"Heh, I ain't got a clue." Xuphim said in all honesty. He was about to tread into a world he had never been a part of before. Akalaks were rare enough as it was, and with most of the population living in Riverfall, that meant the chance to interact with one while living in Syliras was exeedingly slim. "Fact is other than stories, I don't know much about them. Ain't that messed up, my own people. Ah well. I understand our position though, I'm not feeling top shape, that's for damn sure. Other fact is we don't have a whole lot of information to go on." he admitted. The nature of the quest was a bit nebulous, other than it having to do something with the women in tow.
As they rode up Xuphim's eyes watched carefully. Xalet had trained them well, those eyes, those senses. All that time sitting back, staying quiet, observing others. While they were separate Souls, they were still entwined. All his knowledge was Xalet's and all of Xalet's was his. A casual eye could have caught the distress of the women, but it was a keen glance that made sure to notice the incidental movement of one of the Akalak's hands, moving backwards to strike. It was just the sort of thing that pissed Xuphim off. The dark half had his problems, and they were quiet numerous. From being tactless, pushy, bull-headed, womanizing, and otherwise exhibiting very few manners as well as very little mercy during combat scenarios meant for training purposes, he still could never bring himself to strike at a woman. It wasn't exclusive to certain women or certain scenarios either, the dark brother literally found himself completely unable to raise a hand against a person he knew to be a woman, even during a time in the past when one was trying to maim him. Insult a woman? Sure. Try to bed a woman? Absolutely. Hit a woman? Impossible.
"Well said." commented Xalet from his sidelined position when hearing Verus' explanation. Xuphim however, was not quite so focused on the Squire's glib tongue.
"Did you see that shit? That guy was gonna hit that girl. And now he's looking at me sideways. I've killed bitches for less." it was merely the armor that did an excellent job at hiding the overall muscular tension Xuphim was feeling of jumping straight from his horse to the ground.
"Yes, but use due caution. Nakivak is a part of the culture, however, you may attempt to mention that they are within the boundaries of Sylira, and as such are subject to Sylira law." Xalet seemed to be thinking fairly level headed, but he too was feeling the pressure of the situation. Thus far everything was resting on a rather large bluff. A bluff that Xuphim and Verus were in top shape, which could be betrayed by any damage in their armor, and the bluff that they were far from being alone.
"Found in Sylira." Xuphim finally interjected, "Depending on the nature of their capture previously they will need to be questioned in case they have any information on Ravok. Afterward arrangements can be made to fulfill any voluntary contracts." things seemed to be going well for Xuphim, it was pretty rare they he spoke so cordially to anyone.
"Excellent." Xalet commended his darker half, although it was a bit too soon.
"...and there seems to be some level of disdain for these contracts from these girls. Or maybe I'm just gettin' the wrong impression." there was that bit of animal instinct inside of Xuphim that Xalet failed to achieve his whole life. With the lighter half living as humanely as possible, he allowed his instincts to dwindle, that was where Xuphim had to step in. He could tell by that heated gaze coming at him that there was some level of ocular challenge happening, and he wasn't about to back down. As far as Xuphim was concerned, he was the strongest Akalak on the planet. Whether it was true or not, that was how he displayed the faith that came from Priskil. That faith meant confidence in ones self, although Xuphim's emotional passion pushed the boundaries into the realm of arrogance.