We're Taking Over! Kyra-Tock, Ravok's Most Wanted(FlashBack)

Tock and Kyra set out for another day of fun and hijinks. If the day before wasn't bad enough, they would make sure that this one was!

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

We're Taking Over! Kyra-Tock, Ravok's Most Wanted(FlashBack)

Postby Kyra on August 7th, 2012, 6:34 pm

Timestamp: 66th of Fall 511 AV
Where: Ravok
Who: Kyra, Tock

After returning home from a day of adventuring with Tock, Kyra retreated to her room, where Marcelo awaited her. There were no words to describe his reaction to her new found speech. He could only look on in complete confusion as he tried to decipher her jumbled tongue. The young kelvic had enjoyed herself that day more than she had in a while, and she was eager to tell him all about it. It took the mad musician a while to put together the pieces of her day, and even longer to get the hyper kelvic to calm down. While most of what she told him went over his head, he did understand the part where she and the redhead known as only Tock, stiffed a man with a bill and beat and robbed another in an alley.

Marcelo didn't find these acts deplorable, as he himself had done so and worse in his past. Still, he would rather she didn't act to rashly when he wasn't there to protect her, and he would have thought whoever this Tock was, would have been a better role model. Even though he wasn't thrilled with what she had spent her day doing, he was full of alcohol and just wanted to lay down. Finally after another bell, she settled down and went to sleep as well.

Kyra awoke the next day around noon time. The young kelvic would have slept much longer if it had not been for a drunken Marcelo, absentmindedly knocking her out of the bed. She hit the floor with a soft thud and quickly sat up. It took her a moment, as she sat on the floor dazed and unsure of where she was, before she would pulled herself together. Realizing what had happened, Kyra pulled herself up and turned towards the bed. A low growl moved up her throat as she stared at Marcelo who was now stretched out over most of the bed.

She stood at the side of the bed watching him closely. He was still dressed in the attire that he had wore the day before. His skin appeared paler than usual, and she couldn't tell if he was still breathing. Kyra quickly hopped up on the bed and crawled on top of him. She leaned in closely looking him over, before she brought both hands firmly against his cheeks. He grunted, a frown grew across his face as he suddenly rolled over onto his side.

Kyra held on to the bed to balance herself, then settled back onto him once he had turned over. Reaching her arm out, she slipped her fingers through his hair, gripping a hand full and pulling up on his head. His mouth fell opened, and a strange growl-like buzz escaped, causing her to release his head. Watching him a bit more, she tilted her head and blinked twice. He was alive at least, but he wasn't about to get up.

She decided to leave him be and crawled off the bed. It was much earlier than she would have wanted to wake up, but with the sudden abrupt wake up call, she didn't have a choice. The young kelvic yawned, lifting herself up on her toes and raising her arms above her head to stretch. Settling back onto the floor with a gentle bounce, she looked around her. There had to be something that she could do for fun.

Her ears perked up, and a gleeful smile spread across her lips as she remembered the invitation from her new friend. The woman had been tired and wanted to go into her room and rest. It was the next day now, and Kyra figured that she would have had enough sleep by this point. If she remembered correctly, the woman did say to come and see her in the morning. She giggled, a bounce in her step as she quickly left the room and stepped in the hallway. She skipped lightly down the hall, her hair disheveled, and pale flesh naked to the world save for Marcelo's over sized shirt.

In her youthful exuberance, the young girl had forgotten to get dressed properly. If she had realized as much before she reached the woman's room, it would have done little to turn her back. It wasn't as if she would walk outside that way, and even though she wasn't in her room, in her eyes she was still inside a house. Besides, she was bored and since Marcelo wasn't going to be up for a while, she would go and see what her newest friend was doing.

Kyra stopped outside the door when she reached the room, she remembered seeing Tock disappear into the night before. She lifted her small fist and knocked on the door a few times. When there wasn't an answer, she tightly gripped the knob and let herself in. A side from personal space, she cared little for privacy as well. It wasn't much of a problem for Marcelo, however she remembered her mother wasn't pleased in the least. She stood just inside the door and looked around the room. It looked similar to Marcelo's, and although it was much messier, they both smelled of alcohol.

