Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Rykanis and Misha's meeting.

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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 27th, 2012, 6:18 am

The guy smiled at her. Not many people do that... She was such an outsider, keeping away from people. Walking the longest possible way to get somewhere. So she smiled back at him, then looked around. Just to be completely sure no one else was around. then she looked to the ocean, searching for inspiration. She thought for awhile. It was a calm day.. and there was rarely any boats leaving the dock this early. She opened her mouth, but closed it. Misha was sure she looked like a fish, but she didn't mind.

"I still remember you here, all alone.
Like a candle, our lives burn until we have no power left...
But only a tiny breeze can turn out the flame,
and sometimes, it burns in a storm...

You were just a flower in the field.
A memory in my heart. A little wind coming from north...
But that moment i knew this is not only my life.
It has always been yours too...

What the morning brings, the evening always takes away.
Like this i live my whole life. Like that goes my friends, like this goes my family. The darkness found its way to me...

That song actually lasted longer than any of her other songs. She didn't know why, but it sounded nice. And it was partly true, too. To many people the song represented sadness and loneliness, but to her, it was just a song. And now the melody was forever flowing in the air, not going anywhere. It was a song just specific for the piers.
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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 27th, 2012, 8:50 pm

She was certainly self conscious... She nervously smiled back in response to his smile, and then looked around, as if she was afraid a crowd of people had popped up when she was not looking...

Rykanis tended to stay away from prying eyes, but that was for a different reason. Being watched kind of nipped sneaking or spying in the bud... Though it was not so bad for just passively listening and overhearing... He did that all the time at taverns...

She opened and closed her mouth a few times, before finally working up the courage, and singing for him. To be honest, he had not been sure she would manage to do so. But he simply listened to her sing, occasionally nodding, and giving an encouraging smile as she sang.

The song was a little melancholy, and he was pretty certain that if he listened closely, he would see some hidden meaning... Often the words someone said in such a way, said more about the person than they meant it to...

"You have a beautiful voice... And your song was quite nice... A bit sad, but good."

Rykanis smiled at her, recalling the song she had so recently sang, trying to recall it. It was interesting... Though she still seemed rather curious to him...

"So, I see you have a beautiful voice, what got you interested in singing?"
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 27th, 2012, 9:18 pm

Misha smiled and looked down to the water. She had no idea why she sang sad songs. They just popped up in her mind. "The say that people sing what they want, but memories are always blended in to the song." she explained, trying to understand it herself. She had some painful memories, and a lot of bad accidents happened. "What about you? Do you sing? Or do you have some other strength?" she asked carefully. She didn't want to seem like she would be a crazy old stalker. She already trusted Rykanis. He didn't seem so bad. Even if he was tall and muscular and cool like that, he didn't laugh at her, or make her feel like a total loser. So she actually relaxed a little, sitting up straight. So she looked taller and thinner. When she was nervous, she would hide behind her curls and sit like an old lady.
"I started singing when i was... very young, could i say. I got my voice from my mom. So she actually taught me to sing. I'm really grateful for that." she smiled. Hope she didn't sound too proud of herself now...
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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 28th, 2012, 2:30 am

Rykanis smiled at Mishani, as she replied to him. He did smile alot, didn't he? It usually helped in most situations, to make things go smoother, if you offered a cheery smile. Didn't work all of the time with animals though... They cared more for your tone of voice, not being able to understand speech usually.

"I suppose anyone who creates something, whether a piece of art, a chair, a sword, or a song, is putting a piece of what they are into it. That is why so rarely will you see two people making the exact same thing. It does say a lot..."

"And things are not so simple as you being what you are right now... Everything that has come before is as much a part of you, as it is what has led to you being what you are right now. If not for those prior things, you would not be your self."

Perhaps he was going a bit over her head. He did at times go off on tangents, with little proof, though it making perfect since as a possibility to him... Perhaps it was due to his analytical mind, always trying to puzzle out possibilities and solutions, that he did so.

"My strength? I would say, my curiosity is one of my greatest strength. That and my constant thirst to know new things. I have never been quire so artistically inclined, not like you with your beautiful voice."

Then she brought up something, which thoroughly depressed him... Bringing up her mother, and how she had learned to sing from her... He let out a resolute sigh. It seemed like most people had some nice story to do with there mother... He had never really known his...

