If Qist had a drink, now would be when she'd spit it out. What are Inarta? She had to be joking. "Honestly?" She did say it didn't she? "Ah, well, I mean," Her voice trailed off as she looked at Allison. After a brief realization that she was, in fact, not kidding, Qist nodded. "They're a race of people." Inside, Qist felt the answer to be lacking. It surely left the newcomer with no more knowledge than when she had asked the question. But Qist had no idea where else to begin. There was so much culture and life within the Inarta lifestyle, so many stories that could be told of them. Their traditions were numerous just as their quirks were. There would be no way Qist could give Allison a crash course on such a vast cukture.
Qi glanced around the room. She wasn't quite sure why, perhaps she was waiting for the words she was looking for to just appear. Sighing, her gaze returned back to the table. Useless... The voice sang. It, along with the strange feeling of sobriety, had began to give the redhead a headache. She rose her arm to her forehead, lightly massaging it with her dainty hands. Where to start, Her thoughts were frustrated, mirroring her mood. Where to begin? Qist lowered her arm to the table. As she did so, though, her sleeve tugged upwards, revealing one of her tattoos. It was of five birds flying. Smiling, Qist suddenly realized where to begin.
"They're falconers." Her head rose, looking at Allison happily as she spoke. "And they ride giant eagles. In fact, they love all sorts of birds--worship them even." Qist ran her hands through her hair, gathering it together. It was all pulled loosely, tied into a low bun of sorts. "Their hair is always red, their eyes always one of three colors: gold, blue or green. Generally, the Inarta are shorter, too." She paused, realizing she was spewing out information. A chime or two passed before Qist spoke once more, this time letting her words come out slower than before. "Amazing glassworkers, too. Best in the land." Wow, way to overwhelm the poor thing. Poke her, make sure she did drown. Qist rolled her eyes, knowing there was much more she could have bogged down the girl with. Besides, she was fairly content with this updated answer. It had just, metaphorically speaking, gotten Allison's feet wet. One had to learn to walk before they could swim. |