by Minerva Agatha Zipporah on August 14th, 2012, 12:02 am
Wow, that's awesome! <3
Mostly I posted that as a joke. Though there are just TONS of words like that, which technically don't fit in Mizahar. There are already certain words and phrases that the majority of the site uses as standard substitutions, such as Bells and Chimes for Hours and Minutes, not to mention all the curse words. But there's plenty of others that people just don't think of. I spot them from time to time in people's posts, and while they're never in any way a big deal, they always give me a little giggle (though etymology is my hobby).
Here's a few examples:
Champagne: Technically, this is even misused in regular English. Like many foods and drinks, Champagne is named for the region in France where it was first made. Since there is no France, there is also no Champagne, France. Thus, any 'white wine' in Mizahar shouldn't be called by this name.
Similar regional-food based examples are Cheddar (named for an English village), and Hamburger (named for Hamburg, Germany). Though a search of the site shows no uses of Cheddar other than in OOC posts. Hamburger is used in a couple of posts in the context of mangled animal bodies during a battle scene.
Dupe: This one is kind of interesting. The term "to dupe someone" as in trick or fool them originates from duplicating movies, like making pirated copies of the film. It wasn't used before the 1900's. Thus this word wouldn't have been used in a medieval world.
Schizophrenia: Used fairly often for characters with various mental problems on the site. But this psychological condition wasn't first diagnosed until the 1900's.
Aaaaaaanyway, there's your etymology rant for the day. *flees back to posting!*