by Kuvarakh on August 6th, 2012, 8:32 am
Kuvarakh had not intended any grand adventure this day, but naturally, his curiosity ensnared him as surely as the proverbial cat. The building to his left, 'That must be it!' he thought, with a surge of excitement. In his two plus years here, he had never seen that building. And he had seen them all.
Those times when his house had found its way into the trees, he had taken some time to survey everything beneath him, and this building, this grand, palatial estate, had never been present...until now.
He weaved his way in through the crowd, hoping for nothing more than a gateside view. In fact, he had some trepidation that this house may just vanish from the face of the city as quickly as it had arrived. People were definitely trying to fight their way in, though. 'Curiosity? Celebrity? Daring? What drove people to such grand trespass?' he wondered.
Then he got that grim laugh he often enjoyed. People getting what they wished for, and running in fear of it. Papers, envelopes? falling from the sky, blowing over the high fence. The people surging into each other as they pressed forward to get theirs. Screaming and casting them off as the innate magic made itself evident.
Their bodies becoming instantly translucent and ghostly. The fear of the unknown drove panic into the crowd. many about to grab a floating prize recoiled in terror, seeing their neighbor turn ethereal while possessing one. The effect ending as instantly as it manifested upon release of the paper.
Suddenly, Kuvarakh found himself with elbow room to spare and any one of a dozen such envelopes within easy reach. His mind flashed through a rundown of the many aspects of his duty as temporary head of his order. Primarily, the conflict of availability to its members, versus possible discovery of new forms of magic.
Eridanus would return any day...'What would he say if he found that his interim leader had shied from discovery, for no more purpose than to sit at the desk for another day?'...No, there really was no choice, no decision, to be made.
He saw a few others straighten their newly incorporeal backs and step right through the gate itself. A irrepressible grin forced itself across his face as he picked up an envelope, sporting an elaborate capital 'T', and watched his flesh grow semi-transparent. The gate opened, seemingly just for him, though others had entered through the spot before him. As he stepped through, he saw that the envelope had unfolded itself, revealing an unmistakably addressed and worded invitation, made out personally to him.