[Verified by Torchlight] Merinil Metalglow Uluth

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Merinil Metalglow Uluth

Postby Merinil on August 9th, 2012, 8:23 am

Merinil Metalglow Uluth


name ǂ merinil metalglow uluth-pitrius
alias ǂ jade
birth ǂ fall 68 460 av
sex ǂ female
race ǂ isur
clan ǂ uluth, born into pitrius
language ǂ isur - native
common - conversational
nador-canoch - poor


[ǂ exterior ǂ]

height ǂ 4'10
weight ǂ 165lb

Perhaps Merinil's most stunning feature is her right arm. It resembles a flashy, yellow jade gemstone, immediately declaring her as rare and special, even among Isur. A curling Izentor gnosis can be seen on the same arm, a darker shade of the same yellow. Her skin is tinged a pale blue, with silver lining her veins. Hair is black, tinted blue, and tied up during work. Her body is well-toned, an attempted image of perfection, with long legs making up most of her height. She is dense, with stone-hard skin and a dominant right arm that is a step away from being stone. Her fingers, long and almost delicate in appearance, are perfect for her chosen craft of jewel-crafting, while still strong enough for carving Malediction circles into bone. Her eyes are a dark brown, contrasting with her skin and glittering from under the bony ridge across her brow. At the base of her skull, on her neck, is a five-pointed star tattoo.

If one were to look close enough, you'd notice tiny, faded scars that litter her hand and even up her arm. These are the cuts she makes to provide blood for her malediction.

[ǂ psyche ǂ]

Merinil is incredibly Isur in spirit and physical form. She's vain, cold and withdrawn to outsiders. Being very spiritual, she believes that every action - from entering a room to imparting a creation with Izentor - has both a physical and mental consequence. In-tune with herself and her surroundings, she tries to be patient, strong and industrious, like many Isur, and she prides herself on her work - jewelry and malediction. Image

As previously stated, she is, like most Isur, vain and difficult to get to know. She often feels alienated from the rest of her race because of her arm, and isn't quite at home with other members of Pitrius, or any other clan, for that matter. While dedicated to both clan and family, their bond is kept at an arm's length. Being born into Pitrius, she has grown up around magic, and as such, learned Malediction at a young age. She's also competitive, especially when it comes to wrestling. She enjoys wrestling like all of her race, using it to further mold her body into the image of perfection and for some friendly competition.

Not to say that she's dull, or otherwise boring. In fact, she has an odd and possibly dark sense of humor, and she's quite intelligent. She isn't shy, though she may seem it. In fact, she can be bold...very bold. Especially when drunk, and she enjoys drinking, especially Isurian ale or Silverwine. She reveres Izurdin above all other gods, with Semele following close behind. She can feel her bond with Izurdin. Serving him comes before any family or clan matters, and she knows that her bond with the god is even stronger than that of any other.

She often refers to other Isur as their clan names, unless she knows their name.

[ǂ history ǂ]

coming soon.
Last edited by Merinil on October 21st, 2012, 6:16 pm, edited 16 times in total.
„ As the yellow gold is tried in fire, so the faith of friendship must be seen in adversity. “
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Merinil Metalglow Uluth

Postby Merinil on August 9th, 2012, 9:58 pm


[ǂ skill ǂ]

Jewelcrafting: 15
Malediction: 12
Blacksmithing: 10
Wrestling: 5
Bodybuilding: 5
Carving: 7
Metalsmithing: 5
Geology: 5
Intimidation: 1
Socialization: 1
Persuasion: 2

Breakdown :
[ Jewelcrafting: 15SP ]
[ Malediction: 10SP, 2XP ]
[ Blacksmithing: 10RB ]
[ Wrestling: 5SP ]
[ Bodybuilding: 5SP ]
[ Carving: 5SP, 2XP ]
[ Metalsmithing: 5SP ]
[ Geology: 5SP ]
[ Persuasion: 2XP ]
[ Socialization: 1XP ]
[ Intimidation: 1XP ]

[ǂ abilities ǂ]
  • Night-vision
  • Innate crafting ability
  • Dense flesh and bone

[ǂ lore ǂ]

Religion: Izurdin (SP)
History of the Uluth (SP)
Kitten Ownership
Kittens: What They Eat
Kittens: Play And Cuddle With Often
Father: Stern Teacher
Lore (Partial): Sultros Clan

[ǂ gnosis ǂ]

