A quiet hush descended across the hall as the Enpharian dancers took the stage, Vaas couldn't see a thing, but he can tell by the audience uncomfortably shifting in their sets and a occasional nervous coughs. Vaas can tell the dance must be enticing to say the least. Vaas overhears a couple giggling to each other later into the dance. Vaas hears a man's voice say jokingly to the woman next to him, “Do you wish I had two more hands, honey?” Vaas hears the woman giggle and says to her significant other, “Only if you look like him, dear.” The man laughs and continues watching the performance. Vaas raises an eyebrow wondering what the Enpharian really looked like. Were they humans with four arms or could they have more than four arms? Could theses people be born with a odd amount of arms like three or five? From the woman reaction how attractive are the Enpharian really? This is something he will have to ask Krysanthe after the performance.
As Vaas sits there waiting for the music and the dancing to end, Vaas realizes he might of revealed his backup plan to Krysanthe if his situation with the Valintar goes goes south tommarrow. He bites his lip and starts to wonder if she thinks him a coward for actually leaving the safety of Wind Reach. He really doesn't want to leave the Inarta, but if he is assigned to the Dek caste. He is really not sure if he will survive because he is way to opinionated for his own good. Vaas never really saw himself as a person of manual labor like cleaning or let alone being anyone's servant. He frowns to himself and shakes his head thinking it is stupid to think about this during a performance. He listens for any reaction to the performance from Krysanthe, but from her silence she must be caught under the dancers' spell. He smiles to himself wondering if she is mooning over the attractive male Enpharian dancer. He won't bring it up knowing what he knows last night. She gets really uncomfortable with certain situations. She can't control. He figures he will have to bring it up when they are older and more comfortable with themselves.
Vaas listens to the music play and notices the next song must be a love song since the music started to switch from a vigorous rhythm to a more soothing and sensual melody. He smiles to himself and leans back in his chair. He tries to picture in his head a couple dancing to the music. In his inner mind, he pictures the couple dancing close to each other. Their movements are in sync with each other. Both dancers trying to let their bodies meld into each other. He closes his eyes and tries to envision them dance under the touch light in his hallway. The dancers with four arms dance in his hallway in his mind until the performance ends. He is jarred from his imagination by the sounds of loud applause to the performers. Vaas stands up and congratulates them with a loud applause of his own.
Vaas decides to take the opportunity to stand up and stretch. He can hear the crowd start to make their way to the exits. He can hear by their reaction that most people seem to enjoy their show tonight. He turns to Krysanthe and says to her with a grin,“I hope you had fun Krysanthe. Shall we make our way out or should we hold off until the crowd thins out a little. If you want, I can walk you home. I figure it could be a good opportunity to get to know each other once again.”