ChangeSo we change to a new thread after this? Will you make it or me?
He thought about what she said. Deception is what I love so maybe that's why I like those things. Although this city is annoying the hell out of me. Better get what I came here for and scram The aroma of food that came from the building was mouth-watering. Feeling a sense of foreboding, he stopped at the door.
The building seemed to turn him away, his senses were telling him to turn away, to go back where he came from, but it also beckoned him. The building called out to him, promising all kinds of dark sensual secrets. He felt at home, and his headache seemed to disappear entirely. He felt full of energy. Shall we go in. Ladies first ofcourse. He seemed to be happy, but it was a dark kind of happiness. Apart from his facial seeming to relax and lighten, there was no outward change.