"That is nice, that you have that connection to your mother, that she taught you that. Through that, no matter what happens to you, singing will always remind you of her, and the happy times when she taught you..."
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Mishani Vita on June 20th, 2012, 2:47 am

The blonde smiled a little and looked at Rykanis, noticing the tune of his voice when he spoke about Mother. She knew some people are distant to close things, like her dad had been. Wait, close to far away things or far away from close things? Or maybe... No. She giggled for herself but stopped, thinking that she must have seemed ridiculous laughing for herself. She stood up, stretching a little and straightening her dress. It was getting lighter and lighter all the time. That was the best part in the summer, plus the guys without shirts of course. She smiled and sighed, and looked down at the guy. "Want to get something to eat? I woke up really early and haven't had.. time?.. Nah, I've been too lazy to get food." she spoke, before poking a dragonfly away from her shoulder. She pouted and put her hands behind her back, smiling warmly and closing her eyes.

It was going to be yet another day that would not be cold. She felt an urge to hum something*, and she did. She just hummed of some past memories she had had, her younger brother. When the fire scene flashed in her mind, she started to feel sick and she stopped humming, just opening her eyes and looking down. Of course dramatic memories were horrible, and trying to forget is the best way to remember. Of course, Misha didn't want to seem like a crybaby, and she quickly wiped away a tear and laughed, sniffing once. But some people understood. Only the ones who had really lost someone precious. So she just shook her head and reached a hand at Rykanis. Maybe he did understand, or maybe he'd just walk away now? Possibilities were endless.

*(OOC: The song she hummed is 'Enya - May it be')
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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on June 20th, 2012, 4:44 am

Rykanis stifled a frown, as the girl giggled... Giggled, really? He had been being quite serious, keeping things in check as she brought up the depressing topic of mothers... And she was giggling...

Though as she smiled at him, and let out a deep sigh, he could not help but crack a short smile to... She just seemed very... Carefree... He supposed that is what a mind not burdened down by a multitude of secrets and deception was like. He had never known that... His nature had been secretive, since longer than he could recall.

Her honesty also surprised him, she seemed very open, even admitting her fault, in that she just had been to lazy to go to a place to eat. Which made him smile once more at her.

"I suppose we could get something to eat. I guess singing tires one out. You must be exhausted."

He said this, with a teasing tone, making it clear he was joking. She replied by humming, and then suddenly she was upset, and near in tears, though trying to hide it... She seemed to do that a lot, she never wanted to admit when she was hurting physically or mentally.

Regardless, as she offered out her hand, he saw it was obviously as a lifeline, needing some kind of human contact and comfort to help her through this intense moment. Rykanis took her hand in his much larger one, and smiled at her.

"I'm sorry, did something I do remind you of something passed? Often the things that came before, still affect us as if they were happening now..."

He let the air hang for a moment in silence, and squeezed her hand lightly, before trying to continue on and change the subject.

"So, eating? Any idea were you want to go?"
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Mishani Vita on August 8th, 2012, 7:22 pm

Misha looked at the ground and tilted her head sideways before making a long 'Hmmm' sound. "In matter of fact... I have never been to any tavern or anywhere to eat. Have you?" she looked up at the man with big eyes, head still tilted to the side. She took a silver ring from her finger and rolled it in her hand without noticing it herself. She took a step back and blinked slowly, then putting her head straight again. She put the small ring back to her finger and smiled widely, closing her eyes and humming a part of a short song. "Singing can be tiresome if you sing for too long. Happens to me all the time." she blurted out, surprised by her own talkative side. She looked down with a confusion and mumbled a tiny 'sorry'.

She looked at Rykanis from the corner of her eye when turned her head to the side sighed. She wasn't good with people, aye? Quickly enough she calmed down and took a deep breath and exhaled. She turned her face up again and flipped her hair slightly. "Any special diet you follow, then?". Mish felt like facepalming, but she didn't. It was a natural question, right?
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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Magpie on April 30th, 2013, 7:43 pm

Rykanis :
Stealth +1
Intelligence +2
Observation +2
Socialization +2
Philosophy +1

The Look of Someone Hiding Something
When to Make Contact
Telling a Half Truth
Mishani: Nervous Singer
Smiles are Calming
Mishani’s Sad Song
Easing Someone in Pain

Notes :
Mishani, if you decide to come back, just let me know and I’ll add your grade.

Rykanis, I couldn’t give you as much Intelligence experience as I’m sure you were going for because you were asking a lot of questions, but not figuring out many answers. Most, though not all, of the things you identified about Mishini was simply noticing what she was doing. As an additional side note, you use lots of ellipses (…) in your writing. You may want to cut that down to maybe once or twice a post, as it gets a little awkward to read seeing it so many times.

Aside from those little notes, it was a very interesting read. Shame it didn’t go further, I’m sure it would have been a heart-jerker for the both of them.

If you have any questions or concerns about what was awarded, please don't hesitate to PM me.
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