Time Stamp: Day 51, Summer, 512AV, Midnight
Location: Located on a beach by the village of Thunder Bay
Wind Dancer tilts his head at Vaas in utter confusion as the human keeps repeating the same sound on his music stick. Seeing movement in the bushes, Windy quickly turns his head and flaps his wing at the noise. He hears the sound coming from the human once again, and this time he is holding a squirrel. Wind Dancer tilts his head again at the human trying to understand the meaning between the sound and the squirrel. Does the human want the squirrel when he plays the song? If he wants the squirrel so bad then he should get one himself. Why are all humans so lazy? Is Windy last thought on the subject. Wind Dancer opens his mouth and chirps softly at Vaas, but the human is still talking trying to make his point.
“It is important to understand this Wind Dancer when I make this sound it means squirrel,” Again Vaas makes his point by playing a few notes on his flute and holds up the stuffed squirrel plushy. After finishing playing those certain notes on his flute and showing him the squirrel plushy, Vaas rewards him with a piece of jerky. Wind Dancer eagerly snatches the jerky in mid flight and starts eating on the branch. Vaas hears the bird eating and he says to him, “Enjoy the rest of your evening Windy. You deserve it. Have fun.” Vaas reaches over and unties jesses around both Wind Dancer's legs. After finishing his reward and seeing his binds are released, Wind Dancer spreads his wings and takes off down the deserted beach.
Vaas smiles to himself when he hears Wind Dancer fly off. He lays back on the large driftwood and listens to the sound of the ocean as the waves crash to shore. Vaas arrived on the beach earlier this morning to set up camp, and to start early on Wind Dancer's training. Vaas spent six hours repeating the same three notes to Wind Dancer and showing him the plushy. It was exhausting and slow process, but he knew ahead of time this wouldn't be easy for his feather friend. He closes his eyes, pointless since he is blind, leans his head back on the log, and sets the stuffed animal on his forehead. He hears a sound of a seagull off in the distance, and the call of a sea lion somewhere in the bay. He smirks to himself and laughs when Malvarin tried to impersonate the sea creature last night in the bar. At the time Vaas thought Malvarin was just being dumb at the time, but Vaas guesses he was almost spot on with his impersonation of the strange creature. After this last though, he starts dreaming strange dreams about giant winged squirrels holding up plushy of a red hair Inartan to a hawk of equal size.
“"Kree-eee-ar." screams Wind Dancer as he takes his perch on the branch of the driftwood next to him. Startled by the sudden sound from the bird, Vaas jerks his head up letting the plushy fall into his lap. He looks at Wind Dancer and says,“You really enjoy doing that don't you.” Feeling the cold wind of Thunder Bay on his skin, Vaas walks over to his make shift fire pit. Honestly all Vaas did was dig a large hole in the sand. He starts setting up larger branches in a teepee formation, and he starts putting dried grass and smaller stick in the opening of his teepee. He crawls over to his backpack and fishes around for his flint and steel. Once he finds it, he crawls back to his fire pit and starts striking the steel with his flint until he feels the warmth and the hears the sound of crackling dried grass start to burn. He stands up from the fire, grab his water skin and some rations from his backpack, and walks back to his spot by the driftwood and starts to eat.
Hours pass on the shore by the bay, only company Vaas has around is the sounds of ocean and sleeping hawk. Vaas frowns to himself when he realizes the nap was a bad idea because now he can't get to sleep. He shivers in the cold wind and Vaas decides to grab his blanket and his other flute. Unlike his wooden flute, Vaas uses his metal flute just for performing and practicing his music. He sits back down by the driftwood and wraps the blanket around his shoulders. He puts the flute case in his lap and notices the squirrel plushy is under his leg. He grabs the plushy, dusts off the sand with his hand, and puts the stuff animal on branch next to him. He smiles and says to himself, “At least now I have a audience.” He pats the stuff squirrel on its head and opens his flute case.
After cleaning and setting up his flute, Vaas brings it up to his lips and starts playing a few incoherent notes to warm up the flute. When he feels like it is ready, he starts to play his favorite children song “Little Sparrow lost in Wind”. A sad song about a little sparrow caught in a Djed Storm. The little sparrow is being tossed and thrown by the great winds never hitting ground. The sparrow prays up to the gods to let it die, but all the sparrow hears is booming voice of Zulrav in a series of flashes of lightning and thunder. The sparrow closes its eyes waiting to die, but feels it is gently embraced by light and carried to the center of the storm. When the sparrow opens his eyes, the wind has calmed, but it could see the raging storm circling for miles around sparrow and a human woman radiant white robes. The woman brings it to her lips and kisses gently, and in that kiss, it finds new found strength to fly in the storm. The woman lets it go and floats away and she vanishes. Leaving the bird alone in the eye of the storm. After the song is over, Vaas takes a deep breath and starts playing music from the song “Happy Little Arrow in Flight”. This melody is more happy and upbeat than the last song. Wind Dancer now awake from his slumber flashes a annoyed look at Vaas, and he looks around seeing it is still dark. He curls up letting his head rest on his wing and tries to get back to sleep.