by Imass on September 28th, 2012, 5:33 pm
Enclosed in a brown package is a portion of the Penita Scrolls, specifically the articles pertaining to faith and stories of Yahal guiding people to him.
Summer 70, 510
My Dearest Naeya,
Firstly I must say, your two letters bring me good spirits and cheer. Sometimes after reading your letters, I sit here for long nights thinking of the fateful day poor Lurik died. Lurik died an honorable death. Lurik died amongst friends and felt the endless love of his hunting comrades on that fateful charge. Such is the life of a warrior, Naeya. You know this better than any Konti I know, so keep your head high always. You must be a strong female, dearest Naeya.
Anyways, I write this letter to thee two seasons after you last wrote. I have been training my mind and my soul. I trained every day from dawn until dusk and at nightfall I would read the teachings of the Knight's patron gods....
I was extremely distraught when I first came here, I had fallen into deep folly over lossing my temper way back in Riverfall. I turned my lonely eyes to the Knight's Syliran. My wish was to be armed under a banner and sent to find a proper death in battle. I was full of anger and my evil twisted brother crept on me several times. I just wanted to die honorably. I took up the sword and shield every day and learned more about the Knight's gods.
Then my life changed. I found my Faith in Yahal. I found my Justice with Tyveth. I took up Sylir's purpose and I was Knighted before gods themselves. I have seen the light, Naeya. I have found my purpose, I have found what I really should be doing in life. In Riverfall I would have taken the swordsmith profession, but here in Syliras I am a professional warrior! I have been callen to become a Knight by Yahal himself. I was a wild stray sheep and Yahal, my shepherd, found me. I felt him in my heart, Naeya. He touched me and showed me the way. It gave me a purpose again to meditate.
Being a Knight is truely the best feeling in the world Naeya, I love it. The brotherhood between me and my comrades is intense. I have full faith not only in Yahal, but in my comrades as well. they will fight for me no matter what. They would happily lay down their lives for my own and I would do the same. It is an undescribable feeling of love Naeya.
That being said, I miss you dearly Naeya. I think always of our childhood. I have the urge to embrace you again and settle my gaze on you once more. We will be reunited in the future, I know it.
Enclosed with this letter is a copy of a portion of the Penita Scrolls. Read them and tell me what you think. These where the passeges of the section that began my own conversion.
Give my best regards to Kobalt and tell him to always keep his head up and chest out. Walk proud dear brother!
Always faithful and always loving to thee, IMASS |