?” he chuckled a little, ”Why, my dear girl,” he said holding his age over her like sword, ”because it amuses me.” he said, ”Because I like to see how things will play out, and the voice, well, it’s the ultimate tool. It can do so many things.” he reminded her, ”It is with his voice that a king commands an army.” he said in a tone saying all itself that the children are best to remember those words. He then fell silent for Miro began to address him.

When Miro finished Ray crossed his arms, ”It is with such a tone that a child should never speak upon his elder like that.” he reminded him to check his voice before he spoke, ”Swaying others relies on more than drawn out words and phrases.” he said, ”It has to do with the overall feel, the aura, if you will, that you project.” he lectured, ”And yours isn’t one of respect but rather insolence. You think yourself better because you come bearing gifts? Because of your body? Because of your magic? Such silly things you mortals say and do, for none of that matters without presence.” he told him, ”To own the stage of life you first must set it, and then chose your crowd.” he grinned.

Then came the worst offense of all. Miro offered to help procure a new body. The nuit felt almost sick, but he did not speak a word. He knew that Evalin could handle that herself. Oh yes, Miro sure knew how dig a nice hole. ”Perhaps you should stop with this silly act?” he suggested. He could feel his original body rolling over in its grave when the mage did magic out in the open no less. Did he really care about image or was he just another fool? How childish can you get, and yet he wants to be treated like an intellectual?

”Yes, resources are meant to be used.” he nodded, ”But confidantes are not.” he lied though his teeth, ”People are not mere tools to be used, and you, wizard, should think better of yourself.” he said. Besides… Evalin isn’t the kind to fall for such reverse psychology is she? ”Think, if you must think of anything, yourself as a bodyguard.” he said assigning a different and more meaningful label to him. The higher he thought himself of a bodyguard the more it would work on his point of view, the more effective the spell would be even though Ray still isn’t the best at Hypnosis. ”and you are merely protecting us by buying us some new clothes. I know it seems trivial, but it’s necessary.” he lightly patted the kid on the back again the whole time building up the desire to manipulate and force a thought into him.

”You are doing a fine job how it is. No need to waste djed on spells out in the public” he went on buying time for his spell to build and his concentration to muster the will to cast the spell. He began repeating over and over in his head ‘Evalin and Rayage, especially Rayage, must be protected.’ He wanted to get the message down, and he repeated it altering the sentence a bit before he started to infuse it into djed. The hidden power mustered up inside him, and poured from every pore of his dead body, ”See? You would make a fine bodyguard.” he said, projecting the will-enhanced djed into the mind of the boy. He had to concentrate sometime after the sentence to direct and further instill the message, but he did it one word at a time. Evalin. And. Rayage. Especially Rayage. He kept that part together. Must. He put meaning on the must by eliciting a small emotional response to the word, which took more concentration and djed. He wanted the boy to feel compelled and inspired, and so the emotion he chose was one of bravery. He thought it would fit into the childish mind that he was shown so far. The child wanted to be brave, appear brave, and even act the part. Here was his chance. Be protected. He finished the spell and walked through the door giving Miro a happy and thankful nod.
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Evalin on August 8th, 2012, 4:56 am

Upon her face rose an expression fitting annoyance as Evalin listened to Miro, "Speak you far too much. What care I if I am know for what I am? Am I to be cowled by the whims of mortals when I stand apart from all? No I think not." Shaking her head her arms folded, "Speak you less of such pointless matters as whether I am to be seen as what I am. I see not you trying to hide your own nature from the world."

More words came to fill the girl's mind and drip from her tongue, but she was stilled as the boy spoke his next offer to her. Blinking, taken aback by the suddenness of the change in topic as much as its subject, Evalin found herself unable to speak a reply for a moment or two.

A new... body he says... Evalin's mind drifted then, caught upon that one line of subject that pulled at the fringes of her souls even as Miro gave his display of talent. Absently she noted his technique, his skills and abilities, though she did not waver as the flame came close to her though did not touch. She had little to fear from matters of the mortal world, and in any case her mind was once more immersed in what had been said before.

He has offered it... He has given this chance to me, or is this but a farce? Another means to persuade me to his side?