Izentor; first marked: Those marked by Izurdin receive an elaborate tattoo on the shoulder of their primary arm. With a single mark, the individual may impart special properties on a single item that they themselves have personally crafted. The item becomes more durable thus resisting even the most devastating sources of potential damage. Blades will almost never break or dull, armor will almost never dent, cloth will almost never tear or fray and structures may withstand the most devastating weather conditions. It is this god granted gift that makes items crafted by an Isur so highly sought after. The marked may always identify their own crafted items on sight. Imparting these items is a highly taxing process both physically and mentally so much that the crafter must rest for an entire day following the imparting.
Last edited by Merinil on October 25th, 2012, 7:52 pm, edited 7 times in total.
„ As the yellow gold is tried in fire, so the faith of friendship must be seen in adversity. “
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Merinil Metalglow Uluth

Postby Merinil on August 9th, 2012, 10:37 pm

[ǂ housing ǂ]

Metalglow House: Block 9, House 4
20x20ft room, includes a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and table.

[ǂ inventory ǂ]



  • Woodcarver's Toolkit, usually used with bone instead of wood.

[items - mundane]

  • Waterskin
  • Leather backpack
  • Bone comb
  • Bone brush
  • Soap
  • Razor
  • Rations - one week

[items - arcana]
  • 1 Maladicted Mountain Pony Hoof - grants wearer 10% + on Strength, Speed, Balance, and Ability To Carry Weight over what they normally can already.

[ǂ ledger ǂ]
total: 32.80gm
# = gm
.# = sm
.0# = cm

deposit .withdrawal .reason . total .
+100 - SP 100
- -60 SP 40
- -1 Silverwine 39
- -1 Silverwine 38
- -5.20 Kitten and collar 32.80
Last edited by Merinil on October 23rd, 2012, 7:22 pm, edited 13 times in total.
„ As the yellow gold is tried in fire, so the faith of friendship must be seen in adversity. “
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Merinil Metalglow Uluth

Postby Merinil on August 9th, 2012, 10:57 pm

[ǂ companions ǂ]

Name: Iskarsir
Age: Kitten
Gender: Boy

Iskarsir is Merinil's pet cat. He's soft and adorable with green eyes and solid black fur, and he likes to follow Merinil around. He usually wears a brown leather collar. He's friendly and loves being cuddled, although he gets frightened around strangers. He tends to hide around people he doesn't know.

People he knows:
  • Vinrir
  • Jilly

[ǂ family and friends ǂ]

Name: Minorir Metalglow Pitrius
Age: 96
Race: Pitrius Isur
Relation: Father
Minorir is mainly concerned with the well being of himself, with clan, family and everyone else falling behind. He feels that he is superior to all else, especially in his chosen craft of Malediction.

Skills: Malediction - 35, Carving - 10, Teaching - 5

Name: Sasaran Metalglow Pitrius
Age: 90
Race: Pitrius Isur
Relation: Mother
Sasaran is a vain and beautiful woman. She specializes in voiding, and often told Merinil she was going to throw her into the void when she didn't do things to the perfectionist woman's likings.


Name: Pyros Ignus Pitrius
Relation: Uncle (Mother's brother.)


Name: Vinrir Stoneheart Sultros
Relation: Close Friend


Name: Jilly Terras
Relation: Best Friend

[ǂ enemies ǂ]

coming soon.
Last edited by Merinil on August 22nd, 2012, 9:19 pm, edited 7 times in total.
„ As the yellow gold is tried in fire, so the faith of friendship must be seen in adversity. “
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Merinil Metalglow Uluth

Postby Merinil on August 10th, 2012, 3:22 am


[ǂ threads ǂ]

[summer 512]
[ 12 [SIlverwine Tavern] Broken Foundations (Ly'an) ]
[ 37 [Silverwine Tavern] Meeting of Friends, New and Old (Vinrir, Jassil, Pyros, Virres) ]
[ 73 [the Courtyard] Checking Out the Merchandise (Juni) ]
[ 74 [Terras Citadel] Friends Get Together (Jilly) ]

[ winter 37 484av [Pitrius Citadel] Of Fire and Silver (Vinrir Stoneheart Sultros) ]
[ spring 30 492av [Plaza] Different Colors, One Blood (Open) ]
[ fall 43 496av [Pitrius Citadel] Of Death and Beyond (Eanos) ]

Archive :


Malediction Series :
  1. the Legacy - spring 68 482 av

Jewel-crafting Series :
„ As the yellow gold is tried in fire, so the faith of friendship must be seen in adversity. “
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I am strength.
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