35th day of Summer, 512 AV
Either Ionu's mastery did not extend to dust, or he was choosing to emphasize it's visual similarity to the snow outside.
Kuvarakh had always hated cleaning. After his wife died in childbirth he had been forced to accept the inevitable and gotten used to it. Then, after his transformation to Nuit, he had become meticulous, even obsessive, in his cleanliness. But that was by Keeping things clean, not Letting clutter and dust build up in the first place.
It's not that Wanda did not keep her shop clean, but, like many Nuit, the idea of clean was taken almost to a molecular level. Infection was not something that a Nuit had a living organism's resistance to. They had no white blood cells or antibodies. Disinfectant was a way of life.
He was in the process of removing the books from the shelves. Not only to move the unit and clean beneath it, but to wipe down each individual volume as well. He went so far as to tip the units on their side and actually wipe down the underside as he did to each shelf as well. He might not have bothered going to this extent, but he had seen a noticeable decrease in the dust floating in the rays of sunshine since he had begun his detailed cleaning nearly six weeks ago.
Still, it amazed him how dust permeated every surface, high, low, inside and out. He wiped the cobwebs out of the corners of the underside of the shelving unit and tossed the wad into the dustbin. It carried more inertia than he had anticipated and hit with a pronounced "clink".
Curious, he dug it back out. Yes, there was something in the middle, covered with dusty wads of webbing. Before he got it clean enough to identify visually, he could feel that it was a ring. He knew nothing about jewelry or gems, but this ring screamed 'quality'. Heavy, solid, golden and still shiny, with not so much as a spot of discoloration. The stone, bright and lively, seemingly colorless, yet reflecting every spectrum as he held it in a stream of sunlight. it was as though the sun had been set in crystal and held in the center of ten thousand mirrors perfectly arrayed to send cascades of brilliance in every direction at once.
He turned to inform Wanda, but saw that she was in the middle of a transmutation, so he set it in the top drawer of her desk and resumed his cleaning.