Almost instinctively the girl's mind reached out to touch the chill that sat about her neck, and a soft voice spoke to her,
His power is there... We have seen it before, have we not...

Blinking slowly Evalin's hand absently touched the surface of the necklace, Indeed so... but here he does offer the means to my freedom from this retched host! I have long since grown tired of this carcass and its troubles. Would it not be of the greatest advantage to seek out what he gives freely?

The voice did not respond immediately, leaving Eva to stand quietly as the others spoke what they would,
From his lips fall words dipped in half truths... Think you well upon the consequences of what he offers, and rush not to fall prey to lust for what could be obtained later...

Evalin simply stood with eyes cold as the heart that beat not in her chest. The warm hand of the boy fell on her shoulder, and she looked at it with distaste, but this feeling was quickly washed away by other swirlings of half thoughts and wonderings, Speak you the truth as always my dear Tsenrika, yet... Yet how must I explain this feeling that I might miss the chance I could never obtain again? Her eyes sought out Miro's as Evalin fought that tugging unease at the corners of her psyche, He wishes to be used Tsenrika... are we not supposed to use what comes to us so freely? Are we not to take from the light that which we could not obtain before?

Silence once more... This time shorter, yet the words that broke upon her mind were colder than the winds of Avanthal,
Gluttony and lust work well upon the minds of those who know not what they already possess...

Words stung like a thousand wasps upon bear skin, and Evalin's expression darkened in turn, What mean you by this? Have I not waited patiently long enough? Have I not earned a reprieve from this misery? Silence followed, unbroken by the chill that would not come to be known again. Evalin's frown deepened, and she grasped the necklace firmly, Speak you not now when I ask you? Be damned you Tsenrika, obey thine master! Still nothing broke the silence, and Evalin grit her teeth, Think you I a fool? Think you I would break so easily to the words of this child? Look you down now upon me as if I were some insolent child!? Still no response, and Evalin's body shook from the welling of passions that drove her mind to a whirling fury, Be damned you! You think so little of me then! I need not what this boy offers! I need not aid from any! Listen you well oh creature from the endless darkness, I am Evalin, one who shall consume the lights of those foolish enough to stand before. Be damned this mortal world and all those who live within it, let them all burn before my feet and let me tread upon their corpses and feed from their blood! Her eyes narrowed, hate and loathing radiating from her form, filling her aura with blood reds and swirling crimson lights, I shall see Fate's hands severed, and the world of mortals burned utterly and all lights shall fall to darkness...

Wrenching her shoulder from the boys grasp she stood closer to Rayage. Her mind was filled with a strange menagery of confused longings and desires which she could not separate. She wished for a new body, yet she felt the harsh words of her familiar deep within her soul. She desired power, yet she felt cheated to call upon help of others. Evalin's eyes burned red, shining crimson in the light of Syna as she spoke, "I am in no need of such services... I need not the aid of any, least of all prattling youths who speak great words without pause for the consequences of their actions. You offer me power? I will obtain it. You wish to give me a new body? I shall find one fitting on my own. What have I need for you? Have I not spent near 3 of your lifetimes moving about this world while you were but a mild thought within your parents loins?" Cold lips parted in a snarl that turned the corners of her lips downward, "Here you sit, a man upon a pedestal within a sea of his own arrogance who knows not the sharks about him leap higher and higher, nipping at the fringes of his robes. I sense within you power greater than you can control, and this wild display proves such. Mind your words and your actions, for it shall not be the great enemy within the dark that steals away your life, but your own arrogance and folly."

Repressing the urge to spit upon the ground at his feet, Evalin turned her back on him instead, "I care not for your "gifts" if they come ladened with hidden strings that would wrap about my neck. I shall accept no favors and give none in return." She looked back at Rayage, hate filling her gaze to the brim as she spoke, "Bodyguard you say? Be damned you and your foolish mind that would forgive one such as him. He would be the death of us both my DEAR Immortal, yet if that be the case then surely you should go with him." These last words dripped with such unrestrained sarcasm that there meaning could not be lost to any that heard. Pulling her cloak about her she called over her shoulder as she began walking away, "I would hope a man who has seen as much as you would notice the folly in this venture and heed the words of one who has walked so far beside him."

