A day in the woods (Allison)

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

A day in the woods (Allison)

Postby Carney on July 31st, 2012, 8:58 pm

The answer that Allison gave him made him happy, he smiled and said, "Good." Once she asked though if they could wait until dusk Carney thought to himself that it was a good idea his dark blue skin would help to hide him from the animals they would hunt.

"Yes dusk it is then very good. I will see you later at dusk." Once they had agreed on a meeting place he would say goodbye and part ways until later. He thought to himself about how nice it was to meet the woman, though she was a bit strange he enjoyed her company.
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A day in the woods (Allison)

Postby Chevalier on August 12th, 2012, 5:38 am


  • Being a Gentleman
  • Small Talk

Skill XP Earned
Fishing 1
Observation 1
Rhetoric 4
Interrogation 4
Persuasion 1


  • Galloping Bad
  • Akalaks Outside of Riverfall
  • Watching Body Language

Skill XP Earned
Riding 1
Interrogation 3
Rhetoric 4
Observation 1
Philosophy 1

Storyteller Notes

Secret :
Alrighty, mostly interaction and information finding, so the grading reflects that. Just be sure to run posts through a spell check when possible Carney. I’m certainly no paragon of spelling and grammar, but there quite a few instances of misspellings that could be easily remedied with a quick ole’ spell check, although the spelling got way better further into the thread. No big deal though. Anyway, if anyone has any questions or what have you, feel free to PM me.
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