[Verified by Nemesis] Dye

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Dye on August 16th, 2012, 7:27 am




Basic Information

Race: Bearded Vulture Kelvic
Birthday & Age: Winter 17, 505 AV - 12 years of age
Gender: Female


Common: Fluent
Symenos: Basic

Physical Description

Human Form: Dye is a relatively short woman, standing at only 5 feet 2 inches, but her appearance is striking nonetheless. Eyes of an icy, purest blue peer out from within thick, massively long, reddish-black feathery lashes. Long hair, a mix of light gold and ebony black, lay in braids across her head and loose down her back. ImageHer petite form can only be described as voluptuous; while she has some weight on her (140 pounds), the weight is distributed more in her bosom and bottom than other sections of her body. Her hands and feet are both quite small, with long delicate fingers and a small, square palm. The exreme paleness of her skin is offset by her deep, thick, purplish-red lips and high, prominent cheekbones.

Tattoo: Over Dye's sternum is a depiction of a stylized vulture, done in red and black ink with its wings outspread across the tops of her breasts.

Vulture Form: Standing at 2.5 feet tall with a wingspan of 8 feet, Dye is quite the intimidating creature in her Bearded Vulture form. Her feathers are a mix of grey-black in her wings, ruddy red in her body, and a creamy white surrounding her head.

A tetrachromat in both forms, Dye sees colours in a different way than other beings. She can see differences in shades more clearly, and is capable of seeing into the Ultraviolet spectrum.

Character Concept

Tempting, seductive, vile. These words would describe Dye to a tee. She uses her voluptuous form to her advantage, seducing and lying her way to a good bed and delicious food as often as possible. With a mindset as dangerous as it is disturbing, all living creatures are little more than tools for her pleasure and amusement. However, her devotion to Rhysol can be seen as nothing less than total zealotry. In the vulture's eyes, the chaos the god supplies provides for her; in her human guise she preys on those who cannot resist her, while in her vulture guise she feeds on the bones of the dead left by Rhysol's influence. She prefers to spend more time in her human form so as to better blend into the cityscapes where she operates, but cannot resist taking to the skies in her winged form on occasion. Being a vulture, Dye has a tendency to be a bit skittish around people she would view as "predators", but every situation is an opportunity which she can take advantage of.

Character History

Born to a human woman in Ravok, this kelvic was originally free of the burdens of slavery and racism in the city. She was a natural-born citizen, and so was protected.

However, after her mother's death, the now young woman fled her home city. There, she was captured by a slaver and sold throughout different cities.

Prized for her beauty and bloodthirsty attitude, Dye has had many masters. Men have used her as a tool of pleasure, an infiltrator, and even a secretly poisonous present, but none have held on to the woman for too long. She has a distinct tendency to lose masters quickly - whether their deaths be at her own hands or otherwise - and the only true dedication she has had throughout her life has been toward Rhysol, her provider. More recently, the vulture has been free of a master; once she escaped those who wished to control her, she has kept up the guise that she is a human and nothing more. Now that she has returned to Ravok, this has become habit, and so rarely changes form inside the city's boundaries.

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Acrobatics 5 SP 5 Novice
Unarmed Combat 5 SP 5 Novice
Weapon: Bladed Cloak 5 SP 5 Novice

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Intimidation 5 SP 5 Novice
Observation 4 XP 4 Novice
Persuasion 10 SP 10 Novice
Seduction 10 SP, 4 XP 14 Novice
Singing 10 SP 10 Novice
Stealth 1 XP 1 Novice
Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Hunting 10 RB 10 Novice

Lore Origin Date Obtained Notes
Ravok Layout Starting Package N/A Even though her memory may be a little rusty, Ravok is still the city Dye knows best.
Religion - Rhysol Starting Package N/A Dye is a devout follower of Rhysol and keeps herself knowledgeable about his teachings.

Lore Origin Date Obtained Notes
Kelvic: One's Real Nature Shining Through the Human Facade A Murderous Meeting [Dye] [Mature Content] Spring 509 No matter how civilized she may style herself, a Kelvic is still just an animal.
Master's Bidding A Murderous Meeting [Dye] [Mature Content] Spring 509 As a slave, one learns to do what the master says.
Pain Is Pleasure A Murderous Meeting [Dye] [Mature Content]
Seduction in the Marketplace A Murderous Meeting [Dye] [Mature Content]
Spring 509 No matter who is around, sometimes flirtation can get you anywhere.
Stealing a Dek's Only Possession A Murderous Meeting [Dye] [Mature Content] Spring 509 When the poor steal from the poor, no one benefits.

Equipment and Possessions
- 1 large black sheet to be tied around body as dress
- 1 long black Bladed cloak with hood
- 1 waterskin
- 1 backpack
-1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
- Balanced rations (1 week)
- 1 eating knife
- Flint & Steel

Heirloom: A large silver brooch, shaped into the design of a bird in flight with a bone in its mouth, bestowed upon her by a former master. Used to secure her dress at the left shoulder.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting + 100 GM 100 GM
Housing Cash-In + 500 GM 600 GM
Bladed Cloak - 40 GM 560 GM
Living Expenses, Summer 512 - 45 GM 515 GM
Tarsin's Boarding House, Poor Seasonal Housing -24 GM 491 GM
Living Expenses, Fall 512 -45 GM 446 GM
Tarsin's Boarding House, Poor Seasonal Housing -24 GM 422 GM
Living Expenses, Winter 512 -45 GM 377 GM
Tarsin's Boarding House, Poor Seasonal Housing -24 GM 353 GM
Living Expenses, Spring 513 -45 GM 308 GM
Tarsin's Boarding House, Poor Seasonal Housing -24 GM 284 GM
Living Expenses, Summer 513 -45 GM 239 GM
Tarsin's Boarding House, Poor Seasonal Housing -24 GM 215 GM
Living Expenses, Fall 513 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Living Expenses, Winter 513 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Living Expenses, Spring 514 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Living Expenses, Summer 514 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Living Expenses, Fall 514 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Living Expenses, Winter 514 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Living Expenses, Spring 515 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Living Expenses, Summer 515 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Living Expenses, Fall 515 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Living Expenses, Winter 515 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Living Expenses, Spring 516 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Living Expenses, Summer 516 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Living Expenses, Fall 516 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Living Expenses, Winter 516 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Living Expenses, Spring 517 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Living Expenses, Summer 517 no cost (inactive) 215 GM
Tarsin’s Boarding House, Poor Seasonal Housing -24 GM 191 GM
Living Expenses, Fall 517 -45 GM 146 GM

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Last edited by Dye on December 3rd, 2014, 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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