No, really, welcome to my humble abode where my inner muse shall generally do nothing, as per usual. To find said abode one only need go over the river and through the woods and to grandmothers--er, wrong directions. What I meant is keeping going left until you go right then go back again! Well-la, looky here you made it. Now just find the right door followed by the right key under the right map and you may enter my abode.
That aside this a place for my rambles (because that is what a rambler does, we ramble), updates and generally when I shall pull a Houdini and escape the addiction that is Mizahar.

No, really, welcome to my humble abode where my inner muse shall generally do nothing, as per usual. To find said abode one only need go over the river and through the woods and to grandmothers--er, wrong directions. What I meant is keeping going left until you go right then go back again! Well-la, looky here you made it. Now just find the right door followed by the right key under the right map and you may enter my abode.
That aside this a place for my rambles (because that is what a rambler does, we ramble), updates and generally when I shall pull a Houdini and escape the addiction that is Mizahar.
Rules and Regulations
(That you don't really care aboutxD)
- Arguing=no, heated debates=yes
- All general Miz rules
- Feel free to chat me up
- Contribute to my ramblings
- Post pics, I don't mind
- Any questions PC related or not go ahead and ask, I don't bite. No really, I don't. Lack of teeth and all that.
- Do as you like basically
(That you don't really care aboutxD)
- Fickle
- Aged 20 years and counting
- Nice-ish
- Gender=female
- Status=Work/School/Writing
- This one, dur.
- Vondra Valencia
- Yvette