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Miro on August 27th, 2012, 11:09 am

Enough was enough. It was one thing to call Miro a fool, for yes, he was. Something to take pride in, as it was. To be such a fool, and yet to always walk out unscathed. A thousand battles, a thousand victories, all in style and grace. What was not okay, was to insult Rayage. He believed in Miro as a guard, and though it would be obvious that not all things required him, he could not resist. Evalin, the pitiful excuse for an ancient called out for harsh correction. She was the one who had no control, her undoing would be that mouth of hers.

Miro wanted to spit on her, but the enjoyment from such a thing would be short lived. What came to mind was something that would not be shrugged off quite so easily. The wizard had a talent, one that in three lifetimes the elderly mage had only accomplished the basics of. It was apparent in all that time alive, the Nuit's only accomplishment was a streak of luck. To be so pitiful, yet to act so rashly. It was time that luck was broken, and her place shown.

Djed boiled in the mage's veins. Miro ripped it from his body, pouring it from the flesh that made up his shoulders. A quick assessment told him that it was enough, for what he had in mind at least. Rayage would still get his clothing, and though he was waiting in the shop, there was business to be taken care of. The boy ran out, letting the door close hard behind him. He would continue until he was several feet in front of the girl and stop.

Once facing her, Miro would send his hands outwards, propelling his res forward. A target was very clear in his mind, the ankles of the girl. Simple enough, his focus was to direct them at the target. No matter how she would run and flee, it would continue to move towards its goal, and once it would find it, nothing would free them. Enough res was produced to cover them thrice over, only hinting at the dread to come.

If and when the res hit its mark, Miro would shape it into bands, transmuting them into stone. He hardly cared what the child's reaction would be after this. Though he expected some violent reaction, nothing would amount to what he would do in return. Eva was a weak reimancer. Sure, fire was hot, but it was easy to put it out. Even easier still to direct the flames back at their caster and consume them. Hardly mattered, whatever happened would just happen.

With a smirk on his face, Miro would begin to walk away. "Have fun with your new body, being so capable and all. You are the one who can not control anything. An attempt to burn me will result in those same flames turning on you. But what has already condemned you to flames is that mouth of yours. Do NOT talk to me in such a way ever again, child. And next time you even think to insult Rayage, your life will find a much needed end." Those words would ring out, loud enough that even Ray inside the store might hear. Any with half a mind would know he meant every word.
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[West Street] Fashion Disaster (Evalin, Miro)

Postby Rayage on August 30th, 2012, 11:47 am

The nuit entered the fine establishment as Evalin stormed off. She thinks that I am making the wrong choice? He thought to himself. The foolish children, all of them, need to open their eyes. She will come back. Yes, Ray nodded to himself, she always did. The girl just needed some time to herself is all. Her thoughts clouded her own judgments. Has he not lived longer? How old can one possibly be and yet still be mocked like a fool? That was the foolish child’s doing. That is all anyone was to him, the mortals, even some immortals, all children. They know not of what they argue.

Ray used to be like that. In fact, some may say he still is. Though with age comes a sort of wisdom. It has seemed that Evalin yet possesses the wisdom that the nuit has. All this time and yet… he shook his head and began to browse through the clothes displayed so nicely, so neatly in the shop.

Though before he even got to really looking, who was going to pass up free clothes, Miro left the store. The nuit frowned. Was the boy chasing the girl? He sighed and put down whatever fabric that he had picked up and started walking towards the door. Should he interfere? No, he made the split second decision. He would let them sort it out themselves. Perhaps if Evalin gets a small taste of how powerful Miro is she will come around to his side of things and see the light, so to speak. Though preforming magic out in the open public isn’t recommended either. There were plenty of people weary of magic. The nuit laughed to himself perhaps he could get a discount price if the owner knew it was Reimancer he was buying from.

Stopping from his venture he turned his back on the door, and ventured back into the store, nodding politely to the owner who had greeted them before. The passions of youth were so very interesting…
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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