She looked further into the room, and saw a slender figure hidden amongst the covers and sheets on top of the bed. Kyra smiled, as she lowered her stance and slowly crept across the floor. She made her body as small as she could, taking slow steps, her small feet barely touching the carpet as she moved in on her. Once she was at the side of the bed, Kyra's eyes widen as she coiled her body a bit lower,her slender hips wiggling, before she leaped onto the bed with a successful pounce.
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We're Taking Over! Kyra-Tock, Ravok's Most Wanted(FlashBack)

Postby Minerva Agatha Zipporah on August 7th, 2012, 8:11 pm

Tock slept without dreams. It was one of the reasons she tended to drink until she passed out. Far too often, when she dreamed, it was of bad memories of her father's abuse. Either that, or her Granddad's death and the loss she'd suffered, dreams of reaching out for him as he was pulled away into unknown darkness.

Sometimes she dreamed of her city, but even those dreams were often disappointing. The original dream had been a three month long adventure, constantly growing and building, with never an end in sight. But the scarce few hours she could dream of it now were never enough. She would barely get started on some new project, building some new building in the dream city, when morning would come and rip her away from her home. It always left her aching, yearning for that magic place. But she hadn't even started building it yet...

Today she was awoken from her dreamless sleep by pain. When Kyra pounced on her, it made her cry out in agony as her broken arm was jarred, and she lashed out with the other arm to smack the intruder away. Moaning from both the pain and the sickly sensation of being hung over, she whimpered and rolled over on her side, clutching her wounded arm protectively against het chest.

She huddled in the sheets, underneath them wearing nothing but her underthings, hoping whatever had woken her would just go away. Hung over, grumpy, and downright miserable, she tried to go back to sleep. She didn't have a job, she wasn't leaving the city today, and she wasn't awake enough yet to remember her promise to the little girl from yesterday. So there was nothing, in her mind, that could be important enough to warrant waking up for at LEAST a few more hours.
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We're Taking Over! Kyra-Tock, Ravok's Most Wanted(FlashBack)

Postby Kyra on August 7th, 2012, 9:46 pm

Kyra fell back on the bed, when Tock's hand connected with her cheek. She slipped back to the foot of the bed, her hand gently cupping her bruised cheek. She stared at the woman who had just cried out and rolled away from her. A low growl, although it's sound was more mournful, emanated from the young kelvic. She was confused, and a bit irritated since she was just smacked. The woman had invited her to come and see her, and yet now she seemed angry and even swung at her.

She sat still, silent for a bit as she replayed the scene over in her mind. She then remembered that her friend had an injured arm, and that she must have landed on it moments ago, which caused the woman to cry out and strike her. Kyra slowly crawled back up to the woman and straddled her gently. She leaned closer, her lips almost touching the woman's ear as she spoke to her.
"Aye sook, it's Kyra."

It seemed that this woman was just as bad as Marcelo, when it came to getting up in the morning. As much as she would like to have that ability, Kyra wasn't a deep sleeper, even when she was exhausted. It seemed easy enough for those two, when even pain couldn't wake them from their sleep. "Come on sook. Don't' you know..it's time to come out?"

However Kyra would not be ignored this time around. She had allowed Marcelo to sleep, but Tock wouldn't be so lucky. The sly kelvic rolled off her and slipped under the sheets and laid beside her. She purred loudly as she rolled onto her side and placed both of her feet against the woman's back. Adjusting her angle, Kyra placed all of her strength into her legs as she pushed the woman off the bed and onto the floor.
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We're Taking Over! Kyra-Tock, Ravok's Most Wanted(FlashBack)

Postby Minerva Agatha Zipporah on August 7th, 2012, 10:50 pm

Tock whimpered and looked blearily up at the girl, her eyes having trouble focusing. She whimpered and buried her face back in her pillow. The girl seemed to have the maturity of someone half her age... which had been fun when it came to getting into trouble yesterday, but was no good when it meant she didn't seem to understand that Tock was tired and cranky and hungover and just wanted to SLEEP!

When she felt the girl slip into bed with her, she sighed and closed her eyes again. The purring made her just about drift off to sleep again. This would be fine... she wouldn't mind a warm body next to her, and they could cuddle and sleep and then--


She managed to land on her rump instead of her arm, but she still whimpered in pain, leaning back against the bed. She reached behind her with her good hand, grabbed the pillow, and wholloped the girl over the head with it. "Petchin' bloody 'ell, Sook!" she whined. "Can't ya let a girl sleep? I ain't 'ad no coffee o' nothin'... an' I's gots a bloody broken arm!" She cradled it against her chest, moaning.

She half turned to peer at the little brat and said, "Yer a little pain in the arse this early in the mornin', ya know 'at?"
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We're Taking Over! Kyra-Tock, Ravok's Most Wanted(FlashBack)

Postby Kyra on August 8th, 2012, 3:06 am

Kyra giggled a bit as Tock disappeared off the bed and landed on the floor suddenly. The quirky kelvic sat up and crawled to the end of the bed to check on her friend. As she leaned forward, Tock appeared grabbing a pillow and slamming it cross her head. The force of the blow knocked the girl over with a light plop. She laid on her side, staring up at Tock with the one eye that wasn't hidden behind the mess of sheets atop the bed.

