[Verified by Torchlight] Rothyr the Windbourne

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Rothyr the Windbourne

Postby Rothyr Windbourne on July 30th, 2012, 7:54 pm

PC Name: Rothyr the Windbourne
Physical Information (Required)
Age: 25
Birthdate: Season of Summer, Day 47, AV 487
Physical Description
Standing roughly 6” Rothyr cuts an imposing figure. Hailing from the Emerald clan, he lived amongst the Diamond clans for a time. He held the swiftness of a hunter, and learned to fight while staying with the Diamond clans, and so he could fight, but not so well as most professionals; he could still hold his own. He is rather muscular, proportionate with his height, weighing roughly 195. lbs. He wears a tattoo over his right shoulder and back, seemingly symbolizing wind, and wild game (Primarily elk and deer) running with it, hearkening to his Emerald clan heritage. He wears the green cloak of his people, with an ornate brooch, and simple trousers, boots, and (rarely) a tunic. He travels light to travel quickly. He wears a long knife on his belt and a hand axe made of Glassbeak bones.

Character Concept
Personality: He is cautious but courteous, he enjoys making friends but is careful who to entrust his past to, as if worried he may be tracked. Never stays in one place too long, and risks the dangers of the Mizahar roads rather than be found by an old enemy. He'll be the first to offer help to a stranger. He is very outgoing and friendly to anyone he meets.

Ethics – Never the type to ask for help of any sort, he prefers to handle his own business by his own means. If he can't handle a problem, then he'll work around it until he can. Sort of an operating loner, he still likes to meet people, and make friends. He never backs down from a challenge or a fight, and constantly seeks to grow and learn more about the world around him, and how it all connects to the web.

Likes – Travelling, hunting, drinking with good company, battle and combat, seeing new places, people and things. Sometimes, he considers his exile a blessing to be able to experience the world. He also enjoys trying local foods and brews, to get a flavor for his surroundings. Almost a tourist, he remains a refugee.

Dislikes – Betrayers, and those who go back on their word, or extort those who are weak. He can't stand letting his prey escape while on the hunt, nor leaving anything wasted or left behind.

Character History (Optional But Recommended)
Pre-Creation – He grew up the son of a male Ankal in the Emerald clan, learning to ride and hunt prey from a young age. When he came of age, he was sent to the Diamond clans to live amongst them and find a wife, bringing the Emerald and Diamond clans closer together to make both clans stronger. However, rivals seeking his fathers Cheifdom set upon him, murdering most of his family, and Rothyr was forced to flee in order to escape. He's spent his time since then wandering from town to town, avoiding discovery, and enjoying the sights along the way. However, he knows one day he will have to return to avenge his family, and lead his clan to prosperity, as the heavens intended. Originally of the Goldsaddle pavilion, which was destroyed after his exile, Rothyr set forth to establish a new pavilion using his nickname given him by his friend in the Diamond clans, Sudir, both to avoid detection by not using his old name, but for a fresh start. One day the Goldsaddles may return, but first must come the Windbourne...

Post-Creation – He will learn, love, grow, fight, gain allies, and perhaps grow strong enough to claim revenge. However, he'd also be content to keep on the road and make a friend in all corners of Mizahar. It's whatever destiny has planned, and he will find a way forward.

Training & Skill Points (Required)
10 points Sword (10 SP)
27 points Riding (10 SP, 10 RB, +1 AS, +2 AS, +1 AS, +1 AS, +2 AS)
11 points Wilderness Survival (10 SP +1 AS)
10 points Hunting (10 SP)
13 points Spear (10 SP, +1 AS, +2 AS)
1 point Tracking (+1 AS)
2 points Short Bow (+1 AS, +1 AS)
6 points Socialization (+3 AS +3 AS)
1 point Seduction (+1 AS)
1 point Subterfuge (+1 AS)
1 point Acrobatics (+1 AS)
3 points Hand Axe (+1 AS, +1 AS, +1 AS)
3 point Knife (+1 AS +2 AS)
1 point Brawling (+1 AS)
3 points Rhetoric (+3 AS)
1 point Intimidation (+1 AS)
2 points Storytelling (+2 AS)
2 points Teaching (+2 AS)
2 Points Observation (+2 AS)
1 Point Tactics (+1 AS)
Lore: Cyphrus Trails "Hunting on the plains of Cyphrus, you learn a few shortcuts. Makes getting around a lot easier."
Valuable Animal Parts "Hunt long enough, you figure out what parts are good to eat, and what parts people will pay well for."
Akalaks are Hunters Too
My Lucky Arrow
Glassbeaks: Tastes like Chicken
Feast of Life
Caehli: a Flower
Acquaintance: Ganta Galesong
A Friendly Competition
Potato Rothyr
Winning the Race
Windbourne's Beginnings
Handaxe: Simple to Wield from Horseback
Amora: What could have been
A Tragic Day
Rothyr: the Last of a Bloodline
A Chivalrous Deed: Saving Basha'ir
The Request: Teaching Basha'ir how to use a weapon
Befriending the dark haired beauty: Basha'ir
Go For the Vitals!
Getting Badly Stabbed
Fire against Vinumia
Ivak's Fire Stays Lit

Common - Fluent
Pavi - Basic
Tukant - Poor

Equipment/Possessions (Required)
1 Set of clothing
Short bow, and arrows (Bought from Feathered Shaft)
Steel eating knife
Hand axe fashioned from Glassbeak parts (Gift from Father in thread "Terror on the Plains")
1 Cyphrus Strider (Windlass)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack
Ledger (Required)
29 Gold Mizas

Housing: (Travel Package)
1 Large Tent
1 Large Tarp
100 ft of rope
Flint & Steel
2 Torches
1 Bedroll
1 Blanket
Fishing tackle & Hooks
Full set of tack
Large set of saddlebags

Loaned Equiptment:
Syliran Light Armor (Quest: Taking Back Eventide)
Syliran Spear (Quest: Taking Back Eventide)

Current Total Mizas: 29 (GM)
2nd DOS - 71 (Feathered Shaft, Bow&Arrows)
Start: 100GM
Wages: None

Thread List (Optional)
"The Wind must have carried you..." (Flashback)
Trees, trees, and more trees.. (Open)
Rothyr's Journal
"Terror on the Plains"
"Wonder while I wander"
"Taking Back Eventide"(Quest)
"Beware the Puma"
"The Feathered Shaft" Shop Thread
Last edited by Rothyr Windbourne on October 1st, 2012, 3:58 am, edited 15 times in total.
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Rothyr Windbourne
Posts: 127
Words: 79433
Joined roleplay: July 30th, 2012, 9:54 am
Race: Human, Drykas
Character sheet

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