Price List Addition Requests

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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Larknas Tider on July 6th, 2012, 7:28 pm

For the Harpoon bolts on Svefra Casinors(if i am not wrong they are missing).
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Pauk on July 7th, 2012, 3:53 am

Harpoon bolts are already there, found here.
School just started and it's already killing me. I'll try to reply as quickly as possible, but I may be slow.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Larknas Tider on July 7th, 2012, 8:34 am

Yes but a ST can miss it(just saying ).
Since its used on ships mainly shoulnt it be like the Ballista Bolt there?
(just asking it would be easier for some if it was on
Ship Weaponry instead.
Just a sugestion (hope its allowed to say it here).
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Verilian on July 17th, 2012, 9:46 pm

Can I get a wage value for someone working as a Voider. They would basically be disposing of waste and stuff like that into the void. Thanks!
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Marin on July 23rd, 2012, 8:55 pm

Game animals such as:
Meat of Rabbit
Meat of Pheasant
Meat of Wild Boar
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Alocer on July 27th, 2012, 10:24 pm

Was wanting to request that a Pollaxe be added to the price list was wanting it as a heirloom
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Surei on July 28th, 2012, 3:22 pm

Profession: Miner

For those brave Isur who descend into the depths of Kalea to supply their race's industry, or for those working quarries that aren't slaves. Thank you.

Also, Con Artist and Laborer are grouped together, though the description seems to cover only Con Artist. Laborer might actually do for Miner. I'll leave it up to that.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Gillar on July 29th, 2012, 11:26 pm

A long time coming but another update to the Price List has been completed. I tried to include everything that was mentioned since my last update post in this thread. Requests have either been added with their own entries or added into existing kits (cooking tongs in the chef's kit for example). Remember to use your Find feature in the Edit menu of your browser to find individual entries as it will help immensely.

Some of the things that were not added this time around and why. Aluminum is one. While it is in the Metalsmithing Lore Entry, I am still working on trying to justify having a metal that wasn't used as a true, standalone workable metal to craft things in the real world until the 1800s using a bit more modern methods.

I also didn't include some of the martial art type weapons as the cultures many of those weapons came from do not have equivalent ones in Mizahar. Those few examples that are in the price list came from smiths throughout history who have developed their own styles; styles of which included only a few items that made it to "mainstream" status.

Jewels and gemstones, that is a separate list all in its own and is not complete thus I can't really add much to the Price List related to it. For those of you who want some form of jewel and gemstone related prices at least until the Gemstone list is complete, check out Brimhold's Stones of Wonder in Sultros. With Gossamer's help, I have tried to address, at least in some form, the buying and selling of gemstones the best I could until the Gemstone list is finished.

I have also added a couple of notes to the the Armor and Weapon's sections to address some issues I have noticed while strolling through random character sheets.

Weapons with a racial tag in parentheses are exclusive to the listed race and are not for sale. Also, while some "martial-art" type weapons such as a Katana and Naginata are listed along with a small number of others, these types of weapons are not commonly found in Mizahar because that particular "real-world" culture that these weapons sprouted from, does not exist. The occurrence of some of these types of weapons evolved from specific smiths who crafted their own style throughout history; styles of which never really caught on in mainstream weaponsmithing.

Except where specifically noted, most types of armor cannot be combined with items found in other lists such as the Enlightened and Magic Related and retain their individual properties. In particular, robes found in the Enlightened and Magic Related list cannot be combined with types of armor found in the Armor list and benefit from properties each item would have by itself. These two lists are stand-alone when it comes to armor and robes. For example, one cannot have armored pocket robes because the armor plating of the armored robes takes up too much room to allow for the extra pockets of the pocket robes. Also, armored robes cannot benefit from the sound-muffling properties of Akajia robes as the armor plates are too bulky and heavy thus they cancel out the muffling properties.

Also, when there is a racial tag show in parentheses next to a piece or suit of armor, this indicates that the specific entry is designed and built by the listed race and finding that particular item or suit outside of that race's main geographical area of influence is next to impossible and if available, the price is 10x the listed amount.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Gianne Basete on August 4th, 2012, 7:05 pm

I've searched several times and couldn't find these items, so I'm requesting they be added to the list.

Archer's Arm Guard: A single leather cuff covering most of or the entire forearm of the archer. Protects their skin from the bowstring.

Archery Glove: A fitted leather glove to protect the fingers from the bowstring. Normally there are only two or three finger pockets, since only the fingers that pull back the string need padded.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Yskul'thu on August 9th, 2012, 10:07 pm

I was hoping to put in a request for a Travelers Jewelcrafting kit. Just for those who wish to travel far and wide and may not be able to or want to buy a full kit.
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