She continued to purr, her excitement not waning, as she listened to the angry woman complain about her arm and other things she paid little attention too. Instead she laid still and allowed her friend to vent her frustration before she attempted to say anything more. Tock probably couldn't see, because of the sheets covering most of the girls face, but she was smiling and even giggled a bit more. She was always amused by the look people had when they first woke up.

The wild hair, matted to their heads, the crust wedged into the corners of their eyes, and even in some cases, the dried bits of drool on their cheeks. Of course she didn't realize that she probably looked the same when she woke up, but then she would most likely find that funny as well. Once Tock had seemed to calm down, Kyra slowly and playfully crawled to the edge of the bed and curled her body with her knees to her chest as she sat down beside her.
"You told me to come and get ya sook, and so I came. Did you forget?"
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We're Taking Over! Kyra-Tock, Ravok's Most Wanted(FlashBack)

Postby Minerva Agatha Zipporah on August 8th, 2012, 3:41 am

Tock groaned and leaned her head against the girl. She had a talent for guilt-tripping people. Tock found herself feeling bad for shouting at the girl, and hoping she hadn't let her down. Though she was still grumpy.

She nudged Kyra a bit roughly and said, "I ain't ferget. Jus'... iz so damn EARLY..." She had no idea of course that it was actually afternoon already. It felt early. She was barely awake, she had to pee, her stomach was irritating her, and she really wanted something warm to drink.

Leaning against Kyra, she just wanted to go back to sleep. The purring was quite soothing, and she wasn't awake enough yet to realize that it was a bit odd for a girl to be purring like that. She realized, though, that Kyra wouldn't be likely to let her go back to sleep. So she patted her on the knee and said, "Awright... jus' lemme wake up. An' I done needs some breakfast an a 'ottie, aye? 'En we goes an'..." she thought about it for a moment, realizing she had no idea what they were supposed to DO today.

She shrugged and asked, "I unno, Sook. Whatcha done wants ta does today? Maybe somethin' a wee less... exertin', aye?" She didn't have the energy in her to think about beating people up and running for safety once more.

Part of her wanted to go search out travel arrangements. But somehow she didn't think that Kyra would find that very fun. And she HAD promised she'd spend the day with the girl. She sighed, putting off moving a bit longer. Standing up seemed like such a struggle right now...
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We're Taking Over! Kyra-Tock, Ravok's Most Wanted(FlashBack)

Postby Kyra on August 8th, 2012, 9:26 pm

Kyra leaned her head against her friend, purring still as she began to nuzzle her. She used to do the same to her mother growing up, and always just after she awoke. She smiled, a sudden twitch in her purr as Tock nudged her.
"Well it is morning sook." She giggled and curled her body closer to Tock's.

The woman's body was warm and soft, if Kyra had sat there long enough she probably would have fallen sleep herself. Her ears perked up when Tock mentioned breakfast. During her excitement thinking of another day full of havoc, she had forgotten that she hadn't had anything to eat yet. "Umm...." She started, trying to think of what they could do.

She hadn't thought about anything in particular that she wanted to do on that day. Marcelo had always made the plans for what they would do, and later, if she found something interesting she would do that.
"I don't know, what do you normally do sook?" Kyra had a somewhat vivid imagination, and she had many ideas of what her friend probably did while she was about assaulting bloaks.

Sitting quietly beside Tock, she started to think to herself and wondered if Tock even wanted her around. She didn't seem all that interested to go out again, much like Marcelo wasn't up for waking either. She pouted as she thought of this, she liked Tock enough, but if the woman wanted to be alone then she would wonder off and find something else to do.

Standing up, she stretched her body again and a soft yawn slipped from her parted lips. She spun on her heels and slowly started back towards the door.
"Are you really so tired sook? I can come back later." She paused in the doorway, bringing a finger to her lips as she thought out loud. "Maybe..I'll go back to that tiny shop with all the funny mask."
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We're Taking Over! Kyra-Tock, Ravok's Most Wanted(FlashBack)

Postby Minerva Agatha Zipporah on August 8th, 2012, 10:18 pm

"I unno," Tock replied when the girl asked what she usually did. "Blacksmithin'. Gettin' under the canals fer ta study the foundations. Climbin' up on roofs ta git a better look at the architecture. 'At sorta thing..." She shrugged, figuring that was about a normal day for her.

