How have I missed this discussion?! For a week too! Thanks for bringing this up Goss.
I believe the number of good/evil Gods & Goddesss should be about even. Each has possitive marks and negative marks, and I'd like to see both used.
I think mind control should be left to the deities and mods as it is too easy a thing to get out of hand with immature players. But how much fun would that be to roleplay in small doses!
Natural disasters, plagues, and famine please!
And I like to think of characters as having a lot of grey areas. Most people I know are not just good or evil. A good PC can commit an act that could be considered evil and terrible, but because it was done for all the right reasons does that change what it is called? Or a negatively aligned PC could in turn say kill an opponent brutally, but that death is really a benefit for others. Does that make it good? Does it change the label? I don't know, that is probaly a whole other discussion.
How people judge the actions and events would certainly be according to their own viewpoints and alignments and backgrounds. Also, people change through their actions and the events around them. I think pcs can and should change tremendiously too. Yay for change!