She whimpered when the girl got up and continued with the guilt. "I's comin', Sook," she said, moaning in protest as she stood up and stretched out her sore muscles. When she was working, she had gotten up far earlier than this every day. Being unemployed was making her lazy...

Though maybe the full bottle of brandy she'd finished off by herself yesterday had something to do with it...

She yawned and stretched her arms over her head, then checked on the splint and bandages holding her wounded forearm together. She slowly began to get dressed, gathering up her things. Tomorrow... maybe tomorrow she'd be on her way, out of the city and heading to new things. For now though, all she could think about was food.

Once she was dressed she told Kyra, "C'mon, Sook. Once I git a tucker an' a 'ottie, I's be right good again, aye? Jus' 'ard fer ta think 'bout nothin' onna empty stomach, aye?" Her stomach grumbled and churned, and she worried that she would just throw up anything she ate. "Nothin' spicy though, aye?"

She gently shoved Kyra out the door ahead of her, feeling a bit more energetic now that they were moving. "Go on, git some pants on," she told her. "Can't takes ya up onna roof o' sommat and 'as ya flashin' yer woohoo 'round fer the whole city to see..." Tock had almost no modesty at all and wouldn't give a damn about walking around the city with the girl half-naked, but climbing walls was another story entirely.
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We're Taking Over! Kyra-Tock, Ravok's Most Wanted(FlashBack)

Postby Kyra on August 9th, 2012, 3:06 am

Kyra stood in the doorway and smiled brightly after Tock agreed to come along. If that subtle gesture hadn't worked, she might have stood in the doorway and purred even louder, hoping that her cuteness would have won her over. If that didn't work, she might have slipped back into the room and hugged her good bye and very slowly walked out the door with a huge pout on her face. However, there wasn't need for it as Tock seemed to get the message and stood up.

She giggled and started to dance in place, as she waited for Tock to get dressed. It seemed to take a while, although the actual time was lost to her, as Kyra was already hungry and ready to eat. Besides, she had said that she was leaving soon, and Kyra wanted at least another day of fun before her new friend disappeared forever.

"Spicy is no good aye?" She asked curiously. Kyra had never had anything with spices in it, but she knew of the type, and that some people liked it while others didn't. Still, at the moment, the kelvic was only interested in eating, and would worry about the type of food once her belly was full.

She blinked curiously as Tock pushed her out of the room and into the hallway. She hadn't thought much about her clothing, or the lack there of, as she looked down at her bare thighs.
"Wait for me, yea?" She said with a soft giggle, before she quickly walked back down the hall and around the corner to her room. Kyra slowly opened the door and peeked inside to see if Marcelo had awakened.

She found him still on the bed, and seemingly in the same spot that he had been in before she left. Kyra moved into the room and slipped into the wardrobe to find a pair of pants. Once she found them, she quickly put them on and laced up her boots, before she headed back outside. Moving back up the hall, she ran her fingers through her hair; trying to make it look somewhat combed, as she make her way back to Tock's door.
"Where to sook?"
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We're Taking Over! Kyra-Tock, Ravok's Most Wanted(FlashBack)

Postby Minerva Agatha Zipporah on August 9th, 2012, 4:10 am

Tock put her arm around the girl's shoulders and led her outside, feeling a bit chipper now that she was finally waking up. She still felt a bit sick, but some food would probably help.

She leaned over and whispered in Kyra's ear, "Ya still got 'at bloke's coin pouch? Breakfast on 'im, aye?"

Tock was never one to sit down and eat a meal in one place. She was too active and busy most of the time (when she wasn't injured and hungover, anyway). So she led Kyra to the market and picked up some bread and fruit to eat as they walked. Getting some good in her ended up helping out a lot, and while she still had a few moments of thinking she was going to puke, the feeling started to pass as the bread soaked up the acids in her stomach and settled her nausea down.

She considered the question of where to go and what to do. If she was leaving Ravok soon, she needed to make sure there was nothing left that she'd regret not doing.

She looked around, studying the buildings. She wanted to do something... grand. She wanted to leave her mark on this city. An idea occurred to her, and a grin spread across her lips. "C'mon, Sook," she said, pulling Kyra along. She searched for awhile until she found a tallllllll building with a decorative steeple on top. She grinned up at it, then nudged Kyra with her hip and nodded up to the top of the building.

"Ya wanna climb up 'ere?" she asked. "Betcha we done gets a great view o' the 'ole damn city. An' I bets what as we could spit on somebody's 'ead from up 'ere